stop this qq please, is ridicolous . Necro class isnt broken

stop this qq please, is ridicolous . Necro class isnt broken

in Necromancer

Posted by: LaChiaveGrigia.6892


Stop this crying about my kitten class . Necro are ok , they got a brainless army but nothing more of that .

Do you think Necros are underpowered on pvp right ?
Do you think Necros are underpowered on pve right ?
THEY ARE NOT . We got huge AoE damages , I can just group 8-9 level 80 cursed shore’s mob and kill them in less 10 seconds.
Do you think Necros are underpowered on WvWvW right?
They aren’t .

stop this qq please, is ridicolous . Necro class isnt broken

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dibrom.6408


It does have more bugs then all other classes combined. It does have a complete lack of build diversity. It does have huge problems.

But yeah it’s not unplayable. Which I guess is your point?

Arenanet: The paragon of truth.

stop this qq please, is ridicolous . Necro class isnt broken

in Necromancer

Posted by: forice.3165


everyone kicks necromancer in spvp tournament in these days.

stop this qq please, is ridicolous . Necro class isnt broken

in Necromancer

Posted by: Highlet.8039


ridiculous ridicolous is ridiculous

stop this qq please, is ridicolous . Necro class isnt broken

in Necromancer

Posted by: DoctorWhy.3847


Let me say this first… I am not usually the one complaining about the necro being underpowered, but the amount of bugs for the necro… That said:

Uhh…. have you compared yourself to other classes?

Ok… go Conditionmancer and you can do some decent condition damage. But the engineer is better with condition damage. Try a power build? Yay! you can kill things in 10 seconds… nearly all the other classes can kill them in 5. Fear based build? Nope… all the other fears/stuns in the game are WAY better.

My point is: The necro is playable and fun. And as people said, it lacks viable build diversity. The problem with the necro is that we have a good unique skill: Death Shroud. But, ANet thinks DS is too powerful in the right hands, AND HAVE SAID THEMSELVES, that is why the necro is not as strong.

So yes, the necro, compared to all the other classes, are very lacking. However, I will ask for bug fixes ASAP, so we can see where the necro actually lacks in.

(edited by DoctorWhy.3847)

stop this qq please, is ridicolous . Necro class isnt broken

in Necromancer

Posted by: Teknomancer.8475


ridiculous ridicolous is ridiculous


stop this qq please, is ridicolous . Necro class isnt broken

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jackal.7432


Necro class actually is broken, in the strictest definition of the word.

Is it a bad class? Nah, it’s pretty good. It’ll be better when all the bugs are fixed though.

It’s also harder to play than some other classes, which i think is why some people feel deficient when they play it.

stop this qq please, is ridicolous . Necro class isnt broken

in Necromancer

Posted by: nachtnebel.9168


Pretty much what DoctorWhy said.

Currently the necro profession is broken cause there is no aspect in this game it’s best at. Necors should be great at dealing condition damage and managing conditions on allies, but due to the huge list of bugs he can’t do that.

Okay, maybe the necro doesn’t really need to be the best at something, but there definitively has to be a reason to pick a necro in tPvP.

Salix Babylonica (Necro), Tharnath (Guardian), N Faculty (Mesmer),
Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)

(edited by nachtnebel.9168)

stop this qq please, is ridicolous . Necro class isnt broken

in Necromancer

Posted by: Konrad Curze.5130

Konrad Curze.5130

necro is broken because even when the bugs are ironed out (by 2015 I suppose), except for epidemic in WvW, they bring absolutly nothing that some other class cannot do FAR FAR better

without bugs its just a serious meh, outdamaged, outtanked and outsupported at every corner…with bugs, its ridiculous.

I used to play a necromancer
now I refuse to take any necro in my teams.

(edited by Konrad Curze.5130)

stop this qq please, is ridicolous . Necro class isnt broken

in Necromancer

Posted by: Epicninja.8429


i love my necro, i have over 400 matches on it, but when it come to the tons of bugs, lack of decent damage(even with condition build) aside from DS making it quite tanky, its lacking, and insted of focusing on one of the most bugged classes, they decide to make heartseeker more accurate T___T, i made a thief, went into pvp, 4 heatseekers over 8k damage each, its just dumb

stop this qq please, is ridicolous . Necro class isnt broken

in Necromancer

Posted by: Gawmbles.5308


i love my necro, i have over 400 matches on it, but when it come to the tons of bugs, lack of decent damage(even with condition build) aside from DS making it quite tanky, its lacking, and insted of focusing on one of the most bugged classes, they decide to make heartseeker more accurate T___T, i made a thief, went into pvp, 4 heatseekers over 8k damage each, its just dumb

I play a necro/thief. I agree necro’s are lacking, but at the same time thieves cant beat any defensive class to save their lives. (against good players at least). Any build that does an 8k heartseeker is not viable btw. Thats wayyy too glass cannon.

stop this qq please, is ridicolous . Necro class isnt broken

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uchi.2419


Let me say this first… I am not usually the one complaining about the necro being underpowered, but the amount of bugs for the necro… That said:

Uhh…. have you compared yourself to other classes?

