unblockable marks nerf plz

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: kreven.6017


plz nerf this it has very little counter play or hey why not make engis nades also unblockable and why not make teefs vault unblockable and Mesmer shatter too yeah make that unblockable

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: Krysard.1364


Cause marks doesnt hit for 10k


(edited by Krysard.1364)

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: kreven.6017


and grenades hit 10k

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: HardRider.2980


Because they don’t hit very hard on their own – Unlike nades (Which are a projectile and therefore can be blocked), or traps which hit hard.

Now if you get rid of the unblock part marks will need to become 100% stronger then they are now.

Sounds like instead of creating a counter or l2p… you just want to get them nerfed cos.. lazy.

Their not op.. the trait is not op and have been the same for… ages now.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: kreven.6017


chill poison hurts more than shrap

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: kreven.6017


also ur 4 hits like a truck so being unbloc is kinda stupid to classes where aegis is there think like guard

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: kreven.6017


also marks are way bigger than nades range I can go all day

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: hurrado.2346


Maybe you just suck kitten if your dying to marks. They are easy to avoid, don’t stand on them dummy. Not to mention they do kitten poor damage compared to grenades, vault and definitely shatter.

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: kreven.6017


its not the damage that kills me its the condi which is also unblockable honey

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uden Reavstone.3426

Uden Reavstone.3426

I have two words for you: condition removal.

“Blue team for life.”
“They can’t see me. I can’t see them.”
Michael J. Caboose ~ RvB

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

Don’t feed the troll

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


Personally, I don’t think he’s wrong. As an adept, Soul marks is far too necessary and even a bit OP, as a long time Necromancer/reaper. I hate to say it, but it’s partly true.

Frankly, if it were up to me for balance, I’d make the LF on Soul Marks baseline and put “Foot in the Grave” as the adept in that spot (which opens up build diversity options, allowing people to step out of SR a little bit better, while maintaining SR’s great benefits) but moving Soul Marks to that GM slot and adding a new benefit in addition to the unblockable marks. That way, you have to choose between damage that is harder to avoid (and some new benefit) or direct shroud damage or shroud condition damage, but giving up the unblockable mark application.

Like I said, I feel like it’d be fair to ask for more “investment” for what unblockable marks allows, especially if it gained a new effect. It also gives a slight better access to CC breaks/Stability for baseline Necromancers and more diversity to be allowed to leave SR (though, Vital Persistence is still a consideration…) And if you choose the damage routes you still have the LF gain but no longer have easy application.

Admittedly, probably hard to swallow, but I think it’d be best for balance and the class as a whole. And of course, other classes need toned down in their own ways, so it’s not necessarily a suggestion to be considered in a vacuum.

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uden Reavstone.3426

Uden Reavstone.3426

Personally, I don’t think he’s wrong. As an adept, Soul marks is far too necessary and even a bit OP, as a long time Necromancer/reaper. I hate to say it, but it’s partly true.

I disagree. I use staff in most of my necro builds, and not a single one uses soul reaping, let alone soul marks, so it’s not “far too necessary.”

“Blue team for life.”
“They can’t see me. I can’t see them.”
Michael J. Caboose ~ RvB

(edited by Uden Reavstone.3426)

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


Personally, I don’t think he’s wrong. As an adept, Soul marks is far too necessary and even a bit OP, as a long time Necromancer/reaper. I hate to say it, but it’s partly true.

I disagree. I use staff in most of my necro builds, and not a single one uses soul reaping, let alone soul marks, so it’s not “far too necessary.”

You successfully play mid-higher tier PvP without soul reaping? Better than with Soul Reaping..? I have a hard time believing that.

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erzian.5218


also ur 4 hits like a truck so being unbloc is kinda stupid to classes where aegis is there think like guard

It hits for about 30-50% of the damage of other damage skills on ranged weapons on 2-5x the cd.

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

While I won’t say I play at high tier (I actually don’t bother with ranked), I will say that I have found great success without running Soul Reaping. It’s hardly necessary for all builds.

Personally, I’ve been running Spite, Curses, Reaper.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: Spicy.2481


Two things that bother me with this. Firstly, we need to invest a trait for them to be unblockable, ok I’m fine with this since they create alot of lifeforce (which is the reason anyone uses the staff to begin with). Secondly, marks are easily dodgeable since you can actually SEE them on the ground. Staff is an utility weapon not a dps weapon. Most of necros condi-dmg come from shroud 4, scepter 1&3 and from the various chill procs we get via traits, i would say 20% of our condition dmg comes from the staff.

