A minor request

A minor request

in Ranger

Posted by: Naranek.3467


Could we please, please, PLEASE sticky pet names even when they’re out of rotation? I know it has no effect whatsoever on gameplay, and devs are busy on more important stuff, but it’s a constant irritant. To me at least, it breaks immersion and nullifies this little bit of player creativity. I want to use Brynhildr, not “Juvenile Alpine Wolf”. But if I put her out of rotation, I have to reenter it, and since we end up with so many, for some I can’t remember what I named them in the first place.

A minor request

in Ranger

Posted by: Donari.5237


I have just started my first ranger and omg YES PLEASE. I spent a good while on an Old Norse dictionary site picking out good names for all the things I’ve tamed and it didn’t even occur to me to write them down. Wasted time, I have to research all over again.