my ideas on how to.."improve" ds abit
I wouldnt mind being able to SEE my utilities for cooldown purposes, but Im against using utilities while in DS, especially in combination of your second suggestion of being healed while in DS. I would like to see the HP bar too, but, again, against being healed in DS, as you can spec to be in DS for quite a long time and quickly pop out at full health again and again. A quicker (not instant) DS2 would be nice, rather than this stupid slow arcing hand we currently have.
I would like to see a set standard, maybe like up to a max of 20% LF slowly (SLOWLY) regained out of combat (as in, if you have 0, you can regain to 20, if you have 19, you get to 20) but to compare to thieves is a poor example, and I am rather sick of this poor, irrelevant example necros try to give. Compare it to warriors, who have to hit to gain adrenaline or something. We need to be around death to gain life force.
Actually, warrior adrenaline charges pr strike the warrior does, and it takes about 10 of them to get it filled.
Personally i think DS should be split up, so that various abilities are available via F1-F4 rather than having to pop into DS to gain 4 abilities.
How about this:
F1, offensive DS. Grants quickness, rapidly loose LF.
F2, defensive DS. Provides the ability of using LF as a alternate health pool just like today.
F3, Dark Path. spend LF to send out a claw.
F4, Doom. spend LF to scare the target.
LF can’t be collected while in F1 or F2 DS.
(edited by digiowl.9620)
DS should start at 100%.
Drain while not in combat. Regenerate while in combat.
um i get 7k crits+ on my DS….it actually out dps lich form completely….probably arent using it properly…id also like to point out all the traits that cause DS to behave differently…not to mention that necros have the most hp tied with warriors and the DS gauge is proportional to your health bar…you only get usefulness out of DS if you actually invest in it…while i will agree with starting at 0% LF is kinda lame the DS itself is amazing and is HIGHLY underestimated imo
I approve the OP message. Sounds like good ideas.
I wouldnt mind being able to SEE my utilities for cooldown purposes, but Im against using utilities while in DS, especially in combination of your second suggestion of being healed while in DS. I would like to see the HP bar too, but, again, against being healed in DS, as you can spec to be in DS for quite a long time and quickly pop out at full health again and again. A quicker (not instant) DS2 would be nice, rather than this stupid slow arcing hand we currently have.
I would like to see a set standard, maybe like up to a max of 20% LF slowly (SLOWLY) regained out of combat (as in, if you have 0, you can regain to 20, if you have 19, you get to 20) but to compare to thieves is a poor example, and I am rather sick of this poor, irrelevant example necros try to give. Compare it to warriors, who have to hit to gain adrenaline or something. We need to be around death to gain life force.
yeah,but u compare 10 hits for a full bar vs our lf pool?..
maybe tweak it like that: due to u being shifted to the plane of death\spectral,u get healed while in ds,but the heals are halved\reduced by X% or so
I wouldn’t mess with healing and utility slots.
Instead, Introduce 4 more death shroud skills. Giving you a total of 8 skills, but still maintain the same 4 death shroud slots. So now you can mix and match and customize death shroud to your play style.
Life blast would still remain on slot one autoattack, but the other 3 slots would be interchangeable with whatever you wanted.
The new skills would be similar to existing DS skills.
-A short range teleport similar with mobility for the 2 skill.
-A 4 second immobilize similar with the CC effect from the 3 skill.
-A relatively strong (preferably single pulse) AoE attack for the 4 skill.
As for the last skill? I kind of like the Downed 3 Poison AoE (Fetid Ground).
To be honest, even the Aquatic Death Shroud skills would be pretty sweet to intermix with.
Would rather that each weapon has its own skills during DS.
um i get 7k crits+ on my DS….it actually out dps lich form completely….
….you only get usefulness out of DS if you actually invest in it…
First off, 7k crits is a lie. Even in a full power spec against a glass canon, you do not hit for 7k.
That being said, why should you have to invest in it to get any usefulness out of it? What about a condition spec, we can’t invest in it. We hit for 500 when in it…and 1-2 hits while we’re in it and it’s gone. Not to mention, it seems any stun takes life force from 100 – 0…MOA takes life force instantly from 100-0.
Yeah life force drains way too fast even in 1v1. And then when it’s drained you WILL lose because of how difficult it is to regenerate it. A Necro with no death shroud means a loss.
DS should start at 100%.
Drain while not in combat. Regenerate while in combat.
Think to yourself how that would work for a second.
And second off, no, I am not saying warriors adrenaline is the same, but it is more similar than thieves initiative. And no, before you even start comparing other classes, maybe you guys should also try them out, rather than crying over your poor necro when you don’t even know how other class systems work. Warriors need 30 hits to completely fill their adrenaline bars (theres 3 of them, gasp). Again, not the same, more similar.
Third off, while I think LF gain doesnt need that much of a workover, with a few exceptions, a new system, or trait for condition builds would be helpful, since they are the ones who least benefit from DS. Probably a different trait in the Curses slot that lets conditions inflicted in DS last 2-3x as long, since traits like barbed precision/weapon swapping still proc while in DS.
