A bug with Alpine Wolf and "Go For The Eyes?"
Maybe the target is out of range? GftE has a very small range (240, same as taunt). If the taunt hits, the blind should hit too. Taunt causes the target to attack, so the blind could be removed immediately.
Only wilting strike is directly tied to the pets F2 strike.
The other 2 are separate skills (with smallish aoe) that trigger at same time you press f2 and do so immediately.
It really was disappointing for me to find this out first time cause I was going to use black bear :-(
Well I don’t hit the F2 until my wolf is up next to, attacking his target. The blind never gets put on them, like I said, but the Taunt does happen. And how would Wilting be the only one tied to it? The others should still be activated by using their ability.
Thanks for the replies!
if your pet is in melee range and the taunt is applied moat probably blind is lost almost instantly. taunt make the mob to attack at the spot, so the blind is lost.
welcome to the brilliant puzzle the ranger traits will bring you.
keep in mind a lost of traits and skills will void their effects if they are used together. lb5+lb3 will have the same “this is bugged” effect.