how many pvp kills do u get?
about the same for me per match except the occasional one where the teams are horribad and I get about 30 ^.^
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
The reason I’m asking is because it’s a lot harder for me to get kills on this guy and then it is on any other class. You You have to severely outplay even a decent player Because almost likely They just Run away.
I don’t play spvp often because i prefer wvw
Usual i run for the objectives not the kills so it’s different.
Boon corrupt and spectral graps help a lot for targets who try to run away.
Scepter/dagger + staff conditonmancer here.
Still new to the necroancer class so i need to improve
If I play conditions and stick with other players I can easily get 10 plus kills ans I’m almost always top score or near top. Conditions is better with bigger teams. Power is more kills on small teams or if your roaming and getting into 1v1s.
Well true average for me would be about 10-15 or so, but kailin pretty much nailed it down, if you’re going to be in bigger teams, conditions are the way to go or else all you are is an easy score for them, but if you’re in smaller teams and expect more 1v1 or heck I can even handle 1v2 or 1v3 if they’re really bad, but that’s when I run more of a direct dps type build. I am usually at or near the top on the scoresheet at the end though.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…