Am I the only one that thinks...?

Am I the only one that thinks...?

in Ranger

Posted by: Daddy.5986


… that ranger skills are really boring we got like one skill that actually does damage with longbows and auto attack spam with shortbows. In my opinion I think we got too much “CC~crowd control” skills and to few for damage actually. Maybe reducing rapid fire cd on longbows and actually getting rid of auto attacks and instead making it so we have to press it every time would make it more fun.

I seriously have never been so bored with ranger class at other mmo’s but here I just want to stuck a pen into my eye so I don’t fall a sleep while playing it. Sword/axe/GS skills are all fun to use but tbh if I wanted to go “Melee” style I’d roll a f* warrior or thief.

Just my 2 cents. Probably some of you will disagree with me but this is how I feel. I recently stopped playing since I got nothing else to do in game (I’ll keep my eye on forums and stuff to see what will expansion/patches bring but I don’t think I’ll log on for a while), anyway back on topic: How do you feel about rangers and their bow skills?

Am I the only one that thinks...?

in Ranger

Posted by: Akano.5876


In my opinion ranger is really interesting proffesion. Maybe you’ve played so much that you don’t see how much you must do to play ranger good. Maybe you make many actions instinctively, so you don’t see it’s quite hard class. Maybe you don’t have to use many skills all the time, but on ranger really good positioningis required and without good use of dodges you can die pretty fast.

Am I the only one that thinks...?

in Ranger

Posted by: Arsenic Touch.7960

Arsenic Touch.7960

Longbow auto attack is far too slow, it needs to be faster. Rapid fire is okay, would prefer the mechanic to be individuals shots that can crit and proc instead of a channeled shot. Now if rapid fire actually did the damage it showed as it popped up, that would be great, but it actually only does the last number, which is disappointing and misleading. The pushback shot should be given a charged killshot/sniper shot, so as you hold it, the range and damage goes up if you release it early, it knocks them back. Barrage is fine, though it’s damage could use a boost.

Shortbow auto attack needs to go back to what it was, there was no reasonable excuse to slow it down, they need to do this to get QZ back to what it was prior to the nerf. Shortbow situational attacks need a buff in damage if anet wants us to actually use them since that was the excuse for the crossfire nerf in the first place (still not believing it btw)

They still need to address the velocity on both bows. and the range issue when assaulting keeps in www, if I can see them, I shouldn’t be getting obstructed with a longbow.

If they did this, I’d be happy with our ranged attacks.

Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?

Dragonbrand – Level 80 – Human Ranger

Am I the only one that thinks...?

in Ranger

Posted by: VictoriousMonk.7150


After playing an engineer, I got really, really bored. I stopped at level 26 and recently made a new character that’s a ranger. I love it and I like how the ranger can use many weapons.

Also, I think the ranger needs a quiver. Going for that Legolas/Hawkeye look. It just looks silly without one.

I enjoy this class – way more fun than the engineer, for me at least.

Am I the only one that thinks...?

in Ranger

Posted by: Arsenic Touch.7960

Arsenic Touch.7960

After playing an engineer, I got really, really bored. I stopped at level 26 and recently made a new character that’s a ranger. I love it and I like how the ranger can use many weapons.

Also, I think the ranger needs a quiver. Going for that Legolas/Hawkeye look. It just looks silly without one.

I enjoy this class – way more fun than the engineer, for me at least.

There are new ascended back pieces, a few are quivers and they do look great on rangers.
Just wish I could dye it to match my armor scheme.


Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?

Dragonbrand – Level 80 – Human Ranger

(edited by Arsenic Touch.7960)

Am I the only one that thinks...?

in Ranger

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


I recently stopped playing since I got nothing else to do in game (I’ll keep my eye on forums and stuff to see what will expansion/patches bring but I don’t think I’ll log on for a while), anyway back on topic: How do you feel about rangers and their bow skills?

I agree, they aren’t very exciting. Warrior bow skills are far more fun and more how I’d like to see ranger longbow. But then again I mix it up with axe, different pets, sword etc. quite a lot to keep it fresh.

On a side point I really hope you have an 80 of each profession. If not you have a lot more to do and a lot more fun to be had. I love my ranger but I’ve also got my warr, mesmer and necro to keep me entertained when I get bored. Don’t just play on one toon, or you’re missing out on 7/8ths of the gameplay content.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

Am I the only one that thinks...?

in Ranger

Posted by: Rainydays.5368


The ranger has many damaging skills, though it requires thinking and quick action. Being able to micro manage is a plus. A lot of our skills come from combos that we (as rangers) set up ourselves and need no additional help. I guess if you are leveling by auto attacking and nothing else, of course you will be bored. Use your combos! It is fun, engaging, makes game play more active.

Also, I completely disagree with you about the melee weapons. Sword, Dagger, Axe and Greatsword play absolutely NOTHING like any other class. Maybe you could make the argument for two other classes, like Hammer guardian and hammer warrior are somewhat similar in a way.. but the axe, dagger, sword and greatsword on a ranger are completely different.

Am I the only one that thinks...?

in Ranger

Posted by: PsionicDingo.2065


Only comparison I would make with Thief sword vs Ranger sword is Serpent’s Strike is a hell of a lot more reliable thank Flanking Strike, which is odd given they seem to work the same.

My psychic knife. The focused totality of my psychic powers.