maybe necros need..

maybe necros need..

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


another blast finisher or better physical projectile finisher (staff tracking) current blast finisher is on a 20 sec cd with the -20% trait. you can blow up minions for a blast finisher but it takes up a utility , i was thinking blast finisher on offhand dagger 5 since it has longer cd than staffs blast finisher , idk ,..perhaps a leap finisher on DS #2 ? share your thoughts

maybe necros need..

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bryker.5719


Personally I would like to see a blast finisher on Axe #3. It would help bring the axe up to the other weapons as well as provide an easier way to blast finish Spectral Wall. As is currently stands the area to blast finish is where you were standing when casting the wall and not on the wall itself.

Morte Novella – Necromancer | Bryker – Guardian
(Jade Quarry) Team Savvy