Any Trap Condi build for PVP ranger?
You could try something like this my friend:
Im testing this one atm, it seems to do quite well. Tip: try to combine the blast finishers you have (warhorn #5, staff #3, CA #3) effectively with your water fields (healing spring and staff #5) and poison field (vipers nest).
Sorry to say but this is a bad build. You NEVER EVER run full traps on ranger, our traps have 0 utility.
No stunbreaker. You can argue druidic clarity but this build right here has very poor AF regen.
This build works very well. Sigils are optional, I use geo/leeching.
Play this build by pushing 1v1s and avoid team fights. You can win any 1v1 if you play well. When you are 1v2 just run in circles off point and try not to die.
Sorry to say but this is a bad build. You NEVER EVER run full traps on ranger, our traps have 0 utility.
No stunbreaker. You can argue druidic clarity but this build right here has very poor AF regen.
The problem with running traps with anything other than a full condition trap build in pvp is that you really have no sustain and can’t do enough damage to kill quickly enough. Your traps are a mere nuisance and a waste of utility slots while your conditions are cleared almost immediately.
My build is not the best for large scale team fights in large areas but easily one of the best ranger builds for capping and holding a point against unsuspecting opponents. Of course, once a good player knows your build, they will avoid your traps and try to range you – that’s where the shortbow and heavy condition pressure comes in handy and you still can hold the point while fighting.
Sorry to say but this is a bad build. You NEVER EVER run full traps on ranger, our traps have 0 utility.
No stunbreaker. You can argue druidic clarity but this build right here has very poor AF regen.
The problem with running traps with anything other than a full condition trap build in pvp is that you really have no sustain and can’t do enough damage to kill quickly enough. Your traps are a mere nuisance and a waste of utility slots while your conditions are cleared almost immediately.
My build is not the best for large scale team fights in large areas but easily one of the best ranger builds for capping and holding a point against unsuspecting opponents. Of course, once a good player knows your build, they will avoid your traps and try to range you – that’s where the shortbow and heavy condition pressure comes in handy and you still can hold the point while fighting.
What heavy condi pressure? If they are ranging you SB won’t do kitten against them because they will be facing you. The only ranged condi pressure you have is winter’s bite and throw torch, which are both pretty slow moving and easy to avoid.
Sorry man, that build relies entirely on catching a person off guard or hoping they are running zero cleanse. You are extremely vulnerable to CC, condi’s, and direct damage (no toughness).
If I was going to run traps (unlikely) I’d try something more like this
Running BM and staff will keep your AF charged (shouts, natural healing) meaning you should be able to cleanse on a pretty regular basis. Celestial shadow, and quickdraw/ancestral grace make rotating/escaping a lot easier.
While staff isn’t a great condi weapon sigil of earth and sharpened edges will let you keep pressure on people. If they are trying to run away you’ll have a 91% crit chance since you should have perma fury and the added 10% from hunters tactics.
The other big advantage is by picking up BM you will constantly be proccing ancient seeds since you can taunt, and your pets will deal a decent amount of damage.
What heavy condi pressure? If they are ranging you SB won’t do kitten against them because they will be facing you. The only ranged condi pressure you have is winter’s bite and throw torch, which are both pretty slow moving and easy to avoid.
Sorry man, that build relies entirely on catching a person off guard or hoping they are running zero cleanse. You are extremely vulnerable to CC, condi’s, and direct damage (no toughness).
Nobody would really use a ranger condi build for fighting at range in the first place. You just make due with what little tools you have in order to keep people off guard and draw them into your traps.
What heavy condi pressure? If they are ranging you SB won’t do kitten against them because they will be facing you. The only ranged condi pressure you have is winter’s bite and throw torch, which are both pretty slow moving and easy to avoid.
Sorry man, that build relies entirely on catching a person off guard or hoping they are running zero cleanse. You are extremely vulnerable to CC, condi’s, and direct damage (no toughness).
Nobody would really use a ranger condi build for fighting at range in the first place. You just make due with what little tools you have in order to keep people off guard and draw them into your traps.
I play a crit bleed longbow/staff build in WvW on my ranger and I know several other people do as well. It’s a hybrid build but it definitely qualifies as long range condi.
Nobody would really use a ranger condi build for fighting at range in the first place. You just make due with what little tools you have in order to keep people off guard and draw them into your traps.
I play a crit bleed longbow/staff build in WvW on my ranger and I know several other people do as well. It’s a hybrid build but it definitely qualifies as long range condi.[/quote]
I was speaking of spvp only when playing against equally skilled players. There are many more viable options in pve or WvW. The full trap/condi build doesn’t work very well for me in WvW but does a reasonably good job in pvp and pve.
I for one wish traps were still throwable. I know this is a WvW thing mainly, but trapper runes were SO much better when you could throw them. With how it is now, you ‘set’ them and the enemy runs right through them so no invis time.
Many rangers (and not only) ask my build when see me playing it on WvW, they can’t believe i can kill enemies (low and medium defense builds) with only 3 traps but i leave you guys to guess how to. So, if you can find “the secret” then post it here.
You blind them 24/7 with fosfor trap?!?!
Many rangers (and not only) ask my build when see me playing it on WvW, they can’t believe i can kill enemies (low and medium defense builds) with only 3 traps
but i leave you guys to guess how to. So, if you can find “the secret” then post it here.
The secret is that for every good player in WvW there are 99 absolute kitten players that are too busy skill clicking to realize they shouldn’t run directly into your traps.
Jim, is this a joke “long range condi” ? LoL
Jim, is this a joke “long range condi” ? LoL
No joke with decent crit chance use Skirmish sharpen edges ,hidden barbs with Wilderness Survival Refined Toxins,Poison Master or Wilderness Knowledge plus sharpen edges utility.
this is the same build i use
my only difference is i use rabid amulet and undead runes.
Sorry to say but this is a bad build. You NEVER EVER run full traps on ranger, our traps have 0 utility.
it actually does pretty dam good, it utterly MELTS things