Am I the only one happy with Rangers?
I see these people as the kind of people that absolutely hate change. Their toy truck with big wheels got changed to a toy truck with small wheels, but in exchange they are given a new race car as an alternative. They will kitten and moan about the changes to their beloved toy truck and completely ignore the new race car.
This is all well and good. Except the new race car has broken wheel and is covered in dents.
I am constantly surprised by the fact that people think this shortbow “nerf” destroyed the class. I have played ranger for about 3 months now, and have created a very good melee build, without using the shortbow or longbow at all. The only class I have trouble fighting 1v1 is none of them and the only classes together I have trouble fighting 1v2 is none at all. Only against coordinated groups of 2 or more, or uncoordinated groups of 4 or more do I have trouble, and all that is WITHOUT A SHORTBOW! So stop griping about 1 weapon being hit a little bit and actually experiment with weapons that aren’t “auto-attack to win” and require a little bit more skill. The ranger does have a high skill cap, you just have to find builds that let you raise it.
Bravo for you fighting 4 (clap)
My pre-nerf axe+wh/torch with sb can solo 10+ mobs (normal for ranger anyway) and clear them faster than most classes (except warrior) when I’m using drakes
Can also solo 90% of gold bosses that’re below lv70.
So your point is?
My complaint mainly come from dgn usage and wvw usage.
900 range is pathetic in wvw, and if I use axe I can easily track 3 enemies, so why should I use the nerfed sb? There’s no reason …
In addition, despite the great survivability in outdoor content, dgn does not work that way, everyone got hit equally as hard.
Furthermore. I can already feel my bunker trait zerker gears beast master ranger do below average damage compare to a normal warrior before the nerf, and now with the pet nerf, it’s even worse.
ps: If you think ranger has high skill cap, plz do play an engineer or elementalest.
It’ll blow your mind, and you’ll work 10 times harder trying to stay alive.
I see these people as the kind of people that absolutely hate change. Their toy truck with big wheels got changed to a toy truck with small wheels, but in exchange they are given a new race car as an alternative. They will kitten and moan about the changes to their beloved toy truck and completely ignore the new race car.
This is all well and good. Except the new race car has broken wheel and is covered in dents.
The toys are metaphors for builds. It’s amazing that you can already judge that the new meta build is broken when it hasn’t even emerged yet.
Poor new meta build, aborted by Quarktastic before you were even born. :’(
Doing It With Style
I don’t see how you can be happy with rangers when
- Barrage damage has been cut in half
- Both the LB/SB have worse tracking issues than they did before
- Pets are dropping a lot quicker and their F2 abilities are slower to reactThat is unless you use none of those..
Please stop spreading misinformation, as not a single thing you mentioned is accurate.
The fact that you did not even notice this secret nerf cbroe mentioned, shows how ignorant and up in the sky you are.
Please don’t voice your opinion if you have no idea what is going on because it’s just your imagination not the reality.
Can all this happy ranger tell me what build they are using to stay happy …Right now im have a sb that shooting unicorns and those horses do nothing at this moment ..Im traitless in LA confused …I dont want my horses to get fat !!
I don’t see how you can be happy with rangers when
- Barrage damage has been cut in half
- Both the LB/SB have worse tracking issues than they did before
- Pets are dropping a lot quicker and their F2 abilities are slower to reactThat is unless you use none of those..
Please stop spreading misinformation, as not a single thing you mentioned is accurate.
The fact that you did not even notice this secret nerf cbroe mentioned, shows how ignorant and up in the sky you are.
Please don’t voice your opinion if you have no idea what is going on because it’s just your imagination not the reality.
What secret nerf is that? I didn’t notice any although I don’t normally run with the longbow I was just playing around with it to see how it felt now and it seemed to be just like before aside from attacking faster so better.
Haven’t noticed any tracking issues, pets dropping faster or slower F2s either so wich one of these (or all) are supposed to be secret nerfs?
Ignorent is bliss.
If you ever play a warrior in dgn, you’ll notice how bad ranger was in terms of dps.
Now post pet nerf is even worse.Baseless complaint?
