Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Otherwise the new and any future spec is going to be a complete disaster the same the druid is outside from being the old role a raid buffbot (which the ranger fulfilled with the old dungeons as well).

What do you think? Nex spec has any chance to be grandiose although ranger is a complete mess than seems to be designed with their feets?
Wouldn’t be too much (aka future batenerf) to have in one trait line the DPS, Mobility and Self-sustain the core ranger lacks?

Wouldn’t be better to make the core ranger to fulfill the roles off-dps(mobility,limited self-sustain) and off-suport (shouts, mobile and working spirits, spotter, some pets), with mobility and range, and then focus the new specs to fulfill the new roles correctly (druid as full support/off-tank and soulbeast as full DPS/off-tank ) instead overcharging one traitline which makes the class OP or complete useless?

PS: Before someone comment something about it: This tread means to be about the core ranger, Druids fulfilling the old ranger’s role as buffbot but now in raids instead in dungeons is not something is worth discussing here.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
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Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: InsaneQR.7412


Weapon that have design issues:
Sword (is hybrid although it has only one condi skill which is only used for evasion)
Axe: Has a power autoattack and the 3rd skill only starts really to shine with its otherwise bad designed trait.
Dagger: Has a goid dmg identity, but one attack is ranged and the other one has pretty much no range at all
Torch: Has one skill that only hits one target in range and multiple ones in melee with the other.
Gs5 is still bugged.

Utilityskill issues:
Some signets have way to big cd or aechanic that is either outdated in the current balance or harm the pet. Stone is good though.
Traps: Frostrap is neglected and vipersnest is inferior to flame trap because of short combofield duration and only hits 3 targets.
Survival: Muddy terrain (sigh)
Spirits: Storm is basically useless in group content and earth is just protection bot (its trait is even doubling up on this, better basic effect would bring more diversity)

Shouts: Sick em is kinda bugged and outdated mechanically.

Did i forgot a skill?

Pale Raiders united.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.

Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: Wondrouswall.7169


They need to fix a lot of things. Problem is: they are balancing with elite specs in mind. Which means they backed themselves into a corner they can’t get out from.

Many core aspects need TLC, and after seeing stuff like how Thief’s Acrobatic traitline was gutted just for Daredevil, it looks like a rough kittenin’ road ahead.

Should core professions (like Ranger) be fixed? You kitten bet. But would they? I don’t even want to think of what might be gutted for the next round of e-specs.

Will update once Path of Fire releases.

Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: InsaneQR.7412


I hope they get tgeir stuff together and improve core specs. It hurts the basegame player base and its gutting build diversity.
They need to streamline weapons or improve them mechanically wise (e.g. Rev sword).
We need a new trait overhaul as in 2015 to bring freah air into the meta and the casual PvE and PvP gameplay.

Pale Raiders united.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.

Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


Fixing core ranger issues won’t sell more games/expansions.

This franchise has always been about powercreep to make the new expansions more attractive, nothing new here since the original Guild Wars. Time in between expansions are mostly to tone down the powercreep they earlier introduced, just to let things start all over again when the next one hits.

Apparently, it works to some extent. So even though I hope for improvements just as much as anyone else here, I don’t think they’ll ever come, at least not in the way we would like.

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user

Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Fixing core ranger issues won’t sell more games/expansions.

This franchise has always been about powercreep to make the new expansions more attractive, nothing new here since the original Guild Wars. Time in between expansions are mostly to tone down the powercreep they earlier introduced, just to let things start all over again when the next one hits.

Apparently, it works to some extent. So even though I hope for improvements just as much as anyone else here, I don’t think they’ll ever come, at least not in the way we would like.

I partially agree with the statement. This technique works as long as the game generates a lot of hype so new players are catch by the illusion. Old players usually fall once or twice in the same lie, after that the company built some resentment in their costumer base.

unfortunately that’s not the case of GW2, not anymore. The amount of players in WvW and Pve Open world is being visibly decreasing in EU, you can judge that for the amount of available squad for metaevents/farms.

