(edited by Cristobal.8640)
A condi build for tpvp, what do you think?
The build looks pretty solid. I’ll have to give it a go. Personally I find the lack of stability to be a bit of a warning sign when getting paired up with a hammer warrior/necro/engie. An untraited Signet of Stone might have too long of a cooldown to consider countering a cc paired burst consistently. As for the build being a counter to condie specs, I think the vast amount of survival skills plugged into the build puts it in a good place, but it has less dodges and mobility to escape sticky situations.
I changed keen edge for a grandmaster wilderness survival trait. Keen edge is just a gimmick that gets cleansed and has a long cooldown. Empathic bond on top of SotF truly makes it a counter to condi builds, bark skin and poison master are good on their own ways too. I like how having 30 WS allows me to cherry pick between those 3 great traits.
Stability and lack of vigor are its weak points so far (That half vigor trait is nice I guess)
Thank you for your imput
Do you like the SB? I think you might be better off with the typical a/d + s/t setup (or maybe warhorn for the blast.) More mobility, defense, and probably more condi damage since SB is pretty difficulty to get the bleed with. SB also has the same range as axe.
I was going to say it doesn’t look like you have consistent condi cleanse, but I see you already edited your post about that.
I would also use a celestial amulet to make use of that sweet sweet might stacking. That would also play well with RaO since you wanted to change that anyway.
I think celestial would be way better with a/d + s/t, wich sounds an interesting build.
I actually really like the SB, for starters, it maintains 5-8 stacks of bleed with this build when hitting someone from the front. I found its pretty easy to position yourself properly in pvp to take advantage of this weapon, it has a very fast cripple and an evade that gives swiftness, the interrupt is great and fast too, and poison volley is great, it can burst that sharpening stone without axe, also procing multiple bleeds on crit per trait, it has sick attack speed and when hitting someone from the “sides” it can stack 20+ bleeds very very fast. Also quickness with shortbow
As a matter of fact, I stay in sb most of the time, switching to axe mostly to burst. I dont axe AA unless on downed people/turrets etc for the might.
(edited by Cristobal.8640)
Fair enough. Many people don’t like the SB so I figured I’d toss it out there.
SB still does a substantial amount of physical damage due to the attack speed, so it might be worth trying a couple games with your setup with celestial.
I will, and I will change sigil of generosity for sigil of strength. It gives might for 13sec on critical hit with a 1s cooldown, I tested it with shortbow on the golems and it procs every second with fury on, and almost every second with no fury. Certainly way better than battle sigil, wich is already kinda op. Pew pew pew might might might bleed bleed bleed <3
This feels promising.
EDIT: Tried it on the golems, might upkeep with the sigil is significantly lower on celestial compared to rabids, thou its only a 10% crit chance decrease. I guess a breaking point must be achieved for the sigil to begin proccing reliably every second and stacking might like crazy.
Perception sigil on the axe set, that should take care of it.
Also replaced evasive purity with strength of spirit for the celestial build.
EDIT2: I tried Rampager’s amulet on the golem, maintains 10 stacks of might from the sigil alone with no fury. Might be on to something. Axe gets 25.
(edited by Cristobal.8640)
This is what I like to use.
Am I good?… I’m good.
i love playing these SotF/krait rune/rabid type builds they are very fun in pvp and wvw roaming, this is my take on it.