how do i kill bunker guards fast?

how do i kill bunker guards fast?

in Necromancer

Posted by: unlucky.9285


i can deal with eles engies thieves warriors other necros mesmers (rangers can go die) but every time i go up against a bunker guard they just block everything till the cows come home then heal to full like nothing happened… until friends arrive

so how do you take them down fast so they are a hindrance rather then a plus to the team?

is the answer condi? i would like to know how to do it on a power necro without lich

how do i kill bunker guards fast?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


Save horn #4 for shelter since its unlockable. The heal doesn’t happen till the end and its one of those skills that goes on full cool down if it didn’t finish.
Try to fear the empower and then use dark pack and the boon removal well to kill their boons. I also use axe focus to keep the boon uptime low.

That’s how I generally do it. Takes a while but so much shorter if you interrupt the right skills. Also don’t sit in symbols to long. May be bunker but they add up.

how do i kill bunker guards fast?

in Necromancer

Posted by: unlucky.9285


i don’t die to them, its just it takes so long that they can forever keep a point contested because i cant kill them fast enough before their friends arrive =C its like a turret engie.. sure you can kill it, but how long will it take to achieve that?

how do i kill bunker guards fast?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


That’s the point of the build though. Either takes long enough for them get help or take two people to kill then in time opening up plays at other points.
At the very best you are looking at 20s to kill them if you interrupt the right things.

how do i kill bunker guards fast?

in Necromancer

Posted by: GoogleBrandon.5073


You do not…

The builds is designed to be capable of defending endlessly against any build in a 1v1 and still capable of defending itself against multiple numbers depending on the damage they can put out…

The same counts for the, now really unpopular, Settler’s Spirit Ranger and Clerics Staff Ele to an extend…

The only way to get rid of them quickly is plus-1-ing them with a Mesmer or Thief – else you will be a liability when trying to 1v1 them…

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how do i kill bunker guards fast?

in Necromancer

Posted by: unlucky.9285


>.< its so lame tho =p less tank more spank make the games actually exciting, one reason i want the cele meta dead

how do i kill bunker guards fast?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285


Corruption terromancer does the trick play it right you can decap the point faster as well. It might not be as fast as you want.

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how do i kill bunker guards fast?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


Bah. Just run up and Lich form his butt.

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how do i kill bunker guards fast?

in Necromancer

Posted by: LittleHorn.6728


Bah. Just run up and Lich form his butt.

Yep. That’ll do it. You might get some smack talk from em about wasting Lich and blah blah blah. But who cares. Other peeps in PvP use their elite skills against necro, why not return the gesture.

how do i kill bunker guards fast?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Roe.3679


Bunker guards are always tricky because it is actually possible to be out sustained by them because they are so hard to kill. Usually what I’ll do is pop locust swarm and dagger 1 them and well bomb to start – they’ll usually pop some cooldowns as an answer. Then back off, hit DS, and life blast them for a bit. Be ready to interrupt shelter at this point. When you’ve hit them for a little bit with life blast, head back in with dagger and locust swarm, and by the time your wells are back up they should be dead or close to it.

Don’t waste your wells – they are unblockable and will add a lot of damage. If done right, they’ll be forced off point or eat the damage, and you can decap. Locust swarm is key because it generates enough life force to outlast them and will take away aegis for you.

The real trick is killing them before their team shows up. And for the record attacking a bunker on point isn’t always a good use of your time to begin with.

how do i kill bunker guards fast?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zetsumei.4975


If you go full dps with wells (corruption + suffering) it destroys them because it’s unblockable and scrubs won’t expect so much damage to make it through their blocks.

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how do i kill bunker guards fast?

in Necromancer

Posted by: flow.6043


You do not…

The builds is designed to be capable of defending endlessly against any build in a 1v1

There’s definitely no one who could bring a bunker guardian down fast on their own, but if there’s one class that will kill them eventually it’s the necro. It might take a long time but I guarantee there’s no guardian who can last against a necro indefinitely.
The real question is, should you engage a bunker guardian alone when you could +1 fights on other points instead? Usually no.

how do i kill bunker guards fast?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


If you play condi then the whole key to killing a bunker guardian is to dodge the focus blind because this removes condis as it bounces. Dodge that and you can kill then. Dont dodge it and you wont kill a good bunker guard

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how do i kill bunker guards fast?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Also, Corrupt Boon. Tends to make mincemeat of them.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
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how do i kill bunker guards fast?

in Necromancer

Posted by: GoogleBrandon.5073


You do not…

The builds is designed to be capable of defending endlessly against any build in a 1v1

There’s definitely no one who could bring a bunker guardian down fast on their own, but if there’s one class that will kill them eventually it’s the necro. It might take a long time but I guarantee there’s no guardian who can last against a necro indefinitely.
The real question is, should you engage a bunker guardian alone when you could +1 fights on other points instead? Usually no.

I exaggerated about those bunkers of course – and even left out the rare Banner/Regen War ._.
Point is, yes, everything will die at one point… Even on my Ele I have been dueling Bunker Guardians (don’t ask), and even then at one point I will have done sufficient damage to take said Guardian down (Whilst said Guardian did not even make a dent in my lifepool, which is why Bunker Guardians are “dead”) – and yes, a Necromancer is simply the best candidate for taking out bunkers – hell, the whole Boonhate puts it above nearly all other professions, maybe followed closely with Mesmer, as they are the only one that can Mirrorblade through Shelter and do a ton of damage…

And that exaggeration was indeed made for the emphasis that it is a bad idea to engage them as you say :P

Besides, leaving a Bunker Guardian (or most likely AH Support) on a point alone is a fatal error from the enemy team – capitalize on this mistake and take down the other teammembers while they lack their precious support… Or, alternatively, pair up with another damage dealer and focus fire the Guardian quickly without any risk, because the Guardian itself will not do any damage…

Also, no, don’t blow your Lich for a Bunker Guardian =/
In the odd chance that he might survive due to blocking, blinds and LOS you will find yourself maybe with a decapped point and that is it… It is far more useful to punish multiple targets if possible (with an emphasis on if possible)

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how do i kill bunker guards fast?

in Necromancer

Posted by: witcher.3197


You should never 1v1 a bunker guardian. Pointless waste of time. Be useful in another part of the map.

how do i kill bunker guards fast?

in Necromancer

Posted by: JoshuaRAWR.4653


What bunker guardian build are we talking about here?

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how do i kill bunker guards fast?

in Necromancer

Posted by: lojer.8576


Also, no, don’t blow your Lich for a Bunker Guardian =/
In the odd chance that he might survive due to blocking, blinds and LOS you will find yourself maybe with a decapped point and that is it… It is far more useful to punish multiple targets if possible (with an emphasis on if possible)

100% true.
It is fun to 1v1 liches on guard: (only one claw connected).

how do i kill bunker guards fast?

in Necromancer

Posted by: kybraga.7103


The answer to it all. Hit them hard enough. (Yes I just said that.)