For example 2 weeks ago on a Sunday afternoon i couldn’t find more than 3 instances for the leather farm in lake doric.
1 full instance and a couple with a bunch of players in Silverwastes.

I couldn’t imagine that happening in 2014 when the wvw maps had long queues and there were always people to do the meta events in Tyria.

In any case they can’t expect to fool the same costumers again, and they don’t have new ones. The F2P effect diminished greatly with the years and the disaster it was HoT at launch.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: Wuselknusel.4082


I’m just going to ramble about my favorite topic, the pet. Clearly it’s bad, ANet has with the development of the Soulbeast sidestepped the issue of a dead-end profession mechanic, not once but twice now. Clearly the devs have not the needed time at their hands to make the Rangers profession mechanic worthwhile and expandable.

Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: InsaneQR.7412


After they improve the targeting of the pet it is somewhat useful now, they should reduce a lot of petskill cd. I am more aware of unused traits, weapon streamlining and altogether skills.

Pale Raiders united.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.

Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: EnderzShadow.2506



Will they?
Taking bets they don’t fix any classes issues before expansion.
All the classes wanted this before last expansion. Didn’t happen then and it won’t now.

Shadowbane DarkAges Of Camelot WoW AION WarHammer GuildWars2

Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: bearshaman.3421


Tbh, at this point I kinda wish that the “elite” specs were reduced in power to that of a normal traitline, so that balance would be a lot easier. They can still be unique (only one elite spec traitline at a time), but I hate that core classes aren’t viable without the elites. I know this is a little off topic, but I feel like it’s close enough for me to state my opinion here.

Edit: and yes, I have access to HoT, so this isn’t QQ because I don’t want to get the expansion fyi. I just think build diversity has suffered greatly since they introduced those things.

Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: RabbitUp.8294


Yeah, poor ranger having to struggle with being the best class in the game

Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: sevenDEADLY.5281


Yeah, poor ranger having to struggle with being the best class in the game

I remember the good ol days when ranger was considered the worst class in the game, and I would have killed to be considered even halfway decent. Ah memories.

Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


Yeah, poor ranger having to struggle with being the best class in the game

I don’t even know what that means. Best at what compared to what?

Anyway, “fixing” core classes is not at all important to me. Expacs have to sell or we’re all wasting even more time here than we thought we were. As long as druid isn’t obsolete after the next espec comes out, we’re fine.

Every single traitline we currently have is useful for one build or another, and that’s awesome. If you really are dying to play core ranger, you can still more than make it work in all 3 modes. A lot of people here even routinely argue that it’s better than druid, and it is at some things.

Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Yeah, poor ranger having to struggle with being the best class in the game

still i think is important to solve the issues with the class. The ranger has the most awkward, clunky and completely disconnected skills and traits in all the game.

For example: we have the spirits that are immobile now with actives of just 300 pbAoe and an with HP of a couple of hits. For a class which has to move constantly because the lack of stability and more importantly, specific skills that cleanse immobilized
(only one skill does that and being LR it can send you off a cliff easily) , that makes no sense in any logic mind.

Sword#2 takes over a 1 second to activate. in this game were most of the skills are instant or have very low cast time makes that skill mostly useless to avoid attacks, skill that also because the lack of control can make you fall off a cliff.

and the list goes on…

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

(edited by anduriell.6280)

Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: RabbitUp.8294


You have spirits that with all their drawbacks are still considered staple in at least 1 game mode. Go take a look at what garbage skills and traits other classes have to deal with. Heck add “weapon” to “spirit” and you get a joke skill type.

Sure, the class has issues that could be fixed, like every single class in the game. In the meantime, it’s top dps and top support.

(edited by RabbitUp.8294)

Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


You have spirits that with all their drawbacks are still considered staple in at least 1 game mode. Go take a look at what garbage skills and traits other classes have to deal with. Heck add “weapon” to “spirit” and you get a joke skill type.

