1000 hours is not much compared to some other highly skilled and knowledgeable players in this game, but I love(it’s my main ofc) the class and have tried to learn as much as I can about it.
In case someone doesn’t know: SS = Smokescale, BB = Bristleback (Pets)
All of what I say here is obviously my opinion, but this opinion has been honed by 1000 ours of play in PvP, PvE(Though I have not really done Raids yet) and WvW.
So here is my look at the class in 4 subsections: Pets, weapon abilities (1-5), Utilities (6-10) and Traits. Look for the bold stuff to find the sections.
Lets go for our main feature first: PETS! <3
I will not be talking much about drakes or Moas, because I just don’t like them, maybe someone can add to that in the comments
We Rangers love our pets to death(most of us anyway). They tank for us, they can bodyblock for us, they help us up when we are downed. Especially when downed they feel like a lot of help. We can still use F2 while downed, CCing or killing an enemy and “Lick wounds”(downed Nr.3) is awesome for PvE and not overpowerd in PvP or WvW because we can still be finished of while our pets help us.
That being said, this is where they stop shining and we come to the more mediocre parts of pets. They have some nice buffs(Fernhound regen, Tiger frenzy, etc.) and some good condis(Lynx bleeds, Eagle bleeds, Spider poisons, etc.) and some ok damage in general(BB feels a little underwhelming now though, same for SS).
Now here are the annoying/bad/underwhelming parts about pets:
Birds AI casting swiftness: Dafaq, I don’t give a kitten about swiftness in fights, I want it out of combat. You could be doing damage, burd, I don’t need your swiftness right now!
We don’t have any pets that cast swiftness on F2, but I think a bird would be a gread canidate, but those bleeds in the AI casts! They’d be fine there!
Close combat pets: Not really too much of a problem in PvE, but in WvW and PvP a good enemy never stands still, which makes many pets useless. now and then dogs and cats have their jump attacks, those do hit. Auto-attacks and stuff like that? Nah!
Random CC castings: Yes, I’m looking at you dogs! though some other have it to, it’s mostly dogs. I’d like to be able to control it.
And here I have an awesome Idea that would make all rangers SQUEEE if it was implemented, but (I think) it wouldn’t be overpowered: While our pet is already attacking, make F1 switch to a second cast command where we can have for example the dog leaps, and give us a check-box in our pet panel that sets this ability to autocast/AI-cast(so it would essentially work just like before if it was checked).
Other than this, please rework old pets so they are on par with the new ones again, PLEASE!
Part 2: Weapons:
We have a lot to choose from, that’s all fine. I don’t think we need more, but I want to go over a few things that don’t feel alright to me:
- 4: I can’t really put a finger on it, but for some reason this ability just feels weird and out of place.
- 5: It’s a cool ability, it would be awesome though if we had a mainhand weapon that focuses on buffing(or maybe healing) allies too, so it works well together(Maybe next expansion… hey, one can hope alright?)
- 2: The evade on this ability doesn’t feel good, sword 3 and dagger 4 feel way better. I think the problem is that the evade doesn’t start right when we cast it, but only when the backwards motion begins.
- 3: Not really necesarry, but can we have 1 more poison on this? I guess it’s a psychological thing. I’d rather see a 3 there than a 2 ^^
In generally longbow doesn’t autoattack even though the 1500 range shots would still be able to hit, can we finally change that please? Or is there a good reason for this?
- 3: You missed! No stealth for you! … Really? The only bit of stealth(beside trapper rune) and we HAVE to hit it otherwise we don’t get it? It’s only 3 seconds, please just give me that stealth… I actually never use this ability ever, it’s useless like this. at this range before I know if it hits I might have already autocasted another shot so I’m revealed directly. Cool, that was about .5 seconds of stealth! While I was 1200 or more away, they didn’t even care about me at this point…
- 5: You need some serious throwing knife skills for this one. It says 1200 range, but as if it would ever his someone at this range. It’s a slow projectile and it’s not homing. I’m not even sure if that should be changed. Would be cool if it were a little more reliable though.
- 4: Oh, It pulls! The tooltip didn’t mention that… cool!
- 1: Ping, Ping, Ping, Ping, Ping, Ping, Ping, Ping :| I know it was already changed once, but can we have a “softer” version if this sound. Tone down? the high frequencies in the second part maybe. It’s not really too bad, but it could be less annoying.
- 2: Feels useless, I know it heals some, but it’s so insignificant, I almost never cast it, because it takes 3/4 of a seconds. maybe with 1/4 or 1/2 I’d cast it, but like this it feels like wasted time.
Greatsword/Axe(main hand)/Torch/Shortbow
There is not really anything wrong here. IMO
Ok, On to Utilities!
