Am I at a disadvantage without the Sword?
I would say that You will be at major disadvantage WITH using sword
for melee Greatsword is a waaay better
(evede of every 3 auto atack, possibility of move!, hitting all enemies within range at 180 degrees in front, 1200 range swoop, 6 sec of 3stacks of bleed with 6 sec. cooldown, “counter atack” skill blocks all the atacks in his duration unless atacker is in melee range so then knockbakc him, “hilt bash” skill is great interrupter)
I don’t understand ppl that are playing with 1hsword as a ranger :P
btw. most good beastmaster build I’ve seen concentrate at using gs not 1hsword – see “beastmaster hybrid” on Youtube
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
Nice to see that I’m not alone in my scorn for the sword!
I would say that You will be at major disadvantage WITH using sword
for melee Greatsword is a waaay better
(evede of every 3 auto atack, possibility of move!, hitting all enemies within range at 180 degrees in front, 1200 range swoop, 6 sec of 3stacks of bleed with 6 sec. cooldown, “counter atack” skill blocks all the atacks in his duration unless atacker is in melee range so then knockbakc him, “hilt bash” skill is great interrupter)
I don’t understand ppl that are playing with 1hsword as a ranger :P
btw. most good beastmaster build I’ve seen concentrate at using gs not 1hsword – see “beastmaster hybrid” on Youtube
GS is terrible outside movement.
It has less sustained DPS than sword autoattack, and you can pair sword and torch for MUCH greater aoe capability than greatsword, while comboing sword 2 into bonfire for fire aura (might stacks on being hit).
But, in the case of pve, just use both. Ranged weapons for ranger are kitten.
Almost always carry 1 melee weapon and 1 ranged weapon.
I’d think greatsword is definetly the easier weapon to handle. But it’s dps is in line with the bows, sword is very much ahead. Since you’re going BM sbow > lbow, though I haven’t used axe much so can’t say anything on that, but it does have less range.
You’ll want a sword/x and GS set eventually, as they both are great in different situations.
For end-game pve dungeons, all you rly need is dps (outside of a few encounters), so sword should be your go-to weapon. You can, however, swap to GS for the occasional burst damage from maul and GS 5.
For WvW, GS is king for the mobility, interrupt, and block channel.
For sPvP, if you’re running a BM build, you’ll probably want to spec for condition damage, so sword/torch is your best choice. I personally run SB/Sword/Torch with a BM build.
all the weapons are good at what theyre designed to do… if you are just leveling, weapon choice really doesnt matter much.
at max level, you are not pigeonholed into any weapon for any area of the game. rangers have huge viable spec variety.
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds
Sword is our highest damage dealer, and sticks to the enemy like glue, but you won’t be at a disadvantage for not using it so long as you have some way to do damage if the enemy blocks/reflects projectiles, and that you’re not trying to be a glass max damage build.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
If you are trying to go BM then yes you are at a disadvantage.
The sword offers distinct benefits for all BM builds, regardless of whether you go power or condition dmg. Despite the movement lock caused by the 2nd and 3rd attack in the auto chain you will have more evade uptime thanks to hornet sting and serpent strike. You can also use the hornet sting/monarchs leap chain to get out of trouble. The might buff to your pet is very nice as well.
For clerics bunker, sword auto scales nicely with power.
For condition bunker, Serpent’s strike will benefit from your condition dmg.
I really wouldn’t play BM without it.
No you’re not pigeon-holed or at a disadvantage when you don’t use a 1hand sword. It may be our max DPS weapon, but that comes with the dangers of melee combat. If you’re going BM bunker, I’m assuming you’re going to go Condition damage. In that case, axe/torch is the best combination you can go for max DPS.
Doing It With Style
If you are trying to go BM then yes you are at a disadvantage.
The sword offers distinct benefits for all BM builds, regardless of whether you go power or condition dmg. Despite the movement lock caused by the 2nd and 3rd attack in the auto chain you will have more evade uptime thanks to hornet sting and serpent strike. You can also use the hornet sting/monarchs leap chain to get out of trouble. The might buff to your pet is very nice as well.
For clerics bunker, sword auto scales nicely with power.
For condition bunker, Serpent’s strike will benefit from your condition dmg.
I really wouldn’t play BM without it.
Axe/dagger helps a BM build a lot more than sword can because it essentially allows perma snare, longbow makes your pet hit harder and gives them a movement boost, also has a cripple and KB (can be useful for pet), SB allows your pet to deal the condi damage and is essentially required if that’s what you want, torch can give different bonuses varying on the pet (fire shield for wolves, might on drakes etc)
He has PLENTY of options for helping his pet dominate the enemy!
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
Thank you for all the replies! It makes me feel a lot safer after hearing from you all. Just going to stick with my axe/torch and SB!