Sure, the class has issues that could be fixed, like every single class in the game. In the meantime, it’s top dps and top support.

You are talking about raids and this is not the raids subforum, that is not even a full gamemode and it is said that not even a 10% of the playerbase do it.

Spirits for pve, pvp and wvw are completely useless, and ranger is not top dps and not top support in any game mode. In raids is only wanted as buffbot.

Meanwhile ranger has useless traps, useless spirits, 3 of 4 useless signets, 2 of 5 shouts nerfed to the absurd, 2 of 6 useless survival skills, clunky\incomplete\absurd mechanics in all the weapons, a complete mess of traits and trait lines which don’t allow any mix and match, complete lack of stability and reliable cleanses for immobilized, wonky pet mechanic, lacks of reliable burst unless goes kamikaze and it is the only class in game which forces players to do pve scavenger hunt all around to be able to get the pets. o In other classes is enough to use the tomes and the proofs of heroics to have it ready to combat.

I play with other classes and with the exception of the engi which is another class with a lot of wonky, weird and overly complicated mechanics which make the class unfun, there no other profession in game so unrewarding to play.

So yeah, Ranger needs a full overhaul or any new spec will be nerfed to the oblivion like the druid has been or completely useless like the core ranger is.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: RabbitUp.8294


You are talking about raids and this is not the raids subforum, that is not even a full gamemode and it is said that not even a 10% of the playerbase do it.

Have you played fractals recently? In everything pve that is not open world, Spirits are used.

ranger is not top dps

Tempest and Guardian only have an edge vs large hitboxes, otherwise engi and ranger are top. And ranger is the only one of those 4 classes with another meta build, the rest are dps only.

In raids is only wanted as buffbot.

That’s what “support” means.

Meanwhile ranger has useless traps, useless spirits, 3 of 4 useless signets, 2 of 5 shouts nerfed to the absurd, 2 of 6 useless survival skills, clunky\incomplete\absurd mechanics in all the weapons, a complete mess of traits and trait lines which don’t allow any mix and match, complete lack of stability and reliable cleanses for immobilized, wonky pet mechanic, lacks of reliable burst unless goes kamikaze

Welcome to the party. All classes have to deal with the same. Go post that over at the necro forums, see what they have to tell you about it.

and it is the only class in game which forces players to do pve scavenger hunt all around to be able to get the pets.

And it is the only class that keeps growing outside of elite specs. All other classes won’t get anything new, ranger will keep getting new pets.

(edited by RabbitUp.8294)

Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


The argument is stupid to begin with, but raids or even raids and fractals are a pretty one-sided view of GW2. That’s not even a full mode of the 3 modes of the game.

Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: Wondrouswall.7169


The dude’s got a point. Whatever we have bad, others have it equally worse, if not worse – somewhere. Though, more TLC with QoL changes should still be done to the core professions.

I’d be stoked at this point if Crippling Thrust on sword could just cleave 3 targets with Glyphs and “Guard!” working underwater. And whatever problems we may have with our current weapons, at least none of them have a stupid ICD on it when hitting NPCs.

Will update once Path of Fire releases.

Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


I would argue all core professions have it equally good. Core guardian is pretty darn good in all 3 modes. Core ele is. You can get stuff done. Ya especs are OP, that’s to be expected. To argue rangers are the best around is 1) kittening kittened 2) intentionally ignorant of non-raiding game modes 3) totally pointless and 4) obviously a non-ranger main trying to light fires.

Edit: Also warrior. PS war could be a staple of this fabled 4th mode of the game raids.

Edit 2: Actually condi engi in all 3 modes. The whole kitten argument is just stupid. “Strongest profession”. Dumb. Cuz WvW GvG is so similar to open world PvE and fractal builds are so similar to organized PvP.