The fact that you give no example but your personal feeling shows how clueless and baseless you are.
Did you even read the patch note on all the serious nerfs?“Serious nerfs?”
First of all, SB NEVER, EVER should have had the same range as LB. This is logical. I’m surprised it took them THIS LONG to nerf it. Secondly, a lot of the skills got a damage buff. Third, the only real nerfs rangers got this patch was in the pet damage. So, man, I dunno.
So you’re saying that having SB range equal to untraited LB range is wrong, but shooting arrows with SB being the same range as hand thrown axes is ok?
How about traited offhand thrown axes having longer range than shortbow fired arrows, does that make sense?
Ranger have a good dps (believe me really good in LV40 FOTM with full zerker)before the patch , if u use lb+sb pierce arrow + u are good in kite and keep shoot the backside of mobsfull of energy+using 30/30/5/0/5 <=A class can have a good dps have to do so many things like these. Is that fair??
Ranger can still have the greatest range damage but with bad melee wapons (good dps but hard to control(sword) or bad dps (great sword). Worrior is good in melee and good in range (maybe not better than ranger but almost) Who is the real "range"r????
I’m happy. I find it balanced. Where something got nerfed you can more than make up for it in other areas.
There are so many people complaining about rangers, yet I see more rangers in game than even guardians and warriors. So I think actually there are more satisfied people than not – the unsatisfied ones are the ones who post, so naturally, if you take the forums as a baseline you’ll think the majority are dissatisfied.
Can all this happy ranger tell me what build they are using to stay happy …Right now im have a sb that shooting unicorns and those horses do nothing at this moment ..Im traitless in LA confused …I dont want my horses to get fat !!
Wilda, I use a Longbow for my main & a Sword/Axe combination for my secondary set for when enemies get too close. I guess others will argue for different set ups, but this works for me. Hope this is of some use.
Whiteside Ridge o/
All I ever see are people QQing about being a ranger or dismissing a ranger as worthless, and yet I’ve been playing one since launch and have never really had a problem. I do pretty well in almost every circumstance, PvE, PvP, WvW, and the only class I can’t handle is fighting guardians.
Am I wrong for thinking a lot of the complaining is baseless? =/ I feel like I’m the only one who knows how to play the class sometimes….
I was very unhappy with my ranger between 30-60 but since she hit 80 I have been very happy with her. I have every class except for warrior and mesmer, and my ranger is class I most enjoy doing dungeons and WvW with. But then again apart from the shortbow I am not remotely effected by any trait changes. Not even on pets as I use bears, the one class of pets that were not touched. So yeah…
Can all this happy ranger tell me what build they are using to stay happy …Right now im have a sb that shooting unicorns and those horses do nothing at this moment ..Im traitless in LA confused …I dont want my horses to get fat !!
I use 20/30/20/0/0 build with condition dealing bear pets. Bears may not be the best at dps but kitten they are effective meat shields and have pretty great survivability even against Alpha! I use traps with the trap traits that lets me throw the traps. I mostly use the fire and ice traps because of the combo fields which I can trigger using my bow or greatsword #3 for extra effect and damage. I am also a sylvari and so I use sylvari racial elites which of course this is not replicable by non-sylvari rangers.
(edited by Tinni.4351)
the real problem is not the pet or sb nerf. i hate pets because they useless in wvw, pvp (except against real noobs) and bosses kill them immediatly. the shortbow allways was a melee weapo.
the problem: we are still the weakest class. not a real burst, tank, cc or buff class or a good mix of it.
i play ranger because i am an archer irl. :p i have a shortbow and i can do things what my character cant. shoot backward and shoot a target from 60 meters from a horse ( the shooting distance is depend on the power of the bow, not on the size) btw my bows range is above 200 meters
Just the WvW
Hey Kyo. You’re one of about a dozen or two that’s happy with the patch. That’s about it.
Ignorent is bliss.
If you ever play a warrior in dgn, you’ll notice how bad ranger was in terms of dps.
Now post pet nerf is even worse.Baseless complaint?
The fact that you give no example but your personal feeling shows how clueless and baseless you are.