Ok… go Conditionmancer and you can do some decent condition damage. But the engineer is better with condition damage. Try a power build? Yay! you can kill things in 10 seconds… nearly all the other classes can kill them in 5. Fear based build? Nope… all the other fears/stuns in the game are WAY better.

My point is: The necro is playable and fun. And as people said, it lacks viable build diversity. The problem with the necro is that we have a good unique skill: Death Shroud. But, ANet thinks DS is too powerful in the right hands, AND HAVE SAID THEMSELVES, that is why the necro is not as strong.

So yes, the necro, compared to all the other classes, are very lacking. However, I will ask for bug fixes ASAP, so we can see where the necro actually lacks in.

I think the tradeoff of Conditionmaster compared to Engineer or any other condition based build class is the fact that we have much more control in terms of spreading and utilizing conditions than they do. We are slower at applying them, but in return have a bit more variety in terms of what we can put on and what we can do. If you notice for example, a lot of Engineer condition/boon abilities have random components. They have only one (inefficient) way of applying vulnerability, and they don’t have any way of applying weakness. They can stack short duration bleeds faster, yes, but they still don’t have the overall control we do.

As for power builds. It’s…depressing.

Nothing quite like capping out vulnerability stacks with focus+spectral wall and hitting risen for 2500 damage.

Aside from soaking up hits, I’ve found DS to be quite lackluster damage wise. Sure, I can utilize it for might/retaliation/vulnerability/fury, but because power builds are so incredibly weak it’s very difficult to take advantage of it. And in DS by itself I consider myself lucky if I am able to kill a mob fully in it before its duration runs out. Yes yes, I know that damage wise it stops being good below 75% Life Force. I am just giving an example of one of the many ways it is lackluster.

(edited by Uchi.2419)

stop this qq please, is ridicolous . Necro class isnt broken

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


It is broken. If not…its a totally bs design and concept then.

Which one is better?
Those are facts… : Why you think only like 1-2% is playing one of the most “fawored” class of fantasy rpg-s?

stop this qq please, is ridicolous . Necro class isnt broken

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dariroch.6482


As much as i like playing a condition build. I have far more success with power builds. but my playstyle is probably a little un orthadox.

To be honest all i want fixed now is to either let us spike AND rez in DS and i would be beyond happy.

There is nothing more infuriating than having a theif stealth right in front of you to rez the guardian you spent 1 full minute dpsing with NO consequences.

stop this qq please, is ridicolous . Necro class isnt broken

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nixxez.8671


Necro can take 8-9 lvl 80 mobs? the truth is he CAN! He won’d live long enough to kill them though … Anyway, you stated the class is capable of doing that, so give me a video or fraps of necro doing exactly that. Thank you.

Also, with the gear in the videos, show me any enemy class performing worse than necro.

Your post may seem as a justification of necro class, but actually all it says is that with top gear necro has one build that with proper playing stands some chance. Wow. Respect man, didn’t know that! Now be a good boy and show me how ANY other class performs worse in same conditions. You can’t? There is your answer.

stop this qq please, is ridicolous . Necro class isnt broken

in Necromancer

Posted by: RashanDale.3609


So you found a build that is kinda effective?
Congratulations, that what most people here did. The problem is that there arent MANY of these builds.
A rather big part of the necro skills/traits are crap, bugged or boring.

Dagger mainhand for example. i play with it and i think its effective, but i really only use the auto-attack in PvE. Life siphon isnt worth the cast time and you barely need dark pact.

And i think every necro player would love to play a class with the majority of its abilities actually working.

Btw did you really think that this arrogant rant would change ANYONEs mind?

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
Gunnar’s Hold

stop this qq please, is ridicolous . Necro class isnt broken

in Necromancer

Posted by: Onedoesnotsimply.5740


Your trolly attempts (yes attemptS) to get me to click your youtube video so you can make money have failed good sir. Keep on keepin on though OP

Ps. Your garbage