Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


So, one week in and the call for nerfs has already started. I’ve already seen this topic numerous time, so I want to address it now.

Please note, my own stance is that Lingering Light is fine.

However, lots of people think it needs to be nerfed, and I’m seeing calls for the removal of blind, increased cooldowns, etc.

First, let’s discuss some of those options. Increasing the ICD lowers the healing potential of the skill, making the healing abysmal, and the trait hard to balance (naturally it would need a new base heal value as compensation).

Removing the blind is removing the strength of the GM entirely. This should not occur whatsoever, the trait is working as intended.

Addressing the classic ANet solution in the past; do not make the cooldown global. The entire potential of the skill not only gets ruined, but relegated to RNG with little to no control.

So then; what is an acceptable change?

Well, if ANet decides to cater to the crying of the kneejerk pro-nerf crowd that wants the game to adapt to them instead of for them to adapt to the game, then the only solution is to leave the functionality of the trait as is but make the conditions more restrictive.

The only way I could create a trait that worked like this and would work with a variety of builds is to make the blind trigger only when the healing source is a celestial avatar form.

Description Form: “Healing allies causes their next attack to heal them. Allies healed by Celestial Avatar Form skills will also blind with their next attack.”

Again, I am not calling or advocating for ANY sort of change to the trait. I am only making this thread because I’m nervous that ANet will cater to the call of kneejerk reactions and iterate upon the trait in a way that ruins the intention of the trait.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

+2 jcbro i noticed this the first time i slotted lingering light after making and finishing my Sinister/support druid .

this trait has 3 sides to it, sustain of hp , sustain of Asteral force and the ability to provide team debuff if they are healed often and only if they are close to the healing source.

seed of life is a Celestial avatar skill but it can so be traited into glyphs making them Very potenent AoE heal / condi cure and team support to apply damage debuff through blinds , this in turn powers AF without being forced into the staff skills .

using the Seed of life trait and lingering light it allows me to charge AF effectively and defend effectively too which is good for a GM that doesnt give any damage buffs or boons could be considered weak at that if thought of alone.

but when its combined with everything the druid offers it puts the play style into a effective role and use.

so if anet decide to alter lingering light , they better come up with the goods to replace its build altering effects on more than just compensating the loss of defence/Af gain lingering light provides.

and im my opinion any changes would be detrimental/ cause harm to the druids effectiveness overall for picking a play style that works on team support.

seed of life without lingering magic is not as useful thats for sure.

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: Sol.4310


Lingering Light will get a Nerf, all they will do is change ICD I’m guessing 5-6 seconds. They won’t change the blind or the heal.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: Tofu.1978


Is lingering light triggered on multiple allies if a heal hits multiple targets at the same time (like ancient seeds hits multiple enemies if you use an aoe damage)? Or does it only hit trigger on one ally per 3 second icd?

Devout Tofu, Hardened Tofu, Cryptic Tofu, Unstable Tofu, Expired Tofu
Knights of the Rose [KoR] – Isle of Janthir

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


Is lingering light triggered on multiple allies if a heal hits multiple targets at the same time (like ancient seeds hits multiple enemies if you use an aoe damage)? Or does it only hit trigger on one ally per 3 second icd?

Multiple (sorry that I used the language of global cooldown to express this, but I realize now that not everybody is educated on programming jargon).

The ICD is local, meaning that it is “per person affected” instead of “per timeframe.”

Changing that destroys the intent of the GM, even the original beta intent (a GM that supports allies by healing, since the other 2 GMs are damage and CC).

Happy to clarify

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: Eval.2371


Is lingering light triggered on multiple allies if a heal hits multiple targets at the same time (like ancient seeds hits multiple enemies if you use an aoe damage)? Or does it only hit trigger on one ally per 3 second icd?

One per ally, however the ally can be a pet. better explained above

I honestly don’t think its that broken unless its stacked. The issue with lingering light is not the ICD or the amount healed its the length of the blind and the potential of being combined with the raven and smoke scale pets. The smart way to go about nerfing this is changing the duration on these skills so that they are still disruptive but do not make the opponent useless.