If you are trying to go BM then yes you are at a disadvantage.
The sword offers distinct benefits for all BM builds, regardless of whether you go power or condition dmg. Despite the movement lock caused by the 2nd and 3rd attack in the auto chain you will have more evade uptime thanks to hornet sting and serpent strike. You can also use the hornet sting/monarchs leap chain to get out of trouble. The might buff to your pet is very nice as well.
For clerics bunker, sword auto scales nicely with power.
For condition bunker, Serpent’s strike will benefit from your condition dmg.
I really wouldn’t play BM without it.
more evasive skilld doesn’t mean more evade uptime – Greatsword’s evade is casting at least triple times more than You can use all evasive skills in 1h sword. (all of evasive skills at combo 1hsword/dagger have deadly cd’s so there are always mass amount of atacks that won’t be evade – I don’t have such a problem with greatsword because in every two seconds that second one is “evade” and I have much better mobility so enemy must hit me firt to try damage
in probleem of damage… GS is more CC/survi weapon so damage isn’t their priority – is like to tell warrior that hammer id bad because all other weapons outdamage it.
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
Wvw-wise I think axe/torch + SB is really viable if you’re going BM, and hopefully condition dmg, your damage output wouldn’t be very good when going for power.
By the way, I’m running sword/dagger + GS, couldn’t live without the sword and I really dont’t care about this evade on autoattack on GS, people have to show me how to time this if the enemy isn’t a NPC. Almost only use GS for the utitlity, block, daze/stun, swoop, most enemys are going to burn their dodge for your maul…
e: Another thing i like about the sword, for example I do have problems with mesmers from time to time, so if I lose track of the real one, I de-select my target and start bouncing around like crazy with sword autoattack…not really professionell, but gives me time to pick the right one and makes me hard to hit
(edited by Grayback.7148)
If you are trying to go BM then yes you are at a disadvantage.
The sword offers distinct benefits for all BM builds, regardless of whether you go power or condition dmg. Despite the movement lock caused by the 2nd and 3rd attack in the auto chain you will have more evade uptime thanks to hornet sting and serpent strike. You can also use the hornet sting/monarchs leap chain to get out of trouble. The might buff to your pet is very nice as well.
For clerics bunker, sword auto scales nicely with power.
For condition bunker, Serpent’s strike will benefit from your condition dmg.
I really wouldn’t play BM without it.
Axe/dagger helps a BM build a lot more than sword can because it essentially allows perma snare, longbow makes your pet hit harder and gives them a movement boost, also has a cripple and KB (can be useful for pet), SB allows your pet to deal the condi damage and is essentially required if that’s what you want, torch can give different bonuses varying on the pet (fire shield for wolves, might on drakes etc)
He has PLENTY of options for helping his pet dominate the enemy!
Personally, I like longbow, but not for BM. It has really good synergy with RaO, but for this weapon to be most effective your enemies have to “respect” a certain distance. SB gives your pet a bleed stack for each of it’s next 3 attacks. Each stack lasts 5 sec. Pets start with no condition dmg, and if you trait for it they get 350. The base stacks are 43 dps, and traited are 60. It’s not a big dps boost.
If you are trying to go BM then yes you are at a disadvantage.
The sword offers distinct benefits for all BM builds, regardless of whether you go power or condition dmg. Despite the movement lock caused by the 2nd and 3rd attack in the auto chain you will have more evade uptime thanks to hornet sting and serpent strike. You can also use the hornet sting/monarchs leap chain to get out of trouble. The might buff to your pet is very nice as well.
For clerics bunker, sword auto scales nicely with power.
For condition bunker, Serpent’s strike will benefit from your condition dmg.
I really wouldn’t play BM without it.
more evasive skilld doesn’t mean more evade uptime – Greatsword’s evade is casting at least triple times more than You can use all evasive skills in 1h sword. (all of evasive skills at combo 1hsword/dagger have deadly cd’s so there are always mass amount of atacks that won’t be evade – I don’t have such a problem with greatsword because in every two seconds that second one is “evade” and I have much better mobility so enemy must hit me firt to try damage
in probleem of damage… GS is more CC/survi weapon so damage isn’t their priority – is like to tell warrior that hammer id bad because all other weapons outdamage it.
It does actually lead to more evade uptime. GS evade on auto is awesome, but flawed. You HAVE to be in melee range AND attacking in order to get the evade to go off. If you end up immobilized you can block, but that is just as likely to get you killed as save you. Sword has evade skills that work while immobilized.
The sword 2 chain also is really good at Yo-Yoing additional targets. Ranger pets, mesmer illusions, necro minions, and a lot of players are not good at changing direction fast enough to close on you.
If you are trying to go BM then yes you are at a disadvantage.
