help gearing my MM

help gearing my MM

in Necromancer

Posted by: Regenerator.7326


Hi all. I recently reached level 80 with my MM necro.
my build looks like this:

my build is fairly standard, except I have the quickening thirst trait instead of the vampiric master trait due to its movement speed boost. for the same reason, i use twin daggers and staff for quick killing speed and high movement speed.

I generally use this necro for resource gathering, dungeoning and some times wvw. I want my necro to be really mobile, somewhat tanky and most importantly, have high burst damage. with my corrent rare 70s power-precision armor set i have little difficulty surviving Cof and Fractal 2, but I dont think I have enough burst damage to quickly finish off trash mob or to cut someone down in wvw. therefore, is it a good idea to go full power-precision?

all answers appreciated!

help gearing my MM

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


So, assuming you are building your MM as a power setup (which you seem to be), build them the same way you’d build any other damage build; the bare minimum defense to survive, the rest offense. For an MM, you could likely be able to easily make it by in full Berzerker gear. Also, remember to drop Shadow Fiend for Flesh Wurm when you aren’t just running around (boss fights), he is vastly better when you can stand still for a while.

Other than that, the build is fine for what you want.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

help gearing my MM

in Necromancer

Posted by: yski.7642


^That for PvE, but for PvP of any kind I’d rather go with defensive gear for a minion build. A good chunk of your damage comes from your minions anyway, so you’re better of being hard to kill than focusing on your own damage. Go PVT and you can simply overpower your opponents.

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help gearing my MM

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Yes, for clarity in PvP the only time you should run with an offensive amulet is if you have designed the build for team play and the offensive setup in some way accomplishes that role. Otherwise Soldier’s is the best all around, with Cleric being good in certain setups.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

help gearing my MM

in Necromancer

Posted by: Regenerator.7326


thank you all for the replies! I think i have my eyes set on the Grenth karma armor. and just to clarify, wvw is a just for fun kinda thing for me, and i have a condition build set up for organized pvp. thanks all!