Guard: Pets will no longer guard areas that should be inaccessible to them.
This has always felt like it was not working as intended, and it seems Anet felt the same. Cats climbing walls as if they are spider-hybrids is unrealistic, even for a fantasy game. A well deserved change, albeit a massive nerf to some playstyles. However, Guard now officially has lost the only good use it had, so I’m hoping that the next patch will buff it in some other way. Nobody will be using this shout now.
Crippling Talon: Cooldown of this ability has been reduced from 18 seconds to 15 seconds.
A very, very minor buff to an attack of an off-hand nobody uses, and to be honest this buff does not give me any more reason to use this weapon. It is still incredibly lackluster, overshadowed in mediocrity only by the off-hand axe. I’m hoping that our dagger will be receiving more well-deserved buffs in the future, because as of now it is still one of our worst weapons. Either way, it is a good beginning.
Empathic Bond: Fixed a bug that wouldn’t apply transferred conditions to pets. This trait now transfers three conditions to the ranger’s pet every 10 seconds rather than all of them.
Ouch. A double nerf and a massive blow to many different builds. The first part of the change was admittedly a bug, as is stated in the description above, but it is still a massive nerf to the 0/0/30/10/30 build. If you are suffering from weakness, cripple, immobilize, or chilled, and EB ticks, then your pet, who is your main source of damage, can no longer do any worthwhile damage. Painful indeed, but this change was necessary.
What was not necessary however is the second part: nerfing EB from transferring ALL conditions to only THREE conditions. This change has pretty much killed one of the few good traits we have. I can only guess as to what Anet’s reasons for nerfing EB like this is, but I feel like it was undeserved.
Hawk and Eagle now have their own unique icons instead of sharing one.
It’s something, I suppose. Not much to comment on this one, other than it being a good change.
Path of Scars: This ability’s damage has been normalized between traited and non-traited versions. Damage has been increased by 85% when not traited.
Though a bigger buff than the buff to the off-hand dagger, it still leaves the off-hand axe swimming in mediocrity. Path of Scar’s damage could have been increased by 170%, and I would still not be using it. Why? Because it’s just a bit of damage. It doesn’t do anything else. It doesn’t help me survive. It doesn’t slow my opponent down. It does nothing. And besides, Whirling Defense is still a horrible skill against anything other than rangers and the occasional rifle warrior/shortbow thief. All in all, the off-hand axe could definately use some more love.
Icy Screech: The White Moa activated ability now applies 3 seconds of Chill, and the skill fact has been updated appropriately.
I’m not entirely certain whether this is a buff or a nerf, but either way I doubt anyone will be using this moa anywhere anyway. They’re simply too weak.
So, what conclusion can we draw from this patch? Well, overall we have been hit by the nerfbat, and we got barely anything in return. Shouts are still lackluster, as are signets, spirits, and none have even been looked at this patch. Our weapons have also remained virtually unchanged.
All in all, quite a disappointment, especially when considering literally every other class received nothing but love. But I suppose we are, and always will be, the adopted red-haired stepchild.