Something like:

Raven blind 5sec -> 3 sec
Lingering light blind 4sec -> 2sec

Would prevent the abuse that is frustrating some people.

[Cya] TC Roamer/Scout
I Play WvW to have fun. I don’t find it fun anymore. Therefore I don’t play.

(edited by Eval.2371)

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: Dojo.1867


Imo raising the trait cd slightly would work. Procing every 3 sec is a bit silly. 5 sec seems fine.

Also saying again that I liked the inital trait of adding the astral wisp to allies or self on heal but I don’t think staff 2 in a vacuum does enough considering the effect that it is basically the same thing the autoattack does already. Like there is literally no consequence between casting staff 2 or just keep autoattacking.

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


Imo raising the trait cd slightly would work. Procing every 3 sec is a bit silly. 5 sec seems fine.

Also saying again that I liked the inital trait of adding the astral wisp to allies or self on heal but I don’t think staff 2 in a vacuum does enough considering the effect that it is basically the same thing the autoattack does already. Like there is literally no consequence between casting staff 2 or just keep autoattacking.

It would make the base healing significantly lower HPS.

The heal would need to be increased to compensate.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Lingering Light seems like a solid GM trait. I’ve only played with it in PvE, so I have no idea how annoying it is to face. But the combination of healing and blind is very welcome in almost any situation and build. It’s a good survivability GM trait, like Protective Ward. The other 2 GM traits are more situational, but bring their own punch in a different way.

So I hope Lingering Light stays the way it is and only get minor adjustments in blind duration or ICD rather than destroyed like We Heal as One.

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: Shoe.5821


i haven’t played against this in pvp, is it really that bad? Blind is annoying but even spam hardly seems worse than all the evades, blocks, aegis, etc. being thrown around.

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: Shirk.6421


Just compare it to other classes elite GM traits like Chronophantasma or Adaptive Armour and and then tell me LL is OP.

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


Just compare it to other classes elite GM traits like Chronophantasma or Adaptive Armour and and then tell me LL is OP.

It isn’t, but the community baddie tears are flowing and the thread is an attempt at being the “foot in the door” solution to preemptively address a kneejerk nerf into uselessness.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: kevvy.5081


Don’t nerf this. Stop nerfing kitten. Considering the weapon we have to use to make this trait shine, all the other nerf-sayers are just salty of such a cool trait. Just let us have some kittening good stuff once a while.

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: oshilator.4681


The nerf hammer is coming for this trait.

Knee-jerk changes have been the norm for us as of late.


Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: LegallyBinding.4937


Doesn’t seem overpowered to me.

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: oshilator.4681


Doesn’t seem overpowered to me.

It absolutely isn’t.

I’m just predicting another knee-jerk reaction & nerf.


Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: glaphen.5230


You guys are so blinded by your class you can’t even see the how broken the blind is.

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


You guys are so blinded by your class you can’t even see the how broken the blind is.

I offered a solution because of your (and many others) opinion. The reiteration of your opinion is unnecessary, especially when I haven’t even gotten around to grabbing my poncho or my umbrella yet.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: glaphen.5230


You guys are so blinded by your class you can’t even see the how broken the blind is.

I offered a solution because of your (and many others) opinion. The reiteration of your opinion is unnecessary, especially when I haven’t even gotten around to grabbing my poncho or my umbrella yet.

Yes and you and pretty much every other person in this thread thinks it’s somehow fine.

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: quercus.9261


Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: Mcrocha.3891


It’s not just the blinds, it can heal the ranger himself for 600 as well, for instance this trait will proc a couple times over the course of TU and give an extra ~1.5k heal on top of the blinds. If you combine something like this trait with sigils like blood or leeching for example, you become very sustainy even on a glassier build.

Local Charr Ruins Everything

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


You guys are so blinded by your class you can’t even see the how broken the blind is.