Oh, and Ill repeat myself on this again, warriors adrenaline is more similar to our LF mechanism than thieves initiative.
Heh, I had the impression that warriors needed 10 hits to fill the adrenaline in total. I stand corrected.
Btw, i notice that elementalists and necromancers may have the most clunky profession mechanic in terms of UI.
While the elemental one gives access to a big pool of skills pr weapon, quickly using one from a different element require 2 presses, 3 if they want to go back to the previous element (like quickly popping a water heal while focusing on fire damage).
Every other profession mechanic besides that and our DS (F1, Path/Doom, F1) is a one button affair (Adrenaline burst, steal, tool belt, pet ability, virtues, clone shatter).
That begs either for perfect player coordination, or some kind of macro keyboard. Especially if one want to chord that off while strafing and dodging, never mind trying to lay down ground targeting or combos on the go.
.MOA takes life force instantly from 100-0.
Ugh. What? MOA doesn’t take your life force away.
the only changes I want are to see conditions and boons, and possibly the CD on your heal, since I sometimes come out too early,
as for being healed, I think if an ally drops a healing effect on you it is kind of wasted if it does nothing, but overpowered if it heals your health, so if it heals lifeforce (at a reduced amount or something?) i think this would be nice too. I don’t think it would be too powerful as staying in DS for too long isn’t really that good since many effects give you a buff for 3- 5s after switching into DS.
The skills are mostly good, life blast is awesome, doom is very useful, especially if you remember to use it often (maybe could increase duration but it might get OP), and life transfer is very nice, especially with transfusion trait.
the skill I use least is dark path, it’s just too slow, when I want to melee I can usually outrun the claw it sends out anyway, I think just making it more instant, like the guardians flashing blade would be fine.
For underwater DS though, :/ I hate underwater just because of it, the whole gathering plague/plague blast thing is just hard without seeing your condition monitor, and they replaced the only 2 DPS skills in DS with condimancer type skills, so life blast power builds just don’t work underwater, I would rather just have the land life blast and life transfer tbh, even as a condimancer,
as for “choosing skills” I don’t think it’s really necessary, DS is supposed to be able to compliment any build or weapon set with it’s own unique utility, so the idea of a condishroud for condimancers, and a powershroud for powermancers is a little entitled, condimancers have scepters and powermancers have dagger or axe for their main job
Skill 3 and 4 fit this utility idea really well, skill 1 gives any build a reliable damage output if they need it and life force in general can function as a second health bar for those who don’t need its offense.
dark path was useful to the point of being OP as a ground targeted teleport, but I do think it’s a little underwhelming in it’s current state,
um i get 7k crits+ on my DS….it actually out dps lich form completely….
….you only get usefulness out of DS if you actually invest in it…First off, 7k crits is a lie. Even in a full power spec against a glass canon, you do not hit for 7k.
That being said, why should you have to invest in it to get any usefulness out of it? What about a condition spec, we can’t invest in it. We hit for 500 when in it…and 1-2 hits while we’re in it and it’s gone. Not to mention, it seems any stun takes life force from 100 – 0…MOA takes life force instantly from 100-0.
….why should you have to invest points in your shroud to get something out of it? it has to be understood that there are many different builds and situations for necro…i can hit for 7k crits in shroud till about 75% then ill settle down to around 5.8k….and im also talking pve
In all honesty the only things I would love to see added while in DS are my boons and conditions.
um i get 7k crits+ on my DS….it actually out dps lich form completely….
….you only get usefulness out of DS if you actually invest in it…First off, 7k crits is a lie. Even in a full power spec against a glass canon, you do not hit for 7k.
That being said, why should you have to invest in it to get any usefulness out of it? What about a condition spec, we can’t invest in it. We hit for 500 when in it…and 1-2 hits while we’re in it and it’s gone. Not to mention, it seems any stun takes life force from 100 – 0…MOA takes life force instantly from 100-0.
….why should you have to invest points in your shroud to get something out of it? it has to be understood that there are many different builds and situations for necro…i can hit for 7k crits in shroud till about 75% then ill settle down to around 5.8k….and im also talking pve
I can verify that Lloyd is telling you the truth. In PvE, life blast really does hit for 7k. I’ve also seen life transfer hit upwards of 10k. If I can do it with a higher crit damage than power, I’m sure a pure spite build could hit much harder. The trick to pulling this off though, is that you’ll need 20+ stacks of might, and 20+ stacks of vulnerability on the target. Not entirely unrealistic requests with 1 guardian in the group, since you can apply the vulnerability and over 15 stacks of might yourself.
In s/tPvP there’s absolutely no way you can do this. It’s a difference of over 600 power and 40% crit damage. If they buffed the base damage for s/tPvP, I would be 1-shotting lowbies out in WvW.
(edited by Kayotik.5790)