why the double nerf to duration?
lost half second from chain 1 and 2. But chain 3 now has 5s bleed, longer poison. And skill 3 gets a potential 7 stacks of torment for kitten . Skill 2 received another stack in pvp which is a 33% buff. These are huge.
The lingering curse nerf i dont get either, people werent using it in pvp, and it wasnt OP or anything in PvE. PU was also reduced from 100 to 50% and i cant remember a single complaint about LC.
(edited by akaCryptic.2389)
LC and some duration got nerfed because it previously allowed the scepter skills to reach 400% their original duration. Now its only 300% but also of a lower number.
Condi Meta is way to strong outside PvE so nerfs to be expected and imo they should nerf it further… btw Necro is far from only class. And Necro got HUGE buff to Scepter.
Servant of Dhuum
lost half second from chain 1 and 2. But chain 3 now has 5s bleed, longer poison. And skill 3 gets a potential 7 stacks of torment for kitten . Skill 2 received another stack in pvp which is a 33% buff. These are huge.
The lingering curse nerf i dont get either, people werent using it in pvp, and it wasnt OP or anything in PvE. PU was also reduced from 100 to 50% and i cant remember a single complaint about LC.
Technicality but Scepter#3 is 4.5 sec bleed.
I think the reason they decreased the condi duration for lingering curses is because of the addition of torment to feast of corruption. 7 stacks of torment with that kind of duration would be brutal.
Basically it was intended to make lingering curse partially base line while more or less maintaining the upper limit with lingering curse. The auto attack lost 10% in duration but gained 50% in application resulting in a 35% boost, lingering curse adds 50% now so you get 1 * (1-0.1) * (1+0.5) * (1+0.5)= 2.03 which is around where lingering curse was in the past. The reason why they moved a bit from the first two hits in the chain to the last is problably when you invested too much in bleed duration, your first two hits in the chain became each stronger then the last hit, which was stupid.
@Ravezaar what condition meta? We had in the prepatch a burn meta at best.
Condi Meta is way to strong outside PvE so nerfs to be expected and imo they should nerf it further… btw Necro is far from only class. And Necro got HUGE buff to Scepter.
The condi meta is actually just the burn-meta. Bleed and Poison aren’t the problem, it is burning doing almost 6 times the damage of bleed that is the problem.
Play with it a bit more before judging it too harshly. I was skeptical at first, but after playing with it with the extra bleed on auto, the duration increase on skill 2 and the torment it feels fantastic.
Although I still feel curses is a terrible trait line and I’m looking into ways to not run it on my condi builds. Scepter? Scepter is cool though.
Condi Meta is way to strong outside PvE so nerfs to be expected and imo they should nerf it further… btw Necro is far from only class. And Necro got HUGE buff to Scepter.
The condi meta is actually just the burn-meta. Bleed and Poison aren’t the problem, it is burning doing almost 6 times the damage of bleed that is the problem.
NO it is not just Burn tho its the biggest badest most deadly little Condi out there, but Confusion is worse then it bin for 2y and Poison stacking is also far worse now then ever… for ex you dont see 12 stax of poison on Soul Spiral as an issue ?
Condi Meta is atm to strong as the Zerk meta was in WvW/PvP 1,5y ago just saying a Condi player on ANY class atm wins over the equaled skill player on the same exact class over Power 100% of the time. A misstake has to be made by the Condi player to loose to its counterpart followed by maybe a few more to even make it intresting and it all comes down to 2 facts: Condis does to much dmg for the small skill on applying them and they all ignore Toughness.
Ofc I do agree Condition and dmg over time types should be in a MMO but I gave up on Condi Necro 1y+ ago and it wasnt cause I couldnt play it, its cause it was far less challenging and at the peak of Terrormancer’s Hype if u lost a 1v1 it was 9/10 vs another Terrormancer. Makeing Fear a Daze wich cheezed the Confusion on our Warhorn #4 made it even worse and I finally dropped it. Sry for rambling just seeing Condi of all classes out in roaming and even in PvP makes me sick cause it usually take 2 Power builds to take 1 condi build down.
rant out
Servant of Dhuum
Condi Meta is way to strong outside PvE so nerfs to be expected and imo they should nerf it further… btw Necro is far from only class. And Necro got HUGE buff to Scepter.
The condi meta is actually just the burn-meta. Bleed and Poison aren’t the problem, it is burning doing almost 6 times the damage of bleed that is the problem.
NO it is not just Burn tho its the biggest badest most deadly little Condi out there, but Confusion is worse then it bin for 2y and Poison stacking is also far worse now then ever… for ex you dont see 12 stax of poison on Soul Spiral as an issue ?
Condi Meta is atm to strong as the Zerk meta was in WvW/PvP 1,5y ago just saying a Condi player on ANY class atm wins over the equaled skill player on the same exact class over Power 100% of the time. A misstake has to be made by the Condi player to loose to its counterpart followed by maybe a few more to even make it intresting and it all comes down to 2 facts: Condis does to much dmg for the small skill on applying them and they all ignore Toughness.
Ofc I do agree Condition and dmg over time types should be in a MMO but I gave up on Condi Necro 1y+ ago and it wasnt cause I couldnt play it, its cause it was far less challenging and at the peak of Terrormancer’s Hype if u lost a 1v1 it was 9/10 vs another Terrormancer. Makeing Fear a Daze wich cheezed the Confusion on our Warhorn #4 made it even worse and I finally dropped it. Sry for rambling just seeing Condi of all classes out in roaming and even in PvP makes me sick cause it usually take 2 Power builds to take 1 condi build down.
rant out
Ok, i stand corrected. Let me rephrase then : The Necromancers bleed and poison application is not and has never been the problem making conditions too strong, and does not warrant that nerf at all.
i would agree to that about mesmer because it has way to much sustain but the dev seems blind to this. as for necro, i have not died to a condi necro while playing power yet altho i have killed power necros while i play condi
Did Necromancer ever have a condi-meta?
Scepter hassle been buffed. The trim to LC is not a real problem. However, running a condition damage build on Necromancer is not, by any means, meta. Burning or confusion builds on other professions are far more powerful than a bleed build on Necromancer.
Did Necromancer ever have a condi-meta?
Even so, Ravezzar is obviously playing at a very low skill level if condi builds are winning all the time.
The changes were a case of changing 5+7 = 12 into 6+6 = 12
The weapon is no better now than it was before. It is however, now a pure condition user weapon which makes it easier to balance.
The auto got more bleed stacks, but shorter duration. It’s the same damage. Maybe it is more damage if your enemy uses a lot of cleanses, but I always thought that the long duration bleeds preventinkitteneals were the best feature of the weapon.
2 lost a lot of damage and cripple from lingering curses.
3 lost the power bonus damage and gained torment.
The power damage scaled at an average rate, the torment scales at an awful rate. This means that if you were using Nomads this is a great change for you. If you were using an amulet or armor that includes power, you are probably losing DPS overall. (and with diamond skin still out there the loss of power is a problem).
I trust that the life force change is a buff in actual game play, even if it is a nerf in theory crafting.
The changes were a case of changing 5+7 = 12 into 6+6 = 12
The weapon is no better now than it was before. It is however, now a pure condition user weapon which makes it easier to balance.
2 lost a lot of damage and cripple from lingering curses.
I don’t know more damage baseline does make it a better weapon,lingering curses got weaker though (come on cooldown reduction), also 2 got a boost around 40~50% in durations.
Does Lingering Curses increase base duration?
Does Lingering Curses increase base duration?
Yes. So it adds 2.25 to the base duration of the bleeds per day, bringing it up to 6.75 seconds and then item buffs are calculated after.
Did Necromancer ever have a condi-meta?
Even so, Ravezzar is obviously playing at a very low skill level if condi builds are winning all the time.
Lmao I always wonder why ppl need to go for personal Insult line ? have a done anything to you ? Second spell my name right atleast if u gonna insult me and no I played and dueled the very best so dont you worry. I can kill much easier with Condi then I can with Power currently on any Class. Its not even close to a lie its just fact.
Yes we had Dhuumfire & Terrormancer Condi Meta’s
And Bleed has never bin OP on Necro compared to alot of classes that do it much better and faster tho Poison is to strong when Repaer comes imho.
Servant of Dhuum
Lingering Curse was not nerfed. Half of it’s duration effect was just put as baseline onto scepter. It is only nerfed if you don’t finish your chain. And if you do finish, it’s actually a buff because of increased ramp time on bleeds (though the damage over time is the same)
(edited by Mega Skeleton.8259)
2 lost a lot of damage and cripple from lingering curses.
Actually, it gained damage with Lingering Curse.
Before, we had 7 second base bleeds, which Lingering Curse doubled to 14 seconds.
Now, we have 10 second base, which Lingering Curse raises to 15 seconds.
That, plus the additional bleed stack in PvP nets a 60% damage increase from bleeds on the skill.
tldr; OP didn’t read
I think the reason they decreased the condi duration for lingering curses is because of the addition of torment to feast of corruption. 7 stacks of torment with that kind of duration would be brutal.
that’s a joke
How does ANY NECRO CONDITION compare to 25 stacks of burning that ramps up within a few seconds?
Complete and utter falsehood.
If this is the case we should get a huge dhumfire buff.
I see no reason why necroa cant deal the same amount of DoT damage as a guardian, elementalist, ranger or Mesmer.
I messed about with a Sinister-Mad King bleed build, both with consumable/giver’s duration buff and without. Ramp-up in condition damage dps feels slightly better but was otherwise inconclusive. Life force generation on scepter/dagger was still poor, though.
One thing I did realize was that scepter no longer absolutely required Lingering Curse. LC is a bit more of a nicety and less of an absolute requirement. That opens up Parasitic Contagion or Weakening Shroud as substitutes for LC without scepter damage going completely into the toilet.
Condition damage builds are still bad on Necromancer but the scepter change seems a little better. We will have to see how Deathly Chill works out but I still have concerns about the lack of synergy between scepter bleeds and poisons and Reaper’s chill damage. The “old” and “new” necromancer condition damage skills do not fit together, at least on paper they do not.
I have been holding on to a hand full of sets of condition damage gear acquired for testing over the years but I may soon salvage it all as hopeless and stick to my power and bunker sets.
On a side topic, I mixed spectral and corruption skills today for Teq to some effect and will continue testing this weekend. Consume Conditions, Spectral Wall, Blood is Power, Epidemic, and Plague on a Celestial axe/focus build using SR, Curses, and Blood Magic. It was not terrible.