Did you even read the patch note on all the serious nerfs?That range was all that made our shortbow comparable to thief’s shortbow.
now thiefs shortbow are the same and our shortbow in compare to them – just sucks.
so where is that ranger superiority of rangers?btw. I can agree with all the changes made to rangers in this patch – eccept shortbow range.
“Serious nerfs?”First of all, SB NEVER, EVER should have had the same range as LB. This is logical. I’m surprised it took them THIS LONG to nerf it. Secondly, a lot of the skills got a damage buff. Third, the only real nerfs rangers got this patch was in the pet damage. So, man, I dunno.
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
i am happy with my ranger, i have many other lvl 80 chars including a warr and guardian, i find it funny to read and see here all of a sudden when they “nerf” sb that EVERYBODY was playing sb, when the reality is totally different, ppl are just upsaid cause they were waiting on a huge positive change that didnt happen, as for pet ability nerfs, hell i bet more then half of players dont even use them on cd.
As for ranger vs other classes, gimme a break, even tho i love playing my warrior i feel more comfortable bringing my ranger in some situations (not all ofc), and when i do i see so many elitist zerk warriors lying down saying “ress pls”, world events are full of melee classes using ranged weaps, in dungeons its about the encounters more or less, as for high level fractals we always use ranger and would never take a zerker warr for instance.
I enjoy this game a lot, ranger the most and second favorites are ele and necro. I find the guardian to be very balanced so I avoid it. I always played the mobile/agile or mage type classes in games. Theif is cool in concept and was my first but I eventually decided I didn’t like the playstyle. The warrior felt a bit dumbed down (banner slave in pve) but the engi is really becoming a possible contender for third favorite after my necro. I try to pve and pvp in all professions but I’m most proficient with ranger, by far.
(edited by Chopps.5047)
I’m happy with my new build so far, I haven’t tried it in tpvp yet (which IMO is a great way to test the effectiveness and group utility of your class.) But so far, it has done well in hot joins.
I STILL wish pet ability activation was automatic and I didn’t have to pray for it to go off. That fix would open up more reliable utility when using Guard.
Kal Snow – Norn Guardian
i am happy with my ranger, i have many other lvl 80 chars including a warr and guardian, i find it funny to read and see here all of a sudden when they “nerf” sb that EVERYBODY was playing sb, when the reality is totally different, ppl are just upsaid cause they were waiting on a huge positive change that didnt happen, as for pet ability nerfs, hell i bet more then half of players dont even use them on cd.
As for ranger vs other classes, gimme a break, even tho i love playing my warrior i feel more comfortable bringing my ranger in some situations (not all ofc), and when i do i see so many elitist zerk warriors lying down saying “ress pls”, world events are full of melee classes using ranged weaps, in dungeons its about the encounters more or less, as for high level fractals we always use ranger and would never take a zerker warr for instance.
I was playing fully melee – and just when ranged atacks was the must I swapped to longbw/shortbow depending an situation.
now I could just destroy all my sb I has for different situations – and only reason I won’t do that is that I hope that sb may be restored to their glory and then – I’ll need them
anyway that was funny when I noticed tha when I was lvl’ing my guard when it comes hard event I used very similar battle tactics as with ranger (running in circles and atacking ranged weapons – I was scepter+shield then
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
i am happy with my ranger, i have many other lvl 80 chars including a warr and guardian, i find it funny to read and see here all of a sudden when they “nerf” sb that EVERYBODY was playing sb, when the reality is totally different, ppl are just upsaid cause they were waiting on a huge positive change that didnt happen, as for pet ability nerfs, hell i bet more then half of players dont even use them on cd.
As for ranger vs other classes, gimme a break, even tho i love playing my warrior i feel more comfortable bringing my ranger in some situations (not all ofc), and when i do i see so many elitist zerk warriors lying down saying “ress pls”, world events are full of melee classes using ranged weaps, in dungeons its about the encounters more or less, as for high level fractals we always use ranger and would never take a zerker warr for instance.
