minion heal question...

minion heal question...

in Necromancer

Posted by: shahryar.8437


I havent played in a while but i was wondering can minions be healed at all?

minion heal question...

in Necromancer

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


They sure can, and buffed.

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

minion heal question...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Anchoku.8142


Life from Death, Vampiric Presence, and Transfusion all heal minions, as does staff’s Mark of Blood and any other heal in the game.

minion heal question...

in Necromancer

Posted by: naturesoul.3578


Yeah i use a minion master build for PvE tanking for organized raids. not only can they heal from the mentioned sources, but also any runes/sigils you have that effect allies, and well of blood. Like i use Runes of durability, and minions get the regen/protection/resistance boons from it and minions share there owners boon duration. The build is technically a vampiric minion master build with reaper, but I feel a better name is simply “drain Tank”
In the old days before HoT the old minion master builds had a weakness where if you take away there minions with AoE attacks they became frail, but with reaper that all changed, and even if you loose all your minions there is always the shout skill " Rise!" to fill in the blanks til you can get your more primary minions back up. In pve setting the minions rarely die in my build.
anyways all check it out , it feels like god mode in pve, and i think it should go meta for those that want to do more then DPS as a necro/reaper. also if you look at it make a point to add sigil counter to 25 to see how momentum sigil effects it. also Ritual of Life procs when transfusion trys to revive someone, and the well creates a light field while soul spiral is a whirl finisher.

my build is blood/death/reaper:

(edited by naturesoul.3578)