I offered a solution because of your (and many others) opinion. The reiteration of your opinion is unnecessary, especially when I haven’t even gotten around to grabbing my poncho or my umbrella yet.

Yes and you and pretty much every other person in this thread thinks it’s somehow fine.

Notice how the solution I posted restricts the blind effect behind the barrier of celestial form as opposed to the solution of just increasing the ICD?

Passive procs are bad for the competitive health of any game, but I’m not going to be the one that argues for my class AND ONLY my class to be made an example of in the “war” against RNG driven gameplay.

ANet will NEVER remove passive procs from the game though, and the trait itself is only really “bad” with staff, which heals on autoattacks (passive procs that can occur on autoattacks are especially toxic for ANY game).

So the conversation we should be having is whether or not gating the blind effect specifically behind the heals in Celestial Form would be enough.

I only responded curtly because this doesn’t need to be yet another 300 post thread complaining about something in the game; we definitely have enough of those.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

You guys are so blinded by your class you can’t even see the how broken the blind is.

I offered a solution because of your (and many others) opinion. The reiteration of your opinion is unnecessary, especially when I haven’t even gotten around to grabbing my poncho or my umbrella yet.

Yes and you and pretty much every other person in this thread thinks it’s somehow fine.

Notice how the solution I posted restricts the blind effect behind the barrier of celestial form as opposed to the solution of just increasing the ICD?

Passive procs are bad for the competitive health of any game, but I’m not going to be the one that argues for my class AND ONLY my class to be made an example of in the “war” against RNG driven gameplay.

ANet will NEVER remove passive procs from the game though, and the trait itself is only really “bad” with staff, which heals on autoattacks (passive procs that can occur on autoattacks are especially toxic for ANY game).

So the conversation we should be having is whether or not gating the blind effect specifically behind the heals in Celestial Form would be enough.

I only responded curtly because this doesn’t need to be yet another 300 post thread complaining about something in the game; we definitely have enough of those.

that is a point realy the Staff 1 heals a target , though to get those blinds the Beam must heal someone , so in 2vs2 Situations the blind is limited to its amount of targets the more targets in the area of the heal gain more blinds so it scales on the amount of people nearby for a beam use this staff 1 is limited to a line so its not much of a issue.

the staff 2 on the other hand is a on target effect that heals any nearby ally to the target of the staff 2 as the wisp heals so if anyone stays near while the wisps duration is active practicly puts Blind on himself by staying too close , this gives the staff its Defence capabilities in small scale fights of 2vs2 or 3vs3.

with others pointing out that the heals a staff does also applies the blind effect to allies is only powerful when in asteral form due to the AoE heals it provides so half this trait is gated behind the wall already as most of the Normal staff heals are linear in a fashion that its only in a line and provides no AoEs unless the trait Verdant Etching is used that triggers the Lingering light effects (which makes it AoE effective)

without Verdant Etching the trait is only strong in asteral form due to provided AoEs and the effects of lingering light add blind attacks to those in the Radius of Verdant Etching or CA form AoE’s.

as AoE heals can heal more targets than a linear effect , it makes lingering light very powerful in full on 5vs5’s if used with Verdant Etching and CA form at the same time.

a simple solution would be to Reduce the AoE sizes on most of the CA form skills apart from Luna impact and remove the Ground targeting from CA skill1 so the AoE can’t apply blind on each Auto attack while in the CA form.

in some what a way to slightly gate the trait lingering light or restrict its effects to a Localised area around the healed target by having smaller AoE radius but Verdant Etching is already quite low at 180 radius pretty much means the druid needs to be in melee range to effectively make use of lingering light and using the Staff 2 Astral Wisp in melee range near lots of Allies is a set up for Pure defence which could be avoided no dodging required .

this is simply the druids way of performing a lockout , that does not include daze stuns ect .

the only way i can see this improving is Removing the CA skill 1 ground targeting making lingering light apply less often and or Reducing the Radius of seed of life to 120 yards so to gain near perma blind , it would require 3 things.

