zerker necro questions

zerker necro questions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Troublenugget.4295


hi i have been playing wells necro and was loving it, but the cds are kinda long and i was using a staff primarily. i like the idea of a DS build and have played around with it, but i switched back to wells because i didnt like how squishy i was (i was putting 30 points into blood). at first when i hit 80 i was gearing power vit condition dmg, because someone said it was good for wells build, then i started doing more research and found out that a power crit build is better. anyways so now i am almost in full zerker gear, except for my neck (ascended, i got soldiers because i was wells before and wanted some tank stats), and my back – i had a white back and a lot of karma so i just bought the soldiers back from cursed shores (as far as i know there is no zerker back, but i like having the extra tank stats).

anyways i have 2131 power (3046 att), 52% crit (with sigil of perception i have around 60% crit so with fury i have 80% crit). i also have 60% crit damage. im using axe/focus and staff, using axe primarily. so my question is should i drop some crit for more power? im using eagle runes right now so lots of crit and crit damage, i was wondering if i should use the power/might or fury duration runes or something like that.

zerker necro questions

in Necromancer

Posted by: EzRemake.1860


Instead of Sigil of Perception, you would be much better off using Sigil of Bloodlust (Power stacking), as it will add more DPS than using Sigil of Perception. My recomendation would be to put the Bloodlust Sigil in your Staff, as you can easily farm up stacks from range with AoE skills – very easy in WvW and in PvE scenarios.

As for your Runes, Eagle is really not necessary. You will get a much larger DPS increase from either Rune of the Scholar, or Rune of the Thief. I use Thief myself, as getting the 10% bonus damage from attacking from the side or back is very easy to accomplish. Staying above 90% HP for the Scholar rune, however, is not as easy.

For your armor, I would suggest switching to Soldier (Pow/Tough/Vit), as it will increase your survivability by 4.5K effective HP, which minimally lowering your damage compared to Berserker armor. Everything else can be Berserkers (Weapons/Trinkets+Jewels).

If you want to experiment with Effective Power and Effective HP, you can play with http://gw2buildcraft.com/calculator/necromancer/ to try out different combinations of gear to view their results.

I’am currently using


which I feel is a great balance between high power, and defense. Go ahead and swap around the armor to Berserkers, you’ll notice the effective power gained for the survivability lost is not worth it.

zerker necro questions

in Necromancer

Posted by: morbidmentat.3146


I’m actually running wells on my Charr with staff and D/D. I’m kind of rubbish in dungeons I feel, but PvE I tend to do just find wandering Orr as long as I don’t run into a Champion. Thanks to diligent tailoring, I had mostly rare gear for level 80…Explorer’s gear. To which I added opal orbs.

Ground-based siphon wells are awesome. I seem to recall somewhere on these fora someone post about how siphon health doesn’t scale up according to healing power or power, but I have nothing beyond vague memory. I like that my DS can heal my party when I decide to drop wells which already have benefit. The ability to do decent DPS and be a reliable support healer is kind of nice.

I switch between opal jewelry for wandering to coral and sapphire for serious business. And while I haven’t thoroughly researched it yet, I prefer orbs to rune sets apart from the more expensive ones in the superior line. I’ve seen another necro built for DS that used axe/dagger. The dagger 4 is nice.

zerker necro questions

in Necromancer

Posted by: spoj.9672


I also use a zerker wells build. And though i probably trait differently to you. I would recommend the same gear. I dont use any runes as i find that ruby orbs give better stats for going full zerker. For sigils i use frailty/force with accuracy in off hand on my dagger + warhorn. I had bloodlust with energy on my axe + focus. But if you run dungeons alot and especially if your group skips some trash your not going to get much benefit out of bloodlust or perception. So i now take force instead of bloodlust. But if you still want to stack something then I would stick with perception as necro’s tend to lack precision more than they lack power. Energy is great for that extra dodge when you switch to your second weapon set, especially seeing as necro’s have a lack of dodging and vigor.

zerker necro questions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Takarazuka.3025


There is a very good back piece from your personal story called the Berserker’s Spineguard of the Berserker. It is a masterwork but comes with an exotic ruby jewel…. no other way to get this combination (you cannot slot an exotic jewel in anything other than an exotic piece) and it is the best you can get until ascended.


