ANET Ignores Ranger Forum, I understand why

ANET Ignores Ranger Forum, I understand why

in Ranger

Posted by: Shinigami.2193


Title Says it all…. after the last two laughable updates I understand. Why would they want to come in when it’s the Profession Forum with the most complaining…..and all the complaining is definately warranted.

ANET Ignores Ranger Forum, I understand why

in Ranger

Posted by: Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

We’re complaining for a reason. They’ve done horrible profession design. If they avoid this forum they’re also not doing their jobs as developers to accept criticism and improve with it. We don’t have an agenda, we just want to be able to compete with other professions in dungeons and WvWvW and sPvP playing the builds we want rather than being forced into builds.

Grind Wars 2: Heart of Tears

ANET Ignores Ranger Forum, I understand why

in Ranger

Posted by: gaborkaldy.3210


They just cant say anything. What could they say?

1. “We are hardly working on solving the long lasted issues …bla bla bla”. – Who would believe to them once again.
2. Or they tell us the truth: They don’t give a kitten about the class and busy polishing warrior, thief, guardian – holy triangle.

It’s always Beer Time!
Desolation – [TEU]

ANET Ignores Ranger Forum, I understand why

in Ranger

Posted by: capuchinseven.8395


It’s not the patches that annoy me, they could very well be patching and polishing some classes first, even those that don’t need much love (WoW did something like this way way way back, one class at a time). It’s the total and utter lack of communication that is getting on my nerves.

Even if it was just a “we feel ranger is fine right now”, at least I’d know where I stand.

The bravest animal in the land is Captain Beaky and his band.

ANET Ignores Ranger Forum, I understand why

in Ranger

Posted by: Shinigami.2193


It’s not the patches that annoy me, they could very well be patching and polishing some classes first, even those that don’t need much love (WoW did something like this way way way back, one class at a time). It’s the total and utter lack of communication that is getting on my nerves.

Even if it was just a “we feel ranger is fine right now”, at least I’d know where I stand.

Totally agree…that’s why I created this and that’s what irritates me the most…more that 2 months since the last time they showed up in this forum…what a waste.

ANET Ignores Ranger Forum, I understand why

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


It’s because the “Ranger Update” topic is still on the front page, which is good publicity. Most people don’t check the dates and most only read the first page full of praise and thanks to ANet.

Now if there were closed topics like “is this a Joke” ( all over, then maybe they’d try harder.

I suggest people on the first page of “Ranger Update” to edit their post to their current reaction

ANET Ignores Ranger Forum, I understand why

in Ranger

Posted by: dodgerrule.8739


If you haven’t designed a build then you are not competing. Only rangers who make their own build have the make-up to compete with anyone. Rangers consist of 2 things, the ranger, and the beast. Both have to be utilized to unlock the fullest potential.

They’re focusing on nerfing other classes first I believe, but they do read every post we make.

The only good builds in Guild Wars 2 are the ones you make yourself.

Dodger Rule

Dodger Rule Ranger – Fort Aspenwood

ANET Ignores Ranger Forum, I understand why

in Ranger

Posted by: Stormleaf.1769


After having played a hunter in WoW prior to GW2, I find it absolutely hilarious how both the class’s community and the developer response to it has been exactly the same between games.

ANET Ignores Ranger Forum, I understand why

in Ranger

Posted by: Chaosgyro.6023


It’s not the patches that annoy me, they could very well be patching and polishing some classes first, even those that don’t need much love (WoW did something like this way way way back, one class at a time). It’s the total and utter lack of communication that is getting on my nerves.

Even if it was just a “we feel ranger is fine right now”, at least I’d know where I stand.

Colin said in a recent interview that they are now using metrics to see what people are using, what they aren’t, and will gather info on what needs to be balanced based on that. So, if you want something to be fixed then stop logging on you ranger. If you log on anyway, then unequip your great sword. At the very least, fill up your bar with signets since they are the closest thing to decent utilities rangers have.

ANET Ignores Ranger Forum, I understand why

in Ranger

Posted by: NemesiS.6749


After having played a hunter in WoW prior to GW2, I find it absolutely hilarious how both the class’s community and the developer response to it has been exactly the same between games.

lol i played wow and its first expansion, didn’t made it to its third expansion, i quit before it. Yea its have been living the same, like deja vu, Hunters back then had many issues, no one wanted them in arena teams and there was just a handful of hunter who could made it to 2k rating. They started implementing resilance? i think is the name, where pets dodge some AOE damage and stuff. I heard later than hunters were fine during lich king but i don’t know how it is now, haven’t played in ages.

It seems like rangers, hunters whatever always have the most trouble. Maybe is thanks to that we depends in an AI companion and well AI is not as smart as a human, there are always way to avoid it or dodge, predict it and more in GW2 were 40% or so of our damage comes from the pet.