(edited by Fluffball.8307)

Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: RabbitUp.8294


Core guardian is pretty darn garbage is what it is. The only game mode where you actually want to use base Guardian is wvw with the stability sharing build, and that’s because F3 gets a lower cooldown and DH is entirely too selfish of a traitline.

Core ele is good only because scrapper is bad in pve. In pvp, core engi is not better than scrapper, but that’s true for most if not all professions, ranger included.

As for your edit 2, yes of course builds change depending on the game mode, that only means the class is adaptable and has build options. Except wvw zerg where they are mostly outshined by tempest aurashare, ranger+druid is meta is all game modes with multiple builds.

Raids are not a 4th game mode, it’s organized pve. Unorganized pve has no meta, so you might as well ignore it.

Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: EnderzShadow.2506


Core guardian is pretty darn garbage is what it is. The only game mode where you actually want to use base Guardian is wvw with the stability sharing build, and that’s because F3 gets a lower cooldown and DH is entirely too selfish of a traitline.

Core ele is good only because scrapper is bad in pve. In pvp, core engi is not better than scrapper, but that’s true for most if not all professions, ranger included.

As for your edit 2, yes of course builds change depending on the game mode, that only means the class is adaptable and has build options. Except wvw zerg where they are mostly outshined by tempest aurashare, ranger+druid is meta is all game modes with multiple builds.

Raids are not a 4th game mode, it’s organized pve. Unorganized pve has no meta, so you might as well ignore it.

It sounds like you don’t have the guts to post a rant about Druids so you came to muck about in this thread.

What’s with all the talk about Core? Do you have the expansion? Are you playing on a Free account?

Shadowbane DarkAges Of Camelot WoW AION WarHammer GuildWars2

(edited by EnderzShadow.2506)

Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: RabbitUp.8294


Core guardian is pretty darn garbage is what it is. The only game mode where you actually want to use base Guardian is wvw with the stability sharing build, and that’s because F3 gets a lower cooldown and DH is entirely too selfish of a traitline.

Core ele is good only because scrapper is bad in pve. In pvp, core engi is not better than scrapper, but that’s true for most if not all professions, ranger included.

As for your edit 2, yes of course builds change depending on the game mode, that only means the class is adaptable and has build options. Except wvw zerg where they are mostly outshined by tempest aurashare, ranger+druid is meta is all game modes with multiple builds.

Raids are not a 4th game mode, it’s organized pve. Unorganized pve has no meta, so you might as well ignore it.

It sounds like you don’t have the guts to post a rant about Druids so you came to muck about in this thread.

I don’t want to post a rant about druid because my argument is not that druid is too good for the game. I’m responding to a post that claims ranger have it so bad that an overhaul of the base class is needed.

What’s with all the talk about Core? Do you have the expansion? Are you playing on a Free account?

You realise you can only choose only 1 elite spec, right? Mesmer has to be chrono for alacrity, but warrior can use any spec or no spec and still do the PS stuff. When a base class does something, they can do it with all their specs which matters a lot for their viability and relevance.

Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: DuckDuckBOOM.4097


You have spirits that with all their drawbacks are still considered staple in at least 1 game mode. Go take a look at what garbage skills and traits other classes have to deal with. Heck add “weapon” to “spirit” and you get a joke skill type.

Sure, the class has issues that could be fixed, like every single class in the game. In the meantime, it’s top dps and top support.

You are talking about raids and this is not the raids subforum, that is not even a full gamemode and it is said that not even a 10% of the playerbase do it.

Spirits for pve, pvp and wvw are completely useless, and ranger is not top dps and not top support in any game mode. In raids is only wanted as buffbot.

The argument is stupid to begin with, but raids or even raids and fractals are a pretty one-sided view of GW2. That’s not even a full mode of the 3 modes of the game.