The sword offers distinct benefits for all BM builds, regardless of whether you go power or condition dmg. Despite the movement lock caused by the 2nd and 3rd attack in the auto chain you will have more evade uptime thanks to hornet sting and serpent strike. You can also use the hornet sting/monarchs leap chain to get out of trouble. The might buff to your pet is very nice as well.
For clerics bunker, sword auto scales nicely with power.
For condition bunker, Serpent’s strike will benefit from your condition dmg.
I really wouldn’t play BM without it.
more evasive skilld doesn’t mean more evade uptime – Greatsword’s evade is casting at least triple times more than You can use all evasive skills in 1h sword. (all of evasive skills at combo 1hsword/dagger have deadly cd’s so there are always mass amount of atacks that won’t be evade – I don’t have such a problem with greatsword because in every two seconds that second one is “evade” and I have much better mobility so enemy must hit me firt to try damage
in probleem of damage… GS is more CC/survi weapon so damage isn’t their priority – is like to tell warrior that hammer id bad because all other weapons outdamage it.It does actually lead to more evade uptime. GS evade on auto is awesome, but flawed. You HAVE to be in melee range AND attacking in order to get the evade to go off. If you end up immobilized you can block, but that is just as likely to get you killed as save you. Sword has evade skills that work while immobilized.
The sword 2 chain also is really good at Yo-Yoing additional targets. Ranger pets, mesmer illusions, necro minions, and a lot of players are not good at changing direction fast enough to close on you.
didn’t convinced me – If I have melee weapon, so why we are talking about situation when we aren’t in melee range. If I’m immobilized nad my counter atack will launch kick that means that enamye IS in melee atack – so again, we are in melee or not in melee – and if we are talking about melee uptime so I though we were talking what percentage of fight using that weapon we are on “evade” – look at 1hswords cooldowns on your “evasive” skills – when You burn it You have 15 sec’s of cooldown on Serpents strike and 8 on hornet sting – 10 from Stalkers Strike when Yo have got dagger. in the meanwhile I’m still casting my evasive skill every 2nd second (btw dodge also works when immobilized :P)
as for me 1hsword could be very good weapon and I have planned using it from the beginning (was “in love” in serpent’s srike :P) the only thing that makes it for me unplayable is that “leap” in auto-chain
maybe You can figth without possibility of move – for me (as ranger) mobility while in fight is something without I can’t play
PS. counter atack can kill you only when you are running away from enemy zerg and cast it in the moment when quickest of atackers atack – and before end of knockback animation rest are “on” you – only possibility
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
It’s too bad you can’t come to terms with the auto-chain. Main hand sword is a really fantastic weapon. We have some very strong offhand choices to pair it with, depending on what you are trying to do.
Ok I checked tested in some real fight and I fact 1hsword sucks (as for me) ONLY when is the only melee weapon.
but as fro now GS/sword+axe looks pretty well – GS for overall move jumping into fight, and then swap to the sword+axe and stick to enemy You’ve choiced to that – You can always use serpents strike to just avade and keep atacking(or to be back in firght with Your target If You’ll lose it) or disengage with hornet sting.
also nice whirl finisher that maked pretty well when fighting with “projectile-only” part of enemy and give nice AoE vulnerability – only problem is when You have mass of melle guys near You and they are dps’ing You meanwhile…
only problem with Whirling defense as for me now is…
I start whirling-some necro use those freakin grasp-no longer whirling and suddenly I’m in the middle of the zerg (and If I’m called as target for other necros ping-pong game with ranger as a ball beguns
and ends with balls death)
but forgeting about this little problem its truns out that this combo have a chance
and if Range is a problem I have always massive amounts ob bows for all ocasions in my backpack
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
Thank you for all the replies! It makes me feel a lot safer after hearing from you all. Just going to stick with my axe/torch and SB!
If you’re doing high end dungeons or fotm I’d recommend against running 2 projectile weapons. Or at least carry gs/sword with you, some instances have nasty reflects…
I’ve used the 1h sword a lot and I still hate the auto-attack.
If you run PuGs in dungeons or if you run open world stuff, go with the GS.
If you run dungeons with a specific group who wants to either speed run or optimize their dungeon running experience, you’re going to end up on the 1h sword.
I like the 1h sword a lot, a powerful skill 1 and two great movement skills after that. I only hope to see the day where we can use those skills and dodge on demand.
Learning the Sword, just makes you a better player in general.
There’s no reason not to unless you’re planning on quitting the game soon.
Its effectiveness is definitely up to debate … but that still FORCES you to learn proper peripheral Awareness and few things make you a better player than that.
