Any consideration for the ranger class?
Yah my point is not to increase pet power. If anything I would like to see a no pet option that puts 4 weapon or class based F-Skills in its place.
This would remove the “forced” playstyle. And negate the fact that rangers are the only class that can be effectively disarmed or forced to change weapons.
i really do not see the point in this thread either.
first of all how do you shut down our pets? if you do that you need to focus them pretty much giving you time to set up your attack. in 1on1 situations in wvwvw there is quite a build diversity for rangers to kill any opponents relying on pets or just useing then for CC.
People whining about thieves are mostly not geared or traited to counter them.
People that ask for a role in WvWvW cant except that it night have nothing to do with adding to damage.
People whine about our damage depending on pets often refuse to use them (probably despise the micro management) or learn how to use them.
its all been said and done. rangers can be bursty, sustained, tanky or supportive… pick a role for christs sake. there are all out there
Yah my point is not to increase pet power. If anything I would like to see a no pet option that puts 4 weapon or class based F-Skills in its place.
This would remove the “forced” playstyle. And negate the fact that rangers are the only class that can be effectively disarmed or forced to change weapons.
you really need to switch classes…
you are not forced into a playstyle you chose that style at character creation.
its like saying i am a mesmer but the clones and illusion mechanics is holding back my personal dps…. please change it.
(edited by Asmodal.6489)
Yah my point is not to increase pet power. If anything I would like to see a no pet option that puts 4 weapon or class based F-Skills in its place.
This would remove the “forced” playstyle. And negate the fact that rangers are the only class that can be effectively disarmed or forced to change weapons.
you really need to switch classes…
you are not forced into a playstyle you chose that style at character creation.its like saying i am a mesmer but the clones and illusion mechanics is holding back my personal dps…. please change it.
Don’t bother ranger forums are a trash can of complaints. They choose the class with a pet than complain about using a pet go figure. Ill say it again to all who listen play learn the class and stop the whining or switch professions for god sake. Ranger is fine!
It has been said many times, but yes, ill repeat it, For the sake of repeating.
Rangers are fine. The issues that we have, they can be annoying, and frustrating, but the class as a whole isn’t that bad at all.
Sure pet pathing could be better, we could have had higher DPS. But if you use your head, i know that is a challenge for some people but it is a challenge you must overcome, you will see that the ranger are very strong.
Currently @ some T1 server in EU
Rangers are so strong they’re the second least useful class in WvW.
Rangers are so strong they’re not welcome in PvE groups.
Rangers are so strong they’re blowing up the sPvP charts.
While the Ranger may be fine for you, it’s not fine for everyone. And just because someone has a different opinion than you doesn’t magically invalidate their point.
Even in your own post you’re effectively saying “yes the ranger has problems, but so what… it could be worse”. Do you realize how stupid that argument sounds?
Go through the class and list what it is you bring to the current meta for WvW, sPvP, and PvE. If you aren’t bringing about as much as a Guardian, Elementalist, Mesmer, or Necromancer to the table I’ve got news for you… there’s a problem.
Go make a post in the Dungeons, WvW, and PvP forums right now… go ask them to order the classes in overall worth. Ranger will be bottom third on each one. If you don’t find fault with this class than it means you’re content being bottom tier. So be it. Don’t try and bash people who don’t agree with you.
Rangers are so strong they’re the second least useful class in WvW.
Rangers are so strong they’re not welcome in PvE groups.
Rangers are so strong they’re blowing up the sPvP charts.
But that could precisely be the “problem of perception” that the devs are talking about. Games have FOTMs all the time, and classes that are not FOTM are not wanted, even though they’d be perfectly fine.
Also, with games like these, you get a situation where some buzz concepts take hold of the community, and people just repeat them in order to look cool.
Rangers are so strong they’re the second least useful class in WvW.
Rangers are so strong they’re not welcome in PvE groups.
Rangers are so strong they’re blowing up the sPvP charts.While the Ranger may be fine for you, it’s not fine for everyone. And just because someone has a different opinion than you doesn’t magically invalidate their point.
While the Ranger may be not fine for you, it’s fine for others. And just because someone has a different opinion than you doesn’t magically invalidate their point.
maybe you just belong to the "the glass is half empty and actually if i put my personal opinion measuring stick to it its even sligtly less* group of persons who are in general more vocal about their discontent then the ones who are having actually fun playing the game.
you are trying to rep your opinion around arguments that can be cast aside just looking at the first to pages of this forum. you act like they are common knowledge which they are not or – if you ask me are nowhere near the common ingame opinion.
my subjective view:
i have never been kicked from a pve group for being a ranger
i win more then i lose in spvp, tpvp and wvwvw
whats on top of the leaderboards has a lot more to do