gravedigger crit chance

gravedigger crit chance

in Necromancer

Posted by: messiah.1908


can someone verify my assumption

for some time i have the feeling gravedigger has a bug as my crit chance seem like 25% while i have 50% crit chance and especially when hitting down foes
i always check my combat log and i see low crit hits like 20% to 25%

gravedigger crit chance

in Necromancer

Posted by: DaF.9503


had the same feeling before and is the biggest reason i dont use it.
at the time i had 65% crit chance and estimate 30% crits, with fury it felt more like 50%

gravedigger crit chance

in Necromancer

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


All of the times you miss with it would be the times it would crit is why

I think it suffers from the problem of “OMG I’M LANDING IT 14K SUCK IT” → “…it didn’t crit…now I just got wasted.”

gravedigger crit chance

in Necromancer

Posted by: Murdock.6547


Deceiver nails it I think. When it crits the entire crowd feels it, when it doesn’t “its okay, a lot of guys have the same problem”.
Also humans focus on remembering the bad over the good by nature.. so you probably have the right number of crits, you just FEEL when it fails more.

What a circus. Complete with clowns and monkeys that do tricks.

gravedigger crit chance

in Necromancer

Posted by: Famine.7915


Nothing buggy about it. Above nailed it, but all in all it’s all probability. You can go 50 gravediggers without a single crit at 50% chance, but it is obviously not likely.

Maguuma – Predatory Instinct [HUNT]

gravedigger crit chance

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mikhael.2391


Equip sigil of inteligence and sigil of agility. switch to GS press 5 for pull and imidiately 2 and u have 100%crit everytime on gravedigger. or just press 2 right away and its an instant hit.