It’s not just a fraction of the game mode. Spirits (and banners) are about buffing in stationary boss fights in raids, fotm, dungeons and world bosses. Basically any PvE group boss fight because PvE players like seeing big numbers and AI doesn’t complain about being hit by big numbers. That’s a huge majority of PvE and that is the major game mode whether you like it or not. PvP/WvW players just need to accept that some skills are just meant for PvE (and vice versa). WvW organized zergs are already crazy OP with the boon meta when fighting unorganized groups. If organized wvw zergs could have max PvE dps buffs on an easy uptime while mobile, it would break that game mode even harder than it already is broken. Same situation with PvP. You really want to have a warrior/druid/ele combo at mid team fights with the ele bursting for ~50k DPS. That would break PvP and turn it into absurd rocket tag.

Again, not everything is meant for PvP or WvW and that’s the reality of it and that’s fine.

Snipped complaints about how most stuff is useless…
So yeah, Ranger needs a full overhaul or any new spec will be nerfed to the oblivion like the druid has been or completely useless like the core ranger is.

Shouts Rune of the trooper can’t not be mentioned and it’s half the reason shouts on any class have been viable in WvW and PvP past or present. Even with rune of trooper falling out of favor for druids, the heal, elite and protect me are meta in PvP. Sic em, while janky, has it’s niche spot of reveal. The res shout, while not “meta”, I still see it being used to good effect in PvP from time to time. Guard is debatable. None of the shouts require overhauls. Just 1 with a bit of jank that could be fixed.

Traps are the other 2 PvE go to condi DPS skills and condi ranger is one of if not the best (partially because of how easy it is to play) practical DPS class in PvE. That dps does translate to open world too. Traps also have rune of the trapper and a niche wvw build. It’s meant to be a cheap troll roaming build that serves its purpose. Chill trap could maybe use a stunbreak to help full trap roaming builds a bit but again, not a full overhaul. They serve their purpose in their niches.

Survival skills: 1 PvE dps survival skill with sharpening stone, 1 “useless survival (Muddy terrain needs a KD) and 4 that are decent. There is also good trait to bring with it. That isn’t a broken utility group that need a complete overall. That’s 1 skill that needs a buff. Unlike the first two skill groups I mentioned, survival skills don’t have runes to buff them. Survival runes might come with future elite spec runes. Like if one of the new leaked elite specs had survival skills and the rune #6 bonus for that elite spec rune was survival skills heal you for 1-2k per skill used and muddy terrain had a knockdown buff. Now muddy terrain also procs moment of clarity. Fix GS5, again. That’s a viable self sustaining longbow/GS survival ranger for PvP. It won’t buff druid since druid needs the small constant heals of shout regen/rune of dolyak to charge up CA.

I can keep going on and talking about other stuff but the overall point is that Ranger isn’t broken beyond repair with a full overhaul required and stop complaining that some skills are only viable in 1 game mode. It’s better off that way. Make some reasonable requests, not absurd demands.

Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: EnderzShadow.2506


Core guardian is pretty darn garbage is what it is. The only game mode where you actually want to use base Guardian is wvw with the stability sharing build, and that’s because F3 gets a lower cooldown and DH is entirely too selfish of a traitline.

Core ele is good only because scrapper is bad in pve. In pvp, core engi is not better than scrapper, but that’s true for most if not all professions, ranger included.

As for your edit 2, yes of course builds change depending on the game mode, that only means the class is adaptable and has build options. Except wvw zerg where they are mostly outshined by tempest aurashare, ranger+druid is meta is all game modes with multiple builds.

Raids are not a 4th game mode, it’s organized pve. Unorganized pve has no meta, so you might as well ignore it.

It sounds like you don’t have the guts to post a rant about Druids so you came to muck about in this thread.

I don’t want to post a rant about druid because my argument is not that druid is too good for the game. I’m responding to a post that claims ranger have it so bad that an overhaul of the base class is needed.

What’s with all the talk about Core? Do you have the expansion? Are you playing on a Free account?

