Amazing Ranger Build (Bunker/Crit/CnDit/BM )

Amazing Ranger Build (Bunker/Crit/CnDit/BM )

in Ranger

Posted by: Frosti.4856


Can anyone confirm how unbelievable this build is. It will hit high numbers on the shortbow stacking bleeds like crazy with your felines which with even just 5 traits in BM hit 2000’s whilst being hard to hit and having enough regeneration to out-match anyone in 1v1 . I believe this build could easily go 2v1 no problem. Its Brilliant!

Please Critique.

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

(edited by Frosti.4856)

Amazing Ranger Build (Bunker/Crit/CnDit/BM )

in Ranger

Posted by: Kasama.8941


Your power and condition damage is pretty low, and you have no way of snaring your foes, meaning your pets won’t be hitting anything most of the time. Also, Sigil of Superior Accuracy doesn’t stack. But other then that, it looks good.

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

Amazing Ranger Build (Bunker/Crit/CnDit/BM )

in Ranger

Posted by: Lert.6287


It’s rather bad than good.
I don’t know why did you add rings and earrings at the 3rd page of the link. It’s only sPvP set = ONLY amulet.
You’ve got low mobility (no sword/ greatsword) also you lose something to keep you alive (sword #3 evade, greatsword #4 block).
With critical damage you wont hit cannon thief/mesmer for more than 750 and bleeding will deal around 73 damage.
Also vitallity is very high. Much more than you could heal in short period of time.
Another thing is lack of condition cure – only from heal which requires from you to basicly stay in one place. If you run away, you get healed by 1/4 of your hp and still lacking of condition cure.
Neither stun breaker (isn’t must, but definitelly helpful against certain kind of proffessions).

Some might disagree, but personally I think it’s horrible. Not just bad – horrible.

TL;DR: low conditions, low damage, rather bad healing, almost no condition cure, no stun breaker, might get killed within sec from cannon warrior/mesmer/thief, too much heath in comparsion to healing options and curing.

Edit: Also trait VI in Wildreness Survival – survival skills recharge 20% faster while you DON’T HAVE ANY survival skills.

Engineer / Piken Square
Former Team Psy [Psy] member/ [BNF] guest
YT Channel

(edited by Lert.6287)

Amazing Ranger Build (Bunker/Crit/CnDit/BM )

in Ranger

Posted by: Mako.1942


Aww I can’t open link, got my interest up on how bad it possibly is

Going off on a tangent since 1984

Jimmy slim: Asura Ranger lvl 80

Amazing Ranger Build (Bunker/Crit/CnDit/BM )

in Ranger

Posted by: Lert.6287


Just copy paste it.

Engineer / Piken Square
Former Team Psy [Psy] member/ [BNF] guest
YT Channel

Amazing Ranger Build (Bunker/Crit/CnDit/BM )

in Ranger

Posted by: Wanderer.5471


yeah you have to copy and paste the links for that build editor but it’s the best imho. As others have said you don’t have any survival skills for the CD trait in WS. Im sure that’s just an oversight.

I would run QZ instead of sick em – it’s on the same cooldown, but probs increases dmg output more as you’re not BM focussed, and then you’d have a stun-breaker.

edit: you could keep the survival trait then and have QZ on a lower CD than sick em

If you want 10 points in marksmanship i really dislike steady focus for 99% of builds, unless you’re standing way behind a zerg in WvW with a LB i think dodging is important so you won’t benefit much from it imho. May i suggest beastmaster’s bond? as 5 points in BM with cats means you’ll probs have it triggering quite often.

edit 2: since sigils of accuracy don’t stack and you have decent crit chance, you could add superior sigil of purity to dagger, make sure you’re in your axe/dagger set when Healng Spring isn’t up for that 15 seconds then you have some condi removal to fill in the gaps.

(edited by Wanderer.5471)

Amazing Ranger Build (Bunker/Crit/CnDit/BM )

in Ranger

Posted by: Manekk.6981


If you remove the 4 extra berserker jewels wich you can’t use your stats suddently don’t looks so good, I doubt you could kill anything with this the only good damage would come from your cats if they can connect but if someone just looks at them they’ll explode.

Unless I’m missing something.