I was playing fully melee – and just when ranged atacks was the must I swapped to longbw/shortbow depending an situation.
now I could just destroy all my sb I has for different situations – and only reason I won’t do that is that I hope that sb may be restored to their glory and then – I’ll need them
anyway that was funny when I noticed tha when I was lvl’ing my guard when it comes hard event I used very similar battle tactics as with ranger(running in circles and atacking ranged weapons – I was scepter+shield then
SB still awesome.
I’m unhappy with my ranger for one reason : I want to have a bow as a main weapon and a melee just for some cases. I wanted to play a bow profession, not some melee medium armor. If I wanted to melee, i’d go for warrior or guardian, that simple. It is obvious that by using a bow on ranger you are much more ineffective compared to using a sword or GS. That and only that is making me feel disappointed about this class. Btw i only play ranger, she is my main and only char.
SB still awesome.
compare it to thiefs sb – he have same but stronger and all in some kind o AoE
still our sb is “awesome”?
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
Another happy ranger here!
I really liked the new changes and might level a ranger for the 3th time ^^
The state of this forum reminds me of how it was months ago, but at this point it’s even funny.
^Posted with my brother’s account lol
This patch has not provided any diversity to the ranger. Infact it has done the complete opposite and forced us to play the two most boring builds; trap/bm spec, which I might add was also nerfed in last patch so we are now completly useless.
Axe 5 has become a pull which is particularly good at being an extra interupt but how is this going to be put to good use in our builds?? Should it be that we pull the enemy into a traps? Should we pull them close to us so we can melee them down with minimal dps while our slow as hell pet runs around in circles trying to find the pulled enemy.. its just one big joke for rangers atm i am afraid.
You could use pets that stay with you. Like spiders and stuff. I mean think about it, axe five pulls enemy to you, you order spider to do its spit thing, which I will point out was buffed. More importantly, spit thing is a poison combo field. At this point you have choices, you can use the axe #5 to proc the poison combo field with a whirl finisher, you can use sword #2 for a leap finisher, continue to use axe main hand to get a poison field proc or you can then switch weapons to (say) as short bow and use #3 to put distance between yourself and your enemy while procing the comb field or you can switch just your off-hand and use torch #5 (which by the way is a fire combo field) to set your enemy on fire.
You can also do the reverse, use the torch first and set the area around you on fire, then switch weapons and pull the enemy into the fire field and then use Axe #5 to proc the fire field and watch bolts of fire shoot off everywhere!
For that matter, spirits are more viable now right? You could just have a spirit near you, pull the enemy to you with axe #4 and then have the spirit cast its special effect. Then switch to longbow and knock the enemy away. If you use frost spirit or stone spirit, your spirits special will also slow your enemy down, which means you’ll have plenty of time to fill them with arrow!
So yeah, the possibilities are there. You just need to experiment a bit with different things, things you haven’t tried and see what works and what doesn’t.
You could use pets that stay with you. Like spiders and stuff. I mean think about it, axe five pulls enemy to you, you order spider to do its spit thing, which I will point out was buffed. More importantly, spit thing is a poison combo field. At this point you have choices, you can use the axe #5 to proc the poison combo field with a whirl finisher, you can use sword #2 for a leap finisher, continue to use axe main hand to get a poison field proc or you can then switch weapons to (say) as short bow and use #3 to put distance between yourself and your enemy while procing the comb field or you can switch just your off-hand and use torch #5 (which by the way is a fire combo field) to set your enemy on fire.
You can also do the reverse, use the torch first and set the area around you on fire, then switch weapons and pull the enemy into the fire field and then use Axe #5 to proc the fire field and watch bolts of fire shoot off everywhere!
For that matter, spirits are more viable now right? You could just have a spirit near you, pull the enemy to you with axe #4 and then have the spirit cast its special effect. Then switch to longbow and knock the enemy away. If you use frost spirit or stone spirit, your spirits special will also slow your enemy down, which means you’ll have plenty of time to fill them with arrow!
So yeah, the possibilities are there. You just need to experiment a bit with different things, things you haven’t tried and see what works and what doesn’t.
Yes maybe your ideas work in PVE and I admire your theorycrafting, however all the stuff you’ve mentioned just doesn’t cut it in spvp/tpvp.
