my new(bold underline)necromancerbuild

my new(bold underline)necromancerbuild

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


so ive been sPVPing with some friends and against random people , i have a build which i have not encountered yet and since Anets buff to Terror ,. it works like a charm has good control and its not hard to play.

you will have regeneration up all the time if you play it right . you will have ALOT and i mean ALOT of terrors and other control abilities.

without further ado:;TsAgyCuo+y8l4L7XuvkftWYAyOAA

its pretty straight forward on how this is going to go down , try to use corrupt boon only if the oppo has stability thus triggering terror(2kdmgohi) you can use DS#3 with golem ulti for a megalong CC then continue into scepter/dagger #2+5+3 for some LF and go back to staff or hit some scepter AA’s. want feedback and toughts:) thanks in advance.

edit: copy paste the link i always get bad link idk waddup:(

my new(bold underline)necromancerbuild

in Necromancer

Posted by: Yumad.7341


my new(bold underline)necromancerbuild

in Necromancer

Posted by: Wissam.9036


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