1. Melee range
2. Asteral wisp
3. 2+ players near the target in melee range or the use of Verdant Etching with glyphs.

that ontop a ICD of 4seconds so Staff skill 1 will apply the blind every 1 in 4 attacks which heal an ally , with the 3 requirements to make lingering light strong on a AoE scale but still effective when it comes to 1vs1 or 2vs1 small scale stuff.

doing this lowers its uses to Situational at best due to the 3 requirement i listed.

the trait is fine its the amount of consistant healing Aoes we have.

they could also Apply a Radius to lingering light so it only applies to those with 120 of the healed target, namely the pet and team mates targeted by Aoe.

lingering light Radius 120
ICD 4seconds
Remove ground targeting from CA skill1 , make this a copy of Staff 1 with improved healing.
(the counter play to this is Situational awareness allow the opposing team to line up and to stop it is simply Applying CC to the Druid while its in CA form)

im sure if its Gated this way it can not be applied anymore than once AoE on Multi targets or those that are in a line no more than 1 activation every 4seconds meaning it can not be spammed by using Auto attacks.

sorry for the long post but this Trait Meshes so much into Staff and CA form with seed of life looking at one trait effects everything else.

(edited by Zenos Osgorma.2936)

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: Wondrouswall.7169


Lingering Light will get a Nerf, all they will do is change ICD I’m guessing 5-6 seconds. They won’t change the blind or the heal.

I have this feeling, too. LL with the old functionality had a 6s ICD. I’m guessing they might go back to this, even though the functionality changed since beta.

Will update once Path of Fire releases.

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: Scrimschaw.5784


Well, despite good intentions, Lingering Light now has an ICD of 12 seconds and the buff duration has been reduced to 3 seconds. Good attempt, guys, but it seems like it’s been gutted for the time being. Considering Elementalist’s Blinding Ashes only has an 8 second cooldown (and had 5 seconds ICD for a long time), I don’t know how they justified adding another 4 seconds on top of that for Lingering Light.

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


Sigh, 12 second ICD.

And that’s not what the sigh is for, the sigh is that the base heal is 596, and only scales up to about 800.

A trait that provided 100+ healing per second now provides about 50 per second baseline, and only scales to 70 hps.

That means at best, it’s only slightly better than worst case Signet of the Wilds 62 base healing per seconds.

The blind should have been removed before this change was ever implemented. GJ ANet, another trait gutted, kneejerk style, with no attempt at even constructively iterating on it for it to retain its value without being broken.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: oshilator.4681


Doesn’t seem overpowered to me.

It absolutely isn’t.

I’m just predicting another knee-jerk reaction & nerf.

Called it.


Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: Scrimschaw.5784


Sigh, 12 second ICD.

And that’s not what the sigh is for, the sigh is that the base heal is 596, and only scales up to about 800.

A trait that provided 100+ healing per second now provides about 50 per second baseline, and only scales to 70 hps.

That means at best, it’s only slightly better than worst case Signet of the Wilds 62 base healing per seconds.

The blind should have been removed before this change was ever implemented. GJ ANet, another trait gutted, kneejerk style, with no attempt at even constructively iterating on it for it to retain its value without being broken.

It is beyond disappointing to see this happen yet again.

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: Lévis.5489


There are no reasons to ever use this grandmaster trait, anymore.

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


I’m very sad by Irenio CalmonHuangs actions or lack of….

Looks like he doesn’t have a spine to stand up for the class or has no clue what hes doing… not a shock though.. we get one thing fixed in exchange for an overly dramatic nerf =/

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: Scrimschaw.5784


There are no reasons to ever use this grandmaster trait, anymore.

No, there is not. Its reliability has been gutted, so it doesn’t serve as defense (heal+blind) and it is no longer useful for filling CAF. I really don’t know what the balance team is thinking on this one.

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: Lévis.5489


There are no reasons to ever use this grandmaster trait, anymore.

No, there is not. Its reliability has been gutted, so it doesn’t serve as defense (heal+blind) and it is no longer useful for filling CAF. I really don’t know what the balance team is thinking on this one.