The things I do not talk about are in a good place I think.
All really cool, just 2 things:
- Why can’t Glyph of Rejuvenation not just heal my pet too T_T The poor thing!
- Troll Unguent feels lame. I know some builds use it, I don’t. Maybe I just can’t see it’s value though.
Now going through 7-9 skills by categories:
They are all kinda cool but:
- None of them have a finisher, I feel like Tides could use a blast-finisher
- Empowerment: Normal one already feels lame, avatar one… o.O? Increase outgoing healing? Should I gather a dedicated healer group around me and buff them up to heal even more? I don’t see any value in this one.
- Sic ’Em : Make our pets great again! Maybe it will be useful then.
- Search and Rescue: Everyone knows this was overnerfed. You have to go into the dangerzone to cast it. Many classes (especially thieves) can already shadowstep/blink to targets so much, it’s no good with 600 range. Maybe 900 would be a nice balance?
In general annoying because they are stationary, the game is too mobile for them. Stone could use a stunnbreak on cast maybe? Not really necessary though.
- Sharpening Stone: feel lame. I’m pretty sure it’s not just “feel” but generally bad.
- Muddy Terrain: When does this pulse? I guess once a second? I know it’s good to kite, but there are so few situations where it can actually be used well.
- Quickening Zephyr: Cooldown is too long I think, compared to other stunnbreaks (glyph, protect me, Lightning Reflexes). Yes, Signet of renewal has the same CD, but the signet is better in my opinion. With 40 or 45 seconds I would use Zephyr.
- Signet of the Hunt: Common, especially since Natural Stride this is only used for getting the 300k damage achievement, if you don’t have it already.
Nothing wrong here I think. The fact that they are all unblockable makes them very useful, but at the same time you have to get into the fray to effectively use them, so it’s balanced! Cool!
- Can we have a trap here?
- Glyph of Unity is just lame. (would maybe be cool if it applied condis or something like that.
- Rest is awesome.
At this point a few notes about Celestial Avatar(F5):
Since the nerf “Seed of Life” doesn’t feel worth casting anymore. You have to stand it it till it blossoms for the condi clear. Almost impossible with the mobility needed in this game. The druid who casts seed of life will probably not be able to Projectile finish it, unless it was casted with Verdant Etching, but Celestial Shadow is probably the better option here, and Druidic Clarity as condi remove.
Healing is still bad for participation, especially in WvW zerk fights, because only when targets are tagged(enough attacks on them to trigger participation) do you get participation. The only ability in avatar form that makes damage is Nr.5 and that is close range, has to be cast while standing still and casts for quite some time.
The daze from Lunar Impact(this ability does no damage) apparently doesn’t count towards tagging. I will still go on to heal my team as much as I can, even without loot, but it would be cool to get some.
Other than this. Even here Glyph of Unity still feels lame, I can’t heal my mates past 100% hp, and I’m getting there without it.
Skirmishing: Much synergy with many things the Ranger can do. I love it!
Nature Magic: It’s great. If spirits were not so stationary/useles I would even use Nature’s Vengeance.
Beastmastery: I feel like Nature Magic works better together with pets at the moment that this does, which is sad, because the problem is that my pet is at the moment mostly a thingy that I copy my buffs from with “We heal as one!”. If pets were not so useless atm, Beastmastery would be useful I think.
*I really love the synergy between “Clarion Bond” and “Windborne Notes”(NatMagic). It would probably be more used in general if Longbow were a bit better.
*"Predator’s Instinct" Only good for kiting, but weird with 30 seconds cooldown, that cripple will be cleared quite fast in most cases. Can We have 5 seconds cripple with 15 seconds cooldown?
*Wilderness Survival:
- “Soften the fall” is really weird. The other classes at least hat something useful with their fall-damage reductions, but this one just traps the enemies near you, while you are stunned for a moment from the fall, so you basically force them to attack you.
- “Emphatic Bond” Would be cooler if we had 3.5 seconds interval with 1 condition removed. 10 and 3 feels almost random in fights, because we can’t see/know when it will come up. (same with the passive of signet of renewal actually)
- “Cultivated Synergy” I really really hope it heals the pet itself aswell! I don’t actually know, and I can’t test it very well. But it wouldn’t even be needed if Glyph of Rejuvenation would heal the pet(at least a bit)
- I think it’s a bit lame that T1 and T2 choosable traits feel way stronger than T3. I know T3 is strong, they just don’t feel like they are.
Aaaaaand I’m done! Nope, this will not have a TL;DR! Read it! If you like Ranger, I’m sure you will actually learn something from it!
Didn’t proofread, may miss some words or letters here and there… if it’s too bad, please say so and I will have a look
What do you guys think? Anything to add?
Thanks for reading! -Ranys