[suggestion] corruption shock!

[suggestion] corruption shock!

in Necromancer

Posted by: ZeftheWicked.3076


What necromancers do best in spvp?
Die ofc

But a close 2nd is corrupting boons. Except they usually get reapplied right back. So….if we’re the extreme of anti-boon, then how about we get something fitting the theme, making our boon corrupt a real threat?

If a mesmer can trait to have massive cooldown increase on interrupted skills, then why can’t a necro trait to have a denial of corrupted boons re-application on successful corrupt? A grandmaster trait that would let’s say work like this:

“Boons you corrupt, cannot be applied to target for next 5 seconds”.

There may be a need for nerfing access to corrupts given how powerful this may be, but at the end of the day it would mean our boon corrupts actually mean something in a fight, rather then forcing a dh or warr to cast his boon skill/activate passive a sec or two earlier then normal…

(edited by ZeftheWicked.3076)

[suggestion] corruption shock!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Silv.9207


That will be a nice thing to add for our only role in sPvP.
But that also will be OP really easy.
Make a enemy unable to reaobtain a corrupted boon for 4-5 seconds will be good, but if you corrupt stability you will make him really in trouble, too much than what is needed. Or reduce the enemy damage by a large amount of stop him to obtain might.
Basicly, everyone hate us because we’re able to corrupt boons, with a similar thing we’ll be nerfed to the ground, becoming totally useless also for the only thing we’re good for.