make gravedigger spin forever...

make gravedigger spin forever...

in Necromancer

Posted by: bazul.4506


Okay that would properly be very overpowered, but as it is gravedigger feels very slow and barely seems to hit for more than the last part of a dagger auto attack. So imagine if gravedigger worked like this:

Strike X targets for Y damage
If it hits a downed target or below 50%hp make another spin (max Z times)

It would then go on a full cooldown once it have hit for Z times or misses a downed target or one below 50%

This would remove the clunkiness of the very short cd where you can’t really do anything, make it an great execute move, which can be stopped with a single dodge in pvp.

A couple of way to fine tune it if it is to strong would be to move a bit of the dmg to later hits if it is to powerfull in pvp (if it hits 5 times it could hit for 70%-85%-100%-115%-130% damage)

If it is to week each spin could occur faster than the one before.

This could also create a lot of synergy with chilled to the bone where when people rez we could get a stun going and then spin to win, while they can’t get out.

It would also fir great with the reaper theme of the weaker our opponents get, the stronger we are and trying to heal a downed ally with a nearby reaper is something you should be very afraid of trying to do.

make gravedigger spin forever...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zalavaaris.5329


That would fit with their theme because it would be absolutely terrifying…. im all for it!