so necromancer pets

so necromancer pets

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


Fixed a bug that caused some minions to be overly aggressive

if anything they should be MORE aggresive since they still do moms worth kitten in spvp. thx

so necromancer pets

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xamin.6895


Well I did some minion testing again after this patch came out, and I have to say, minions improved a lot actually. The problem where they just run off for no reason is fixed by the looks of it, it didn’t happen to me at all since this patch. That used to be only 50% of the problem however, the problem where the minions just chill about while you are being utterly devastated has not been properly addressed yet, just like what you’ve said.

I now realise that minions sometimes do not attack the enemy if the enemy AI is not targeting and/or attacking you, for example if you run around, you see a monster, you cast a spell on it or start to auto-attack, the monster will respond, and so will your minions then. But if you fight a monster that is determined to run from point A to B and ignores you, the minions just chill about, or if its a group fight and the monster is attacking someone else completely, your minions might ignore them as well. This is what I found from personal experience after the patch.

Before the patch minions were just randomly lazing about even if the enemy attacked you for me, this observation I explained above is something I only found after the patch.

So for PvP, obviously the player does not behave like an AI attacking you, so I would imagine the minions would just laze about from time to time like they usually do, but since the bug has been corrected where they just run off, I would imagine they would ironically be worse in sPvP since it’d be difficult for them to attack at times.

I’d also like to see what the others think based on what they observed so far, I genuinely feel an improvement was made, but only half of it, if minions can enter combat properly (simply base it on the moment you land a negative ability or auto-attack on the enemy), then our legendary minion issue will be sorted at last!

so necromancer pets

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bas.7406


I noticed slight improvements on AI. The Flesh golem no longer runs off and attacks everything close to you. However, he still has moments of standing around, though it isn’t as bad as previous. I can generally get him to attack a target as long as I don’t start tab targeting. For the rest of the minions it still holds true that once you use their utility skill they will always attack.