You realise you can only choose only 1 elite spec, right? Mesmer has to be chrono for alacrity, but warrior can use any spec or no spec and still do the PS stuff. When a base class does something, they can do it with all their specs which matters a lot for their viability and relevance.

Who suggested that an overhaul of the base class is needed?

The post title was “Anet should fix the ranger before expansion”. This has been requested before. It was warranted then, it’s warranted now.

All the classes have bugs that should be fixed.

Knowing Anet, it will just get covered up with another spec that will heavily change the way the class plays.

Shadowbane DarkAges Of Camelot WoW AION WarHammer GuildWars2

Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: RabbitUp.8294


You fix something when it’s broken. Saying anet should “fix ranger” implies that the class is broken.

Also, you know, there’s a post following the title which says “ranger is a complete mess than seems to be designed with their feets”.

Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: Levetty.1279


Saying bad ranger skills and traits shouldn’t be changed because other classes have bad skills and traits is a pretty stupid argument and I can only presume its being used to derail the thread and troll.

Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Saying bad ranger skills and traits shouldn’t be changed because other classes have bad skills and traits is a pretty stupid argument and I can only presume its being used to derail the thread and troll.

Yeh I agree. My point is, if we forget all about the new specs, the core classes had all an spot in the content, all but core ranger (still remember the reddit outcry when even they were being kicked from dungeons runs.. just for being rangers)

Which is an actual problem when you try to balance a new spec: the new spec not only needs to bring a new way to play the class but also overcompensate for lack of the core class.

Which is simply imposible to balance if you want to keep the new spec competitive with other classes in game.

Anet needs desperately to actually make core ranger competitive with the rest of the core classes otherwise is going to happen what always happens with ranger: nerf to the oblivion and half baked gameplay.

And actually most of the nonsense in this class is pretty simple to fix: remove clunky mechanics or artificial difficulty gates.

For example: why do we have the only two sources of cleanses locked in the same trait line? Why can’t I choose to carry empathic bond(that needs improving nevertheless) and wilderness knowledge?

Why do we have an skill that is simply a cleanse for inmovilice in 40 seconds CD?

Why all ours stabilities have over 1 second cast and such awful CD times?

Why short bow is yet in 900 range when the weapon was designed originally for 1200?

Why axe in general is so bad designed?

Why all those precast animations present in all the weapons that make the skills clunky at best?

Why the nerf in the speed of sword#1 chain ?

Why dagger is so bad?

Why do we have absurdly telegraphed animations for the only 2 burst available for such a low damage?

This class seems designed with the feets, we need somebody to grab a pen with their hands and actually rewrite what the core ranger is supposed to be competitive at as right now is like a pain to play with it because all those extremely pigeonholed uses the skills and traits are designed for in opposite to an open design where the player can actually build to their play style.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: EnderzShadow.2506


You fix something when it’s broken. Saying anet should “fix ranger” implies that the class is broken.

Also, you know, there’s a post following the title which says “ranger is a complete mess than seems to be designed with their feets”.

Whatever. I can’t understand half the kitten that Anduriell says.

Using your explanation, if I said “My car needs to be fixed”, that means my whole car needs to be redesigned and rebuilt.

It doesn’t matter if other classes have bugs also, the ranger still needs to be fixed.
Ie-The class has a number of bugs that need to be fixed.

Shadowbane DarkAges Of Camelot WoW AION WarHammer GuildWars2

Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: HotHit.6783


Well, if this thread is just to mention design things that irk us about the core Ranger then there are a few things I’d like to bring up.