(edited by ilr.9675)
My Condi-gen313 ranger is my main and me switching from GS to S/D (axe/torch is my other wep set) really made things click. with the combination of Lightning reflexes and S2 im able to either open or close the gap 2500 yards almost instantly and while evading for the majority of the time! Also with thieves who never stand and fight and always take the easy way out. the sword allows us to fight fire with fire.
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge
Sword has a high learning curve. A lot of people believe it is bugged because of the autoattack, but if you turn the autoattack off and manually press the buttons, you can still maintain the necessary mobility, and you have the ability to perma-cripple a target, which is a valuable tool to set up damage with your pet.
Additionally, the sword 2 is arguably one of the best disengage skills in the game, as it is a backwards leap with evasion frames. Then, you can 180 turn, and do a second leap, creating a very large distance gap, and this method can basically be spammed.
Also, the sword 3 is a great defensive evasion, and if combined with dagger, it makes it the most evasive weapon set in the game, parallel to the effectiveness of mesmers one handed sword (except that they gain distortion, which is stronger than evasion).
OR, whatever other weapon you choose. The main damage comes from the autoattack on the sword though, while having a leap to be able to leap through fields for auras is nice.
Other than that, and I totally understand this being a hindrance, but turning off the autoattack and learning how to use the sword in that regard is probably one of the best things a ranger can do at this point in the balancing stage, as the sword is a very effective weapon to use. For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
Hello everyone! I currently have a level 60 ranger. Lately, I’ve been using short-bow or longbow and axe/torch. I’m eventually going to be traiting to be a BM bunker build (slowly making my way there now). Something I’m a little apprehensive about is being pigeon-holed into using a sword. I really don’t enjoy having to take my auto-attack off, and even when I do, it’s still a pain to dodge.
If your not using sword you are gimping yourself. That’s the best weapon rangers have. About the autoattack ye it takes a while to get used to it, but personally i use sword with no problems at all and i never take my autoatt off.
I would say that You will be at major disadvantage WITH using sword
Ofc you will be at major disadvantage if you don’t know how to use it properly.
I just took the auto attack off and tried it, and wow! its even better then before. I can choose when to do the 3rd part leap. which is super nice! Just when i thought i couldnt learn anything new on my condi-gen..good times are sure to ensue!
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge
Sword has a high learning curve. A lot of people believe it is bugged because of the autoattack, but if you turn the autoattack off and manually press the buttons, you can still maintain the necessary mobility, and you have the ability to perma-cripple a target, which is a valuable tool to set up damage with your pet.
Additionally, the sword 2 is arguably one of the best disengage skills in the game, as it is a backwards leap with evasion frames. Then, you can 180 turn, and do a second leap, creating a very large distance gap, and this method can basically be spammed.
Also, the sword 3 is a great defensive evasion, and if combined with dagger, it makes it the most evasive weapon set in the game, parallel to the effectiveness of mesmers one handed sword (except that they gain distortion, which is stronger than evasion).
OR, whatever other weapon you choose. The main damage comes from the autoattack on the sword though, while having a leap to be able to leap through fields for auras is nice.Other than that, and I totally understand this being a hindrance, but turning off the autoattack and learning how to use the sword in that regard is probably one of the best things a ranger can do at this point in the balancing stage, as the sword is a very effective weapon to use.
don’t foget to take target off the enemy while turnig those 180 degrees
and second. ok so next step of learning 1hsword again (at the begining I couldn’t use to melee anything other than sword+dagger/axe and then GS comes) is turning of the auto on 1h sword….
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
here is something i just worked out and its nice. I run a naga mouse but it could be done with any macro key board/mouse
Turn off the Auto attack on Sword 1 and you can use it just by pressing the keys. but then on your mouse make a macro so when you hold down a key (just the down stroke) it spams the sword 1 ability then when you let go of the key it stops immediately. this lets you have both worlds ie auto attack and 1 at a time and you are able to dodge without the animation lock. been doing it for a morning…and its definitely Sexy Time!
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge
not sure if that kind of macro is allowed
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
i absolutely love the sword auto attack . It does not root you , it locks you on . Its a tactical weapon , not a button masher 100% . However once you deem necessary , mash away
yeap I just realized how funny could be turning of autoatack and have no target – just being sure every hit will hit something – that was something like "yayI’m jumping so quickly back and forth that nobody have a chance to hit me (using melee) + funny evades.
finnaly I know how I can manage to survive when our zerg is in retreat and I last one and there are enemy infantry just next to me (slash, kick and leap + leaaaap – slash will hit because they are already on me, kick will aslo kick because their “move-tward” is short – and then it comes leap that have big chances to not hit anything – and then I can make it once again because previous one didn’t hit so it doesn’t push the chain to the next (first) skill – sadly it works only once so after second leap we need again hit something twice.)
ok but that’s enough of maltreating those training stuff in Fort Marriner – time to go to WvW and bust some heads
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles