starting out Carrion armor is fine. it has condition damage, power and vitality but as you get to more ‘serious’ content like raids, dungeons, fractals you will want more ‘glass cannon’ damage gear. viper/sinister for condition or berserker/valkyrie (if traited) for power.
As a necromancer you enjoy the privilege of being the only Light armor class that can facetank mobs while they hopelessly try to hit you. Whatever stat combination you choose has a suitable build unless you want to Raid/Fractals (then you should probably focus on condition damage), and try not to take toughness at all, as it was severly nerfed due to PvP balance™ purposes. +Pow+Vit+Prec and +Cond+Vit+Prec are very interesting combos for general purpose PvE, as well as Vipers (+Pow+Expertise+Cond+Prec) which is most people’s favorite due to Necros having so many conditions.
Just keep in mind you’re the guy who can go close in when everyone else is backing off, turn on Shroud and awesomely save the team by cleaving enemy damage, and most groups and people in general PvE will love you and send nudes their praise.
Look at some of the recent posts in the build thread