who's the guy who made leg. on f2p
because he didnt have access to chill damage either. just sayin’
@Leeto is his name
Legendary this last season felt very, very easy.
I’m not sure it’s the best benchmark. What is? I… don’t even know.
Legendary this last season felt very, very easy.
I’m not sure it’s the best benchmark. What is? I… don’t even know.
I don’t know what you’re trying to insinuate but base condi necro is a decent build. It has nothing to do with how easy this season was.
I’m not disparaging a build.
I’m saying I’m not sure of a good benchmark for determining a good build, but getting to legendary this last season doesn’t seem to be it (because of how easy doing so was).
And people make Challenger playing random kitten in League, like doing nothing but Teemo Jungle. All that says is that the average player is really bad at the game, and that non-build related input (map play) is more important than build. Give the same player a strong build though, and they would have made legend far more quickly.