2 problems with Ranger sword skills

2 problems with Ranger sword skills

in Ranger

Posted by: Augcliffe.1342


1) The first skill/auto-attack has the third part of the chain as a leap. This would be better as the very first thing therefore you can leap to target. Also, once in melee range, the leap should disengage (see next point)

2) The dodge skill doesn’t work very well when melee’ing with the sword. The ranger doesn’t seem to want to disengage from combat. This is the only class/skill that I’ve noticed this with although their could be others. Also, this disengagement problem could very possibly be the result of having the leap in the chain of the auto-attack.

Anyone else having these problems? Sword/Warhorn is my preferred melee with this class, so it is quite annoying.

EDIT: I noticed that come of this is listed in a general bug thread, sorry about repetition.

(edited by Augcliffe.1342)

2 problems with Ranger sword skills

in Ranger

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

I really love the bouncy attack style of the sword ranger, though of course it has issues.

Enabling auto attack for that ability is kind of dangerous, you could easily get stuck bouncing on a target and be unable to make any other movements such as dodges etc.

I really love the 2 skill also, great for getting far away if you are in trouble by rolling backwards and then turn around and leap to safety. Can’t say I have had any problems with that skill myself.

Definitely would be a lot nicer if pounce was the first attack though xD

2 problems with Ranger sword skills

in Ranger

Posted by: teviko.6049


1) The first skill/auto-attack has the third part of the chain as a leap. This would be better as the very first thing therefore you can leap to target. Also, once in melee range, the leap should disengage (see next point)

2) The dodge skill doesn’t work very well when melee’ing with the sword. The ranger doesn’t seem to want to disengage from combat. This is the only class/skill that I’ve noticed this with although their could be others. Also, this disengagement problem could very possibly be the result of having the leap in the chain of the auto-attack.

Anyone else having these problems? Sword/Warhorn is my preferred melee with this class, so it is quite annoying.

EDIT: I noticed that come of this is listed in a general bug thread, sorry about repetition.

Its not the leap that is the problem, it’s the 2nd part of the attack….kick. This is what ‘seems’ tol lock you into that animation loop. If you press the 1* attack over and over, then you end up with a slight delay in the 2nd partof the chain, and since you are spamming 1*, you end up locking yourself in the animation delay.

First, hold ctrl+right click on the 1 key to disengage the auto-attack feature.

Secondly, if you need to disengage, double tap to the sides (not back or forth) and your chain breaks (and does not waste a dodge).

Thirdly, you can use the longsword 2* for a quick get away.

Not a lot of rangers in sPvP seem to get caught up on longsword very much because you learn how to counter these little things like this.

2 problems with Ranger sword skills

in Ranger

Posted by: Kasama.8941


I don’t think the sword should have a leap at all. It should just be like the greatswords 1 skill; a three chain skill with one being an evade, making you free to move around your target. I don’t see why the sword needs two leap skills.

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

2 problems with Ranger sword skills

in Ranger

Posted by: DoomBunny.2903


Pounce has a leap on it because in ye olde days of the Ranger, Kick actually knocked the target back, so you would pounce on them. Now, obviously having a knockback as part of an auto-attack was never going to end well, so it died and was replaced with a cripple. On top of that, a short leap was added to Kick for unknown reasons.

Why do we have 2 leaps on a weapon’s auto-attack? No good reason. I don’t think any tears would be shed over losing the leap on Kick and Pounce. It would be much better if the leap was put somewhere more usable; we have 3 leaps on the MH sword, but none of them can be used to initiate combat.

2 problems with Ranger sword skills

in Ranger

Posted by: Augcliffe.1342


DoomBunny, you make excellent points. I do like the animation WhiteDevil, but not the utility. They can keep the animation but issue more damage instead of the pointless leap. Something more like the MH sword warrior auto-attack chain would be more appropropriate.