Ancient Seeds and Spike Trap.

Ancient Seeds and Spike Trap.

in Ranger

Posted by: Padra.1678


I am just wondering is Ancient Seeds not suppose to proc on Spike Trap I mean I would understand cause that would be crazy but spike trap IS a launch and Ancient Seeds does proc on launch.

Ancient Seeds and Spike Trap.

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

It’s currently glitched for some unknown reason. The knockdown from hounds will trigger AS but not the knockdown from spike trap.

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Ancient Seeds and Spike Trap.

in Ranger

Posted by: Serraphin Storm.2369

Serraphin Storm.2369

Wish they were as quick with the ranger fixes as there are with the nerfs.

In order to properly understand the big picture,
everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.