And i am fearing for ancient seeds now. People playing in spvp with a druid will most likely switch to a daze / interrupt build and it will give ancient seeds too much attention. One thing is certain, rangers cannot have nice things.

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

Sigh, 12 second ICD.

And that’s not what the sigh is for, the sigh is that the base heal is 596, and only scales up to about 800.

A trait that provided 100+ healing per second now provides about 50 per second baseline, and only scales to 70 hps.

That means at best, it’s only slightly better than worst case Signet of the Wilds 62 base healing per seconds.

The blind should have been removed before this change was ever implemented. GJ ANet, another trait gutted, kneejerk style, with no attempt at even constructively iterating on it for it to retain its value without being broken.

looks like we have an interfering of a dev from outside the ranger community going over Irenio’s head , as it is him Fixing thier mistakes Which i find more disapointing.

this seems to be a recurring problem Overnurfed by a Non-ranger Developer without properly testing it and then poor Irenio has to fix it.

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: kevvy.5081


There is no point taking this trait anymore. There’s a line and limit where the ‘balance’ can nerf something to an acceptable amount. And this update took it miles beyond – that it made it absolutely useless. I’m tired of this Anet. I’m getting real kittening tired of this.

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: Daharahj.1325


A GM trait that’s worse than some minors, outstanding.

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: Wuselknusel.4082


I’m very sad by Irenio CalmonHuangs actions or lack of….

Looks like he doesn’t have a spine to stand up for the class or has no clue what hes doing… not a shock though.. we get one thing fixed in exchange for an overly dramatic nerf =/

To hear that from a specialist is saddening. I thought you atleast wuld have more interaction with the devs to be able to assure us that “everything will be alright in the end”.

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: Wondrouswall.7169


One step forward, two steps back. I hope Irenio posts an explanation to the reasoning behind such a large increase of the ICD. From 3s to 12s is a huge increase with a duration reduction to the effect on allies. Could have doubled the ICD and tested out for a while…

Will update once Path of Fire releases.

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: Chrispy.5641


One step forward, two steps back. I hope Irenio posts an explanation to the reasoning behind such a large increase of the ICD. From 3s to 12s is a huge increase with a duration reduction to the effect on allies. Could have doubled the ICD and tested out for a while…

The fact that Anet makes such drastic changes when balancing skills makes me wonder if they do ANY internal testing at all before throwing it into the game.

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


The fact that Anet makes such drastic changes when balancing skills makes me wonder if they do ANY internal testing at all before throwing it into the game.

Given the recent situations, I think the answer is obvious.

Gone to Reddit.

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

One step forward, two steps back. I hope Irenio posts an explanation to the reasoning behind such a large increase of the ICD. From 3s to 12s is a huge increase with a duration reduction to the effect on allies. Could have doubled the ICD and tested out for a while…

The fact that Anet makes such drastic changes when balancing skills makes me wonder if they do ANY internal testing at all before throwing it into the game.

Pretty much no one would have tested degenerating AF and thought “Ya, this is fun. This will work.”

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Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: mistsim.2748


One step forward, two steps back. I hope Irenio posts an explanation to the reasoning behind such a large increase of the ICD. From 3s to 12s is a huge increase with a duration reduction to the effect on allies. Could have doubled the ICD and tested out for a while…

The fact that Anet makes such drastic changes when balancing skills makes me wonder if they do ANY internal testing at all before throwing it into the game.

Pretty much no one would have tested degenerating AF and thought “Ya, this is fun. This will work.”

it’s actually disturbing how quickly theyre nerfing after listening to scrubs complain. this type of dev behavior might be the final nail in the coffin for me – a game run by the inexperienced with zero devs who play the game at a competitive level.

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: Daharahj.1325


They need a competent balance team if they really want to push this game into esports.

Acceptable Iteration of Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: Skullface.7293


I just love how they nerf a GM trait to the point where it doesn’t feel like a GM trait anymore. The cooldown is too high for what the trait does.

Hiro || Talgo
Main: Ranger