just hit 80-looking for a condition build

just hit 80-looking for a condition build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Realus.9572


in the process of farming for my level 80 gear to craft,im useing knights gear at the momment with the undead runes.i had a build i was useing but lost the link=/currently at the momment 30 curse,20 bm,20 sr,if anyone could help me out with a level 80 condition build i would be greatfull for pve/wvw. my current gear has power/toughness precission,which the toughness is converted into cond damage

(edited by Realus.9572)

just hit 80-looking for a condition build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kravick.4906


This thread has all the information you’ll need. Works in WvW too.


Stuff goes here.

just hit 80-looking for a condition build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cempa.3645



Copy and paste link I used the best GW2 Trait builder available today but these forums don’t like long links.

Please keep in mind you can and should be changing utilities and switching traits -not resetting though- as needed.

Armor: Khilbron’s
Accessories and Weapons: Carrion

You obviously can choose a different mix of items and I am open to suggestions on how to improve!

I use the Condition food and the Artificer food both focusing on Conditions.

As soon as your targets HP drops below 50% you do 20% more damage and that is your ‘burst’ as well as staying behind or to the side of the target for the extra 10% damage.