toughness in dungeons

toughness in dungeons

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheRatso.2956


Ever since the beginning I have buffed toughness on my weapons and armour and just now got armour and weapons which only buff precision and power,my damage has gone up considerably and critical hit has gone from 13% to 33% with this but there is only a minimum boosts on vitality and toughness other than food,will this make a massive difference in dungeons.bear in mind that I’m quite new to the game so I don’t really know how much difference toughness makes

toughness in dungeons

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


I don’t find toughness to be very important in dungeons on necros, we have enough survivability that you can manage without it.

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toughness in dungeons

in Necromancer

Posted by: Anchoku.8142


The Death Magic line (toughness) has extremely useful traits. I retrait a lot, sometimes just to experiment with builds other players discuss, but putting at least 20 into Death Magic yields a lot of flexibility in skills.

toughness in dungeons

in Necromancer

Posted by: YellowPainting.4892


There’s a point where toughness becomes a huge pain. If you have the highest toughness in the group, you’ll be targeted non-stop so be wary of that.

toughness in dungeons

in Necromancer

Posted by: Hully.7198


Hmmm depends on if you power or condition based, I play power and dungeons can be very unforgiving. Outside of dungeons I fear nothing, inside you can be one shotted if your not careful.

I’m running Knights armour for added toughness for this reason, but it all depends on your play style I like to be in their face sticking my dagger in!

Team/Party’s in dungeons can vary a lot from great to almost useless, you will have to adapt your play style accordingly.

I find starting with staff to see how it goes with the other party member, before whipping out my dagger and getting down to business, if no support stay out of it and use a range weapon like the staff.

Main thing have fun.

toughness in dungeons

in Necromancer

Posted by: DeathenShada.6397


Yup i’m a powemancer and I run knights gear for the toughness it really helps you tank more mobs and survive more hits.

But like someone said above BEWARE if you have the highest toughness of the group those mobs/boss will lock on you like no 2morrow.

toughness in dungeons

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bas.7406


I run minions with berserker gear and axe/focus so toughness doesn’t matter, but when I run ds build with dagger/wh than knights gear with alot of health and toughness is important.

toughness in dungeons

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheRatso.2956


I’m playing condition and I have found I do have a lot more mobs following me than the others, thanks for all the replies

toughness in dungeons

in Necromancer

Posted by: Hellgaunt.1734


I play conditionmancer in full Rapid gear and toughness really helps staying alive in dungeons when mobs and bosses lock on to you. High toughness coupled with Necro survivability and people will love you for tanking while doing massive dps.