Yes maybe your ideas work in PVE and I admire your theorycrafting, however all the stuff you’ve mentioned just doesn’t cut it in spvp/tpvp.
Well I don’t know about spvp since I haven’t done it for a long while but I just spent the last half hour getting pulled off tower walls in WvW while defending by axe rangers and that’s one top of axe rangers making life very, very annoying just getting to the tower in question. So about now, I have ZERO doubt that, that axe change is going to feature prominently in pvp. Maybe not have entire builds around it, but I am pretty sure there will be some interesting plays build around the new axe #4.
Yes maybe your ideas work in PVE and I admire your theorycrafting, however all the stuff you’ve mentioned just doesn’t cut it in spvp/tpvp.
Well I don’t know about spvp since I haven’t done it for a long while but I just spent the last half hour getting pulled off tower walls in WvW while defending by axe rangers and that’s one top of axe rangers making life very, very annoying just getting to the tower in question. So about now, I have ZERO doubt that, that axe change is going to feature prominently in pvp. Maybe not have entire builds around it, but I am pretty sure there will be some interesting plays build around the new axe #4.
Thieves have been yoinking people off walls since WvW began. I don’t see scorpion wire being featured prominently in PvP.
All I ever see are people QQing about being a ranger or dismissing a ranger as worthless, and yet I’ve been playing one since launch and have never really had a problem. I do pretty well in almost every circumstance, PvE, PvP, WvW, and the only class I can’t handle is fighting guardians.
Am I wrong for thinking a lot of the complaining is baseless? =/ I feel like I’m the only one who knows how to play the class sometimes….
You’re not the only one that feels that way. I’ve actually continued to hold my own in everything, despite what people say. I really don’t have any complaints about it other than the change to pets. =/
Thieves have been yoinking people off walls since WvW began. I don’t see scorpion wire being featured prominently in PvP.
Scorpian wire like the necro grasp is a utility and frankly, for most circumstance, there are better utility skills that can go into those slots. However, off-hand axe is not just about the pull. The pull is an added bonus, which is why I think it has potential. But as I said, I haven’t sPvP for sometime and so I could be very, very wrong.
i am very happy with my spirit build…. they never die or anything and have a really quick cool down! :-/ s
Grievance [GVNC] – Our drunken WvW is the kitten
Devona’s Rest – Forever Outnumbered & Kittened upon by Anet
Said no one ever
edit: meh :/ didn’t see the context.
edit2: it had a bolded “s” at the end to indicate sarcasm.
Doing It With Style
(edited by jubskie.3152)
Said no one ever
Well, not in this game anyway. Spirits were kittening amazing in GW1 but got shot to hell like every other aspect of the class.
Ah! the glory days when rangers could group and drop spirits and 3-2-1 spike in HA. Yes it could be countered easily but it was better than iway…. kittening llama warriors. Now our Short bow hits the shins of our enemy. (well if they are asura it may be a headshot)
Grievance [GVNC] – Our drunken WvW is the kitten
Devona’s Rest – Forever Outnumbered & Kittened upon by Anet
Ah! the glory days when rangers could group and drop spirits and 3-2-1 spike in HA. Yes it could be countered easily but it was better than iway…. kittening llama warriors. Now our Short bow hits the shins of our enemy. (well if they are asura it may be a headshot)
I would trade every one of my utilities just to be able to EoE bomb WvW.
when I deal with my sorrow after all of this shortbows that was wasted I will be happy ranger
because really if it comes to me range of shortbow is ONLY thing that is bad in this patch
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
you do realize our class mechanic was nerfed with the exceptions of spiders and sharks right? this is not that it only effects BM builds this effects every single flipping ranger build since we use PETS our CLASS MECHANIC in ever SINGLE FLIPPING BUILD WE USE. our class took a major nerf even every other class recognizes rangers took a huge nerf. stop living in dream land you were nerfed and we didn’t get anything that made up for the nerf we took in this patch at all.