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: Silv.9207


The Marks are really good. But the damage is low.

The skill 4 (Putrid Mark), with the actual meta build (1050 power) have a power of 1050, and eventually with 25 stack of might (+750 power) have a power of 1500. With 20 sec of cd. And is the more “powerfull” skill in direct damage of the staff.

Ranger LB2 without any might have 2870 power with 10 sec cd. With might have a power of 3900.
Warrior rifle 3 have 2500 10 sec cd power with , 3400 with might.
DH LB 2 have 1900 power with 4 sec cd, 2600 with power.
Engi Rifle skill 3 have 1300 power 10 sec cd, 1800 with might.
Reve hammer 2 have 1800 , 2 sec cd, 2450 with might. Skill 3 have 1400, 1900 with might.
(I looked at ranged weapons in random classes)

Ok, putrid mark can be unblockable, but is not the best damaging skill ever!

About condition, the staff is a bad condition damage weapon, still with the damaging chill trait. (not counting condi transfer).
And is used at 90% why is the best Utility weapon of the necro and grant the best LF Generation.

Is unblockable? Good. But not OP. Not looking at the weapon it is.

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uden Reavstone.3426

Uden Reavstone.3426

Personally, I don’t think he’s wrong. As an adept, Soul marks is far too necessary and even a bit OP, as a long time Necromancer/reaper. I hate to say it, but it’s partly true.

I disagree. I use staff in most of my necro builds, and not a single one uses soul reaping, let alone soul marks, so it’s not “far too necessary.”

You successfully play mid-higher tier PvP without soul reaping? Better than with Soul Reaping..? I have a hard time believing that.

I take it that you will also have a hard time believing that I used to facetank enemies in most 1v1 fights in ranked pvp with an ele, you know the squishiest class, back when the meta was all about dps, but I did. Point is, meta is not the only way.

“Blue team for life.”
“They can’t see me. I can’t see them.”
Michael J. Caboose ~ RvB

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


Personally, I don’t think he’s wrong. As an adept, Soul marks is far too necessary and even a bit OP, as a long time Necromancer/reaper. I hate to say it, but it’s partly true.

I disagree. I use staff in most of my necro builds, and not a single one uses soul reaping, let alone soul marks, so it’s not “far too necessary.”

You successfully play mid-higher tier PvP without soul reaping? Better than with Soul Reaping..? I have a hard time believing that.

I take it that you will also have a hard time believing that I used to facetank enemies in most 1v1 fights in ranked pvp with an ele, you know the squishiest class, back when the meta was all about dps, but I did. Point is, meta is not the only way.

Erm, Ele being able to tank is nothing new. Meta or not, there’s still a difference between yolo solo/ranked being able to kill some people and actually being viable or on par with other builds.

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


Don’t feed the troll

Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: Anchoku.8142


This is a funny thread. I do not remember anyone ever complaining about staff being OP.

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aezyr.5304


This is a funny thread. I do not remember anyone ever complaining about staff being OP.

I think it depends a bit on the game mode. Making skills/effects unblockable isn’t healthy in WvW. I’m hitting 4k – 5k (crit.) vs. melee on staff #4 there. Scale that with the number of necros, add in a well spike (unblockable) and Rev’s spamming CoR and you end up in your pirate ship.

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: claytonmorby.3751


If you’re hitting people that hard then they aren’t wearing the right gear to be melee… Several frontline builds can reach nearly 80% damage reduction with protection and food…

I’ll contribute to the OP as well though. There are only a few classes that have block in their normal builds, guardian, warrior, and chrono. Yes I know rev has one and thief as well souls marks performs best against the former 3, particularly Dragonhunter and warrior.

Now just because it performs well against certain classes does it mean it’s OP? No certainly not. Camping staff just so you can hit through blocks will not win you a fight. If you’re running things like Corrupt Boon or Signets, you usually need those to hit in order to win, along with some reaper shroud skills. If you every kill someone with solely a staff and nothing else, they really don’t know what’s going on.

(edited by claytonmorby.3751)

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: Gecko.1962


OP needs to learn to Dodge Roll.

“It’s over powered and should be nerfed”

Actually has a really high skill cap based on how they are used, and you can dodge roll to evade the trap. Do you actually have an argument or are you just here to cry.

I play at top tier, and I have little to no problem with the actual marks. The only problem I have found is facing a really good Necro that knows how to rotate CD’s and play their class, vs someone who mashes buttons.

Maybe if you learned counter play, you wouldn’t have this issue.

Everyone’s Favorite Furry! – Serrow
“They can’t condi me if they’re dead.”

