A posible way to fix "Guard"

A posible way to fix "Guard"

in Ranger

Posted by: uri.6521


I know that guard hasnt a lot of utility besides maibe placing “traps” whit a pet (guard stealth + signet of the wild active + pet prowess+ hilt bash +sic em + openig strice 25 point trait + drakes tail swipe= 300 damage for sure).

Back on topic, my option for fixig guard shout would be:

1. The steath and protection can be maibe removed from the shout (maibe just the sealth)
2. When you use guard, your pet will run to the traget location and on the same time, you and your pet will get a “indicator” buff to show that you are usin guard
3. This indicator buff will be canceled when the ranger takes damage
4. Guard doesnt start recharging until it ends
5. For 180 seconds (guards actual duration), your utility, healing and elite skills will be locked (or if it ends prematurely)
6. For the duration of guard, you will take control of your pet, having its 4 skills and the fifth sikill will be a skill that cancels the shout.
7. your pet mantains pet traits, signet efects etc and their stats doesnt change.

This is what i think that would be more useful than the current guard skill, but there are some isues with it:

1. ranger stays inmobile or (if this hapens then it shouldnt end on the ranger taking damage) ranger becomes a useable “pet”, but that wold be very strange
2. underwater, i think guard efect should end if you as the pet enter in the water (or maibe just if your pet is terrestial only)
3. jumping animations doesnt exist for pets, but i think it wouldnt be that bad if you coudlnt jump (when you get moa morph cant jump BTW), it will make harder to catch people.
4. You can be as skilled as you want bou it doesnt change that pet attacks rot you in place.
5. Doge rolls should be alowed, just like when you get moa morphed, it doesnt require extra animation work
6. This is a important thing, stomping peple when you are a pet this would be very interesting for 1500 range LB builds that may find this very useful to down the player, then guard and stomp the player with their pet, but im not sure if this would be OP

Thats what i think guard should be in my opinion, but im not really sure if it would be OP or not.
Opinions,/sugestions/flames will be apreciated

A posible way to fix "Guard"

in Ranger

Posted by: uri.6521


Why is everybody ignoring me?

A posible way to fix "Guard"

in Ranger

Posted by: Nugget.8031


Like Eyes of the beast in wow? eh it would be fun to mess around with but it would be a gimmicky ability with very limited use in serious pvp, unless you could res+stomp people with it.

A posible way to fix "Guard"

in Ranger

Posted by: Daemon.4295


Too much development effort. I would just incorporate a blink that teleports you to your pet. Now that would be cool, you could really catch your opponent off guard that way. Imagine how much havoc you could cause!

Ayana Wenona (Ranger) | Doctor Skorn (Necro) | Electra Lux (Elementalist)
Scarlett Daguer (Thief) | Gritt Bloodstone (Warrior) | Sirius Zand (Guardian)
- Whiteside Ridge [EU] -

A posible way to fix "Guard"

in Ranger

Posted by: Daemon.4295


Too much development effort. I would just incorporate a blink that teleports you to your pet. Now that would be cool, you could really catch your opponent off guard that way. Imagine how much havoc you could cause!

You could do the John Peters. “Poof! Here I am!”

Ayana Wenona (Ranger) | Doctor Skorn (Necro) | Electra Lux (Elementalist)
Scarlett Daguer (Thief) | Gritt Bloodstone (Warrior) | Sirius Zand (Guardian)
- Whiteside Ridge [EU] -

A posible way to fix "Guard"

in Ranger

Posted by: Seth.1308


From a strictly PvE point of view, this skill does not require fixing. 33% damage reduction on nearly 100% uptime, and acts as a de-taunt?

A posible way to fix "Guard"

in Ranger

Posted by: Daemon.4295


From a strictly PvE point of view, this skill does not require fixing. 33% damage reduction on nearly 100% uptime, and acts as a de-taunt?

I don’t know, seems like there are far better options for your utility slot in almost any situation. 10 seconds of stealth and protection is nice I guess, but far from great, and I just don’t see the advantage of stationing your pet somewhere. Now if you could ‘warp’ to your pet from far away, you would suddenly open up a world of possibilities in both PvE and PvP.

Ayana Wenona (Ranger) | Doctor Skorn (Necro) | Electra Lux (Elementalist)
Scarlett Daguer (Thief) | Gritt Bloodstone (Warrior) | Sirius Zand (Guardian)
- Whiteside Ridge [EU] -