EzRemake has the idea on going for more survivability. You could also go knight’s gear with power, precision, toughness. I have found the in FotM, more health is not always going to save you, but mitigation is a much better choice. You also do not want to lose out on precision and keep your crit chance ~50% if possible or higher depending on your build and goals. The only thing I am curious about is his use of thief or scholar runes… I, personally, do not find it easy to stay on certain sides of mobs. Bosses are constantly moving around, there are other mechanics going on during the fight, and you have enough to be watching out for and dodging without needing to worry about being behind the boss or on his side just to get effective use out of the rune. If you CAN manage that then more power to you…. if not, go for static stat increases if it is more comfortable for you.

zerker necro questions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Akame.1073


If you wana go full zerker then GO FULL ZERKER, forgeth about the runes , just stuck in your armor 6x ruby orb, dont think there is a better option. I dont know which is optimal crit chance, althow 50% imo is enough. Get pure unadultered raw power & critical dmg, but remember you will be a crystal vase in a buffalo stampede.

For weapons i would go Sigil os superior bloodlust, Sigil of minor acuracy & Sigil of superior force or instead of superior force Sigil of superior hydromancy to mitigate some incoming dmg.

(edited by Akame.1073)

zerker necro questions

in Necromancer

Posted by: EzRemake.1860


Many people here seem to be under the impression that increasing their Critical Chance is a good way to increase their DPS. Unfortunately, this is not true, and going out of your way to get over 50% crit chance is a waste unless you plan on achieving at least 75%.

Once you reach 45-50 crit chance, it becomes much more beneficial to increase your power. I have done tons of comparisons using gw2buildcraft, and using Sigil of Force (+5% Dmg) and Sigil of Bloodlust greatly improves your damage in comparison to crit chance.

As for the remark about being unable to use Thief runes, let me tell you, it’s a lot easier than it sounds. Simply running circles around your enemy gives the 10% damage bonus, and in group PvE events it’s terribly easy to hit targets from the side, since you should not have agro.

In PvP it’s even better, especially with staff, as you can get your easy 10% dmg boost from attacking groups with your marks, as most of the targets hit will not be looking directly at you.

Even if you don’t manage to fulfill the 10% damage requirement, the damage provided from Thief is only slightly lower than a full Ruby setup, so there’s honestly no point in not using Thief runes.

Take a look at my build on buildcraft, and plug in Rubys instead of Thief runes to see for yourself.


(edited by EzRemake.1860)

zerker necro questions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Canoftuna.3167


It is a masterwork but comes with an exotic ruby jewel…. no other way to get this combination (you cannot slot an exotic jewel in anything other than an exotic piece)

Uh, what? I have Exquisite Ruby Jewels in all of my backpack/trinket slots, and they’re all rare quality.

zerker necro questions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Takarazuka.3025


Many people here seem to be under the impression that increasing their Critical Chance is a good way to increase their DPS. Unfortunately, this is not true, and going out of your way to get over 50% crit chance is a waste unless you plan on achieving at least 75%.

Once you reach 45-50 crit chance, it becomes much more beneficial to increase your power. I have done tons of comparisons using gw2buildcraft, and using Sigil of Force (+5% Dmg) and Sigil of Bloodlust greatly improves your damage in comparison to crit chance.

As for the remark about being unable to use Thief runes, let me tell you, it’s a lot easier than it sounds. Simply running circles around your enemy gives the 10% damage bonus, and in group PvE events it’s terribly easy to hit targets from the side, since you should not have agro.

Well I did say ~50% or higher IF that is what you are going for didn’t I? I never said to go for max crit chance. So this person is not under any impression to tell people to get 75% crit… Sigil of Bloodust is nice and all, but in dungeons it is not always reliable bc you ARE going to go down and, most likely during a boss fight, and lose your stacks. Sigil of Force is a good choice though for one sigil, but an on-crit sigil like Strength or Frailty on your second one might be better as it is more reliable in dungeon encounters. Unless you never die EVER and can keep up those 25 stacks safely… I would say go for reliability.

Also, he is going for a power build…. thief rune has condition damage on it, so not ideal, but I see your point. You could also gain 8% more critical damage and 190 precision by going 5 ranger and 1 eagle. So no flat damage increase but an 8% boost to critical damage is not too shabby either.

Uh, what? I have Exquisite Ruby Jewels in all of my backpack/trinket slots, and they’re all rare quality.

Then there is something seriously wrong with the assassin’s backpack I had from guild armorer. It is level 80, but would not accept the Exquisite Ruby Jewel. They are both level 80 so, according to what I read, should work, but never did. I seem to recall trying to socket it in to rings as well and it wouldn’t work, but that was a long time ago and memory fails… I will check it out again tonight.

If I was wrong then hey… wouldn’t be the first time. =]

(edited by Takarazuka.3025)