lifesteal necro

lifesteal necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


so it’s mainly focused on sustaining damage and lifestealing from people , i would want to know forums toughts on this build to improve it ,.

dagger auto attack heals for 38 per hit (which i thnk could be higher somehow?)
dagger #2 heals for 220 per tick which is amazing , but could also be higher?
further you have a utility to protect yourself, corrupt boon which is awesome ofc. and signet of locust that heals 220 per player hit in a 480 radius if im correct

mainly focusing on stealing health i think it could do with more, i need help ty in advance

lifesteal necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


sorry i use spectral walk instead of armor

lifesteal necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


Welcome aboard Tehsmooth!

Good idea to try a lifesteal necro, I think a lot of people also think that +-38 hp is minimal and should be higher.

Lifestealth necro are fun, but other then bunker necro, you might find yourself a bit underpowered.

Here some tips about your build :

You seems to focus power/thought/healing in this build.So..

- Damage on fear (Terror) traits use condition damage to be effective. You also doesn’t use a staff, so you only have one source of fear (other then downed state and maybe corrupt boon), so you shouldn’t focus a trait on something you will not use often.

- Vampiric precision traits (Life steal on crit) and crit sigil, you have a low critical chance (9%). Those sigil/traits are good with crit/power build. You should swap them for something else, as they won’t synergy well.

- Swap your offhand. Dagger is best used with warhorn, since warhorn #5 require you to be in melee range to be 100% effective for the duration. #4 warhorn daze is also great with dagger #3 immobilize. Axe and focus can both stack vulnerability, they are quit nice togheter.

- I’m not a fan of Signet of locus, mainly because the 10% speed doesn’t stack with your warhorn speed buff and spectral walk. Also, the activate is a bit lackluster.

- Corrupt boon on a power build, not sure, but still can be useful. Removing boon from someone is always nice.

- Also, I don’t know if it’s still the case, but there was a bug with 6th effect of rune of vampirist. When you go in Death Shroud form (F1), it act like if you have 0 hp. The game think you are below 10% hp, so the rune cast mist form. Meaning that once you press F1, you lose all your attack for the duration of mist form, since this form can’t attack. Pretty annoying. I don’t know if it’s still the case.

Since you don’t use the staff as one of your weapon, it’s going to be harder for you.

600 max range isn’t easy, especially in WvW/pvp. For more lifestealing, you should prolly go and use a Wells build. Use 1-2 wells utilies, and use the grandmaster traits in blood to sipphon health each time your well hit somoene.

Fun build!

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

(edited by Kardiamond.6952)

lifesteal necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: lettucemode.3789


Hey tehsmooth, you are my kinda necro I looked over your build and it is much better than my first attempt at a siphon necro! I have a few fixes for it, some of them are things Kardiamond already said, but I will confirm them.

-There is still the bug with the 6th Rune of Vampirism where it triggers early, so leave it off for now.

-I second putting the dagger with the warhorn, unless you prefer it the other way. Do yo thang :-)

-If you want to keep the Sigils of Blood and Vampiric Precision (which I recommend you do), you should use Knight’s gear instead of Cleric’s. The +healing does not effect your siphoning very much at all (there’s another thread in this forum where we think it might have some every so slight effect), it’s too small to be worth putting stats toward. The toughness/power/precision from Knight’s will give you plenty of damage, defense, and crit so you can constantly proc those siphons.

-Damage on fear is a waste since it scales with condition damage. You’d be better off with Enfeebling Blood or maybe putting those points down into Soul Reaping so you can take Last Gasp and get Spectral Armor for free at 50% hp. That way you’d have room for another utility on your bar.

Here is my tweaked version of your build:;TsAA2Coocy4kwJnTSnWYMwYDxcEA
Have fun!

Sanctum of Rall
Builds: Facemelter Watch The Health Bar

(edited by lettucemode.3789)

lifesteal necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


thx for all the help on building a lifesteal necro this is by far the most interesting mechanic in this game , altho i feel some other classes can ‘lifesteal’ much better?

lifesteal necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


signet of locust tooltip says Damage : 400
Healing : 843

It’s damage is just weird, between 400-500 , 700-750 crits.
the healing never gets above 300 lol. only if you hit multiple dudes but i think 5 people are max? so 1500hp. for a 60s cd utility , meh

same with life siphon dagger #2, dagger is absolutely awesome don’t get me wrong i love this weapon for necromancer ,. but imo its a bit UP atm 259 dmg a tick x9 .. 259×9= 2331, tooltip says 2295. this isnt necesaraly bad just to be looked at. also the healing per pulse is about 200 for me and tooltip says 215 am i being misled by looking at tooltips too much ?

maybe remove the cast time from signet of locusts make it instant like thief signets ;D or combine the 2 signet traits to 1 like Master: powerful signets: reduces recharge on signets by 20/25% (since we generaly have long signets 48 seconds is the lowest CD and we only have 2 of those,. when traited ofc.) and using a signet gives 3/4 might stacks. just throwing it out there.

(edited by tehsmooth.7493)

lifesteal necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aelial.6314


I honestly think wellomancer is best for an aoe life steal build.

+Great support for your team
+Non damaging wells proc Siphon health from Trait AND Vampirism

-Wells have a semi-long cd
-I still have no Idea how to itemize for that. On one hand healing power scales RIDICULOUSLY WELL with HEALING WELL (hihihihihi), but does not work at all with vampirism and the other small stuff.

Anyway here is an interesting build:;TIAAzCrA

Edit: remember wells proc “vampirism”, “steal life on crit” and “wells siphon life” *5 pulses * x enemies

(edited by Aelial.6314)

lifesteal necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avatar Rage.4369

Avatar Rage.4369

Currently using this build for my life steal, only level 60 but so far so good

lifesteal necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: lettucemode.3789


The damage on the tooltip is reduced by your target’s toughness. Dunno about the reduced healing.

Sanctum of Rall
Builds: Facemelter Watch The Health Bar

(edited by lettucemode.3789)