(edited by Gecko.1962)

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


unblockable marks and wells+ Snap Cast = so much skill
heck even without snap cast they are all big aoe just sit on point dumping conditions and boon corruption

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: Silv.9207


unblockable marks and wells+ Snap Cast = so much skill
heck even without snap cast they are all big aoe just sit on point dumping conditions and boon corruption

If you look there’s only 1 class that actually play full melee (engi scrapper), all the others play ranged or have a really good ranged option. Even the thief with the sinister have the chance to hit you really hard you with the SB or simply step in and out from your marks with the trick that clean conditions. or dodging your marks all at once.

If you can kill an enemy simply spamming marck and wells under your feets you’re shure that is a really bad player that don’t know what he’s doing.

Unblockable don’t mean OP. There’s other classes that have unblockable skils (revenant use a trait to makesome of his attacks unblockable, for example).

Have you ever seen a warrior or a necro that use his skill to make attacks unblockable?
if is so much strong on a weak utility weapon like the necro staff, why don’t you use it on all your skills with a simple utility?

That’s a troll post of a bad player, nothing more.

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


unblockable marks and wells+ Snap Cast = so much skill
heck even without snap cast they are all big aoe just sit on point dumping conditions and boon corruption

If you look there’s only 1 class that actually play full melee (engi scrapper), all the others play ranged or have a really good ranged option. Even the thief with the sinister have the chance to hit you really hard you with the SB or simply step in and out from your marks with the trick that clean conditions. or dodging your marks all at once.

If you can kill an enemy simply spamming marck and wells under your feets you’re shure that is a really bad player that don’t know what he’s doing.

Unblockable don’t mean OP. There’s other classes that have unblockable skils (revenant use a trait to makesome of his attacks unblockable, for example).

Have you ever seen a warrior or a necro that use his skill to make attacks unblockable?
if is so much strong on a weak utility weapon like the necro staff, why don’t you use it on all your skills with a simple utility?

That’s a troll post of a bad player, nothing more.

unblockable becomes OP when you got up to 7-9 unblockable skills specially with short cooldowns

and the couple that with th insane sustain necro gets from deathshroud wih is also on a short cooldown

as well as the Rise Unblockable shout that gives 1 minion per enemy player and minion near wich reduces damage by 50% and coupled with traits also takes condies from necros and applies to enemies and couple that wich lich form slapping up 5 more minions

and theres the problem tons of passive offense and defense while having top dps

they need to remove viper and mercenary amulet

if a player regardless of profession wants to run condi spam then have them have to focus one diferent stats for specific builds if they want condi bunker run wanderer if they want power run berserk or marauder if they want hybrid run sinister

(edited by Rezzet.3614)

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: Krysard.1364


Death magic+lich form Kreygasm


unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: Waisenpai.6028


Omg don’t nerf that do you want to be a retro ele. Reaper is fine!

Min Min core d/d ele Borlis Pass Bunny Thumper

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: KamiWar.3287


necro as a whole is extremely strong start by having two lives, extreme conditions, and an army at your disposal. pvp fight a team with 3 or more necros is impossible to win …

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

necro as a whole is extremely strong start by having two lives, extreme conditions, and an army at your disposal. pvp fight a team with 3 or more necros is impossible to win …

I’ve been finding that the more necros the enemy team has, the easier it is to win. With exception of going from 0 to 1.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: Allison The Strange.4519

Allison The Strange.4519

necro as a whole is extremely strong start by having two lives, extreme conditions, and an army at your disposal. pvp fight a team with 3 or more necros is impossible to win …

Can’t tell if serious….. Once you get to the level of skill where you are no longer dying to profession mechanics but instead to the level of skill behind the player necro stacking is more a liability than blessing…

At my level of play, when I see three or four necros on MY team I’d go ahead and /resign right there if I could… When I see that on the enemy team I’m be thinking “as long as my team isn’t stupid we should win 500 to 50”

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: MethaneGas.8357


Pretty much this….


Necro, Ele, Mesmer, Guardian and Warrior, DR[OHai]
YouTube Channel

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: pdavis.8031


Having staff marks unblock-able is the only thing keeping the staff in use.
(As previously said) if you are dying to staff marks, it’s not the marks problem, it’s you. They are highly visible and completely avoidable. The only time they MIGHT be dangerous is if you are fighting on a point and not paying attention to the necro well/mark bombing you in the point. Which again is a learn to play issue rather then an OP mechanic issue.

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”

unblockable marks nerf plz

in Necromancer

Posted by: KreatE.7612


If staff was blockable, necro would be dead overnight