what are you using for 2nd set with reaper?

what are you using for 2nd set with reaper?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Hawken son of Z.1367

Hawken son of Z.1367

title says it all.. I’m curious as to what people are all using as their 2nd weapon set with reaper. I was using Staff, with either blood magic or Spite, but then switched to Axe and Spite… honestly I like Axe more… BUT.. the lack of life force renewal on axe can be a major issue when your in a boss fight (solo) and nothing around you is dieing.

what are you using for 2nd set with reaper?

in Necromancer

Posted by: BoogerSammich.7189


I’ve been using axe/focus for the second set but it’s underwhelming to say the least…

what are you using for 2nd set with reaper?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vydahr.4285


I use staff because of the utility factor. And staff 3 and 4 together pack a nice punch and throw in some weakness in there with the chill and poison

Sylvari Power Reaper

what are you using for 2nd set with reaper?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


I also use Staff for the utility. RS serves as a damage source for me, so my Staff provides utility while the Greatsword provides more melee threat and area control.

Also, with Death Magic alongside Reaper, Staff #3 alone gives 10% damage reduction with Poison and 10% damage reduction with Chill from any targets I hit, Staff #5 creates space/chills, Staff #4 gives me much-needed condi transfer since I dropped Consume Conditions, and Staff #2 is great for breaking through Aegis/Blind, triggering Engi’s Transmute, etc. And if all else fails, Staff #1 is nice to get some buffer Life Force.

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”

what are you using for 2nd set with reaper?

in Necromancer

Posted by: nomak.8693


I like damage, so I use axe as well..

what are you using for 2nd set with reaper?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lemondish.3268


I have axe/focus for my second simply for a nice ranged source of damage and vuln stacks for Decimate Defenses.

I can’t imagine I would use it often in group content, however. I’m considering playing around with staff to see how it is. My condi clear is really lacking (I’ve just been forced to Shroud up to eat them).

what are you using for 2nd set with reaper?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Amethyst Lure.5624

Amethyst Lure.5624

I use staff as well. I also like the extra perk of having that 2h weapon anytime I need RS. But it does not see that much use.

what are you using for 2nd set with reaper?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cam Ron.4170

Cam Ron.4170

Dagger + Warhorn. Great Damage, great LF generation, swiftness, Aoe Daze/cripple and immobilization. Considering switching to staff but that means I have to take the Marks generate life force trait, whereas dagger/WH generates more LF untraited. Yea and I need the swiftness so for WvW definitely sticking with D/WH

what are you using for 2nd set with reaper?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Skoigoth.9238


For power builds mainly Dagger/x and sometimes Staff for easy-mode open world event tagging.
I also tried using Axe/x for a while, but it just feels terrible. Tickling enemies to death is not fun

what are you using for 2nd set with reaper?

in Necromancer

Posted by: AdmiralSnackbar.4859


If you already have the GS as your Melee weapon and with reaper shroud giving you a scythe, having daggers would give you a third melee weapon which is likely superfluous unless you find value in dark pact or life siphon, which i doubt.

I find in the Maguma that there are always certain fights where 100% melee is difficult to attain (the boss flies around, or has deadly AOEs, or spams CC’s) So having a ranged weapon makes sense.

I went with Axe / focus. Scepter would only make sense if your running Sinister gear. Staff is your other option, but has the downside of needing soul marks to be genuinely effective at restoring lifeforce, and I prefer to use Unyielding blast since it turns the reaper into a vulnerability stacking machine. With axe-focus you’re not dealing much in the way of damage but reaper’s touch followed by gastly claws can restore a fair bit of life force.

Warhorn might work over focus but I already have the speed-shrooms / locust signet for movement speed, the focus skills apply vulnerability and chill which synergizes better with reaper abilities.

what are you using for 2nd set with reaper?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shiva.9720


I use a staff. You already have a greatsword and reapers shroud for melee, so you need something with ranged.

Staff has the longest range and there’s great synergy with the staff skills and reaper shroud. The poison is pretty sweet and so is getting regen when you’re flying solo.

what are you using for 2nd set with reaper?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mercurias.1826


I really like the greatsword, but between it and the Reaper Shroud, Necro has a serious ranged damage shortage. I keep one of each Necro weapon around just in case, and I use them all, but by default I run the staff alongside the greatsword for its utility and ranged damage in a pinch. It isn’t amazing, but it’s better than being stuck without ranged at all when you need it.

what are you using for 2nd set with reaper?

in Necromancer

Posted by: zapv.8051


What gamemode?

In pve, use all weapons based on the scenario, find something you need to range, take axe, if you can go full melee take dagger, need more aoe, staff.

I don’t wvw enough anymore to have an opinion. I’d assume axe/warhorn or staff though.

In pvp, gs is bad against good players, if your playing people that actually get hit by gravedigger than I’d take dagger warhorn and just go full melee cause they probably can’t kite anyway.

Necros don’t have reflects, invulns, vigor, blocks,
extra dodges, real stability, mobility skills,
burst skills, sustain, or good support. GG ANET.

what are you using for 2nd set with reaper?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Blaine Tog.8304

Blaine Tog.8304

I’ve been trying out Axe/Dagger recently. The Reaper’s condi removal is a bit light so I like to compensate with Dagger 4, and some extra Weakness application is never a bad thing. Focus and Warhorn are also both good too.

Staff isn’t a bad option (its utility means it’s always relevant) but you take such a damage hit vs the Axe that I don’t bother taking it most of the time.

I main Ele and Necro, though I have an alt of each profession at level 80.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.

what are you using for 2nd set with reaper?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Darwec.3784


I usually run scepter/dagger condi, where i start a fight with gs, stack vuln and drop a blind field, then camp scepter. I use deathshroud for the geomancy sigil procs.

When i run zerker, i run dagger/warhorn UNLESS i am somewhere that i need projectile destory, then i take dagger/dagger and corrosive poison cloud, and then i just camp gs.

what are you using for 2nd set with reaper?

in Necromancer

Posted by: iSmack.1768


Axe / Dagger. Is it optimal. Nope. Is it fun. Yup. That’s all i care about.

what are you using for 2nd set with reaper?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tim.6450


axe/dagger I needed something for quickening thirst and I didn’t need a third melee option.