I am constantly surprised by the fact that people think this shortbow “nerf” destroyed the class. I have played ranger for about 3 months now, and have created a very good melee build, without using the shortbow or longbow at all. The only class I have trouble fighting 1v1 is none of them and the only classes together I have trouble fighting 1v2 is none at all. Only against coordinated groups of 2 or more, or uncoordinated groups of 4 or more do I have trouble, and all that is WITHOUT A SHORTBOW! So stop griping about 1 weapon being hit a little bit and actually experiment with weapons that aren’t “auto-attack to win” and require a little bit more skill. The ranger does have a high skill cap, you just have to find builds that let you raise it.
Bravo for you fighting 4 (clap)
My pre-nerf axe+wh/torch with sb can solo 10+ mobs (normal for ranger anyway) and clear them faster than most classes (except warrior) when I’m using drakes
Can also solo 90% of gold bosses that’re below lv70.
So your point is?My complaint mainly come from dgn usage and wvw usage.
900 range is pathetic in wvw, and if I use axe I can easily track 3 enemies, so why should I use the nerfed sb? There’s no reason …In addition, despite the great survivability in outdoor content, dgn does not work that way, everyone got hit equally as hard.
Furthermore. I can already feel my bunker trait zerker gears beast master ranger do below average damage compare to a normal warrior before the nerf, and now with the pet nerf, it’s even If you think ranger has high skill cap, plz do play an engineer or elementalest.
It’ll blow your mind, and you’ll work 10 times harder trying to stay alive.
1. I have played every class in the game, so don’t tell me to play a class, cause I already have.
2. I said I could fight 1v3 in WvW, not PvE, so it does satisfy your complaint.
3. To those saying I want people to use my weapon sets: I never said that, in fact, I didn’t even tell you my weapon sets. I simply said that you should try out the other weapon sets. Speaking from a WvW standpoint, I’d say 70% of rangers used sb pre-patch (this is a very rough estimate and could easily be more or less). This to me screams the need for a nerf. If more than 50% of a prefession is using a weapon something is worn, and Anet realized this.
4. You’re complaining your BUNKER build does less than a ZERKER build with the same armor stats?!?! Am I the only one seeing a problem here? If you build for more defense you will sacrifice damage, it’s the way a game works. It’s called balance.
5. From a dungeon standpoint, rangers are fairly good. They are amazing at kiting and still keeping up dps, which is amazing for Lupicus and Fractals. Sure your pets die quickly, but you don’t rely on melee to keep up your dps like so many other classes.
6. Why should you use the nerfed sb? Well, if you trait for piercing arrows, and more sb damage, it is better than an axe. It all depends on your trait setup. If you really want to use sb then you can make it work.
you do realize our class mechanic was nerfed with the exceptions of spiders and sharks right? this is not that it only effects BM builds this effects every single flipping ranger build since we use PETS our CLASS MECHANIC in ever SINGLE FLIPPING BUILD WE USE. our class took a major nerf even every other class recognizes rangers took a huge nerf. stop living in dream land you were nerfed and we didn’t get anything that made up for the nerf we took in this patch at all.
I realized as Beastmaster that after the patch my pet need a little more time when he si soloing groups of mobs in PvE. That’s all.
also I have never problem that pet could have problem with hit moving enemy – if You didn’t noticed as for now there were at least TWO patches that was increasing their ability in hitting moving target
I also realized that pets were nerfed – and I can agree with this nerf because they WERE a little OP.
I’m not living in the dream land – I’m just realistic and trying to be objective when it comes to judge nerfs or boosts.
the major problem with pets and that “even other classes recognized rangers took a huge nerf” is that most ranger player used to rely on pets too much in most cases and after patch they didn’t shaked off yet.
and as for now I’ve dealt with my sorrow after sb range and I’m glad ranger that know where is his place in team.
also we got some buffs in place of pets damage – If You didn’t noticed the doors to many other build have just opened and some players started to searching and discovering new things in that.
and just at end I’ll say that “another classes” already started to finding new things in ranger that seems to be “op” and “need to be nerfed” – as for example they have problem with bleeding stacks from just nerfed sb (some guardians consider this as OP because they “don’t have enough condi removal”)
don’t tell me that perma regen with perma swiftness in “nothing”.
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
Thanks for another workout OP.
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|