necro fear vs other classes...
how is this fair?
Because we have Terror.
If their 4-5sec fears also did 4-5k dmg then yes, it would be unfair.
Also, thieves have to steal first, warriors have to use a utility slot for Fear Me.
thief just needs to click once for a 4-5 second fear then run behind me stabbing me in the back till I die
never seemed to work for me with the stun break but then again I don’t use spectral skills
spectral wall needs a utility slot also….
here is something your might not know . before the game was released , there was talk about necromancers fear and how only necromancers were the only class in the game to have access to fear and that the fear it self would play a big role in how attrition would play off . in other old gw2 videos before the release they even said that necro being the only class to have fear would be a 4 to 5 second duration ability . no damage would of took place for the fear but it would of been just a cc that necros could use to help them gain some advantage in fights . of course all of this changed when they trimmed the fear necros would of had " 1 second for staff , 1 second in land ds , 1 second in ds water , and a skill slot with 1 second which then became spectral wall . what thief classes would of stole would of been a mark of blood , what warriors would of had was another stun and what rangers with their pet would of been a stun also . but arena net changed all of this so that a few classes could have advantage using the skill , how ever it is noted that even though necros have the shortest in duration to fear , necros have access to the most fear/s and can spec into it to cause damage .
We have the most widespread access to fear, plus the only traits that actually modify fear. The only fear another class will ever get on their own is ranger when they take a specific pet; thieves rely on having a proper steal target and warriors never take fear me.
and warriors never take fear me.
Actually, one of the strongest (and at this point infamous) WvW duelists on the European servers is a warrior who uses “Fear Me!”.
He plays a full zerker build, GS and sword/shield with +40% condi duration food. Sounds weird but not only is he an incredibly skilled player, his build allows him to apply immob for ages (which is always removed last if you don’t have a full cleanse) and the occasional 5 sec fear.
You’re right of course, warriors usually don’t have this skill, but never say never.
warrior one click 4s fear and copy the thief to a lesser extent
you miss out the part where warrior’s fear me! has three times the cooldown, requires an utility slot and needs to be closer than 200 to his target, while necro only needs to be closer than 600 to get the full effect.
with both untraited, doom alone actually has a higher fear uptime than ‘fear me!’.
and thief, well, it’s his class mechanic.
Gunnar’s Hold
- are the only class that have access to it without having to meet a prior condition
- can lengthen their fear
- can turn fear into the highest damage condition in the game
- have the most number of ways to cause fear
- can apply fear in a much higher frequency than any other class
you miss out the part where warrior’s fear me! has three times the cooldown, requires an utility slot and needs to be closer than 200 to his target, while necro only needs to be closer than 600 to get the full effect.
with both untraited, doom alone actually has a higher fear uptime than ‘fear me!’.
and thief, well, it’s his class mechanic.
If I’m not mistaken fear me! is aoe and unblockable so comparing it with doom is not the best choice.
And for the thief it steals, shouldn’t be a skill that necromancers have?
Even with its current restrictions, Skull Fear would be downright overpowered in the hands of a Necromancer. We’re talking 6 seconds of fear, here, if you go nuts on condi modifiers.
Stunbreakers… Use them kittenmit !
Stunbreakers… Use them kittenmit !
You guys can’t realy continue to use that argument – I’m not pointing in one way or the other, however if you’re really going to use that argument, then Necros should be able to have longer duration fear as well. Why? Well they can just use stunbreakers.
Thief/Warrior/Ranger fear: long duration, but no damage → if you get feared by one of them you’ll notice it in time to use a stunbreaker so they won’t kitten your kitten
Necro fear: short duraction, deal crazy condition damage → one has to pay very attention that he activates his stunbreaker even before the fear duration has run out, 2nd, if one uses a stunbreaker against necro fear 1 , you will get hit by necro fear 2 and eventually 3 and 4, I’m talking about stunbreakers against thieves and warriors longer no damage fear
Honestly I rarely even use a stun break on anything but a necros fear because it just isn’t that scary unless they are directly following it up.
We have the most widespread access to fear, plus the only traits that actually modify fear. The only fear another class will ever get on their own is ranger when they take a specific pet; thieves rely on having a proper steal target and warriors never take fear me.
I take fear me on my warrior.
It is a shaman’s condition shout healer that can dance around and hold the center point in foe fire forever. Fear me in melee range is a long fear, plus my warrior heals and removes a condition on cast.
I can usually follow up that fear me with pin down, which combination results in a kill if not cleared.
(edited by nekretaal.6485)
It is so easy to murder thieves when they use their fear on you. Pop DS, hit your fear. They will get virtually no damage on you and doom will be up before their steal.
Honestly I rarely even use a stun break on anything but a necros fear because it just isn’t that scary unless they are directly following it up.
^ This
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
so.. for a class where fear actually makes sense we need to chain 3 abilities together and trait the hell out of it to get as decent duration.
thief just needs to click once for a 4-5 second fear then run behind me stabbing me in the back till I die, lost count on how many times I have died to this especially when they do it in stealth
warrior one click 4s fear and copy the thief to a lesser extent
how is this fair?
We have access to fear more liberally and on short cooldown. Specifically, death shroud fear. Not only is death shroud instant cast, but so is the fear. Meaning that at any given time, unless the enemy has stability on, we can fear the enemy even when CC’d. Also, our fears can be specced to deal plenty of damage.
S/I/F engineer Z/R/D guard