I’ve thought it was awful since the rework, the basic attack chain looks terrible and the skill names are worse. That’s simply subjective. Objectively speaking however, what’s clear to me is that without the dashes and commitment on the auto-attack chain the weapon is just… Boring. All ranger weapons can use other skills to boost their damage output. Damage type wise, the poison looks awkward, but since poison has utility in reducing healing it’s very clear cut that this is intended to be a power weapon. Dagger plays into this poison game with a second superior evade+poison and then includes another condition skill. Axe has the most synergy and leads to the most interesting gameplay I would say. Warhorn has close to as much synergy, but since warhorn skills are just “set and forget” type skills it’s not as interesting. Torch is arguably the worse off-hand to pair with sword, but that’s the way you swing you do you, because it can still use the fire combo field for a fire aura and sword wants to glue you to a victim in the field. What I’m trying to say is, the sword’s design is archaic of the time when the auto-attack chain was satisfying. The weapon would benefit greatly from altering the auto-attack to have more play to it (such as cleave on Kick’s replacement to make cleaving satisfying and higher damage on Pounce’s replacement to give the weapon back that meaty moment when you get the third hit) or create more play with Monarch’s Leap in some way (I have no clue here).

Greatsword is a flawless masterpiece of design, but would benefit from Counterattack actually kicking people like it says it does so I can kick people again and Hilt Bash getting its bugs fixed.

All ranger off-hands have a targetted long-range skill and a PBAoE skill… Except dagger, which swaps the positions of the two on the skill bar and is only single target but it’s still a similar design. Throw Torch is probably the most boring skill of the bunch and doesn’t even provide a projectile finisher to use with Bonfire (which is gorgeous) and with its primary set-up with mainhand axe it’s a longer range and cooldown, non-chilling winter’s bite without the weakness application or potential AoE when traited. It’s just a projectile you throw and forget, unlike Path of Scars, Crippling Talon or even Hunter’s Call (since you want to capitalise on the vuln stacks). Path of Scars also suffers for being roped into Ranger off-hand design, since ground targetting would make it far better and remove terrain issues (like falling off of cliff edges and boomeranging back into the cliff, but that is an engine issue that can be avoided using ground targetting).

Ricochet only getting one bounce made room for its auto to be more consistent overall damage in raids, but the one bounce mechanic is once again, a boring design and in some cases self-sabotage (Subject 6 getting free blocks because I need to auto a returning ooze especially) or just awkward (ricocheting Caudecus for a free achievement). There are at least a couple of areas where the second hit has tangible benefit or at the feeling of it (tagging enemies in a zerg and trash mobs in general). Ricochet being weaker in RangervsRanger fights is a bit of a benefit to the nerf, but there’s no longer the decision to target someone because they’re close to someone else, just coincidental free damage on someone else because they happen to be standing close by. Make it bounce or make it not bounce, not this awkward middle ground where we get the worst of both.

As for traits that are a bit… Iffy. Honed Axes comes to mind as it provides CDR to off-hand axe, but no secondary benefits like the ferocity or Winter’s Bite explosion. This would be fine in the old trait system but Ambidexterity no longer applies to all off-hand weapons.

I understand I’ve used fun and boring as objective terms and people will have different definitions of what is fun. But I consider fun being meaningful things you can do outside of just hitting your highest damage buttons off cooldown or swinging your sword over and over. Jumping through too many hoops can be bad (like the superior, pre-rework sword), but asking players to jump through no hoops is far worse as it gives them nothing to do. Even just standing behind a boss interested in another player and plinking them with shortbow is more fun than Axe, despite the gameplay being identical, because you do so with the knowledge that you’re standing where you are to achieve maximum damage. (yes all good rangers have hunter’s tactics, but that is significantly weaker than crossfire’s bonus bleed and is not inherent to the axe and is much less visible)

Never Fight Alone” – Sunspear Creed
There, it’s dead and it’s never coming back!” – Famous last words

Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Whatever. I can’t understand half the kitten that Anduriell says.

Well people say some californians speak with a different type of english than the rest of the americans. Could that be your problem to understand broken english from no native speakers?


i agree with HotHit, the problem i see with core ranger is the class is not fun to play, is more like a subtle agony in the hopes for it to get better.

In time you realize that the problem is not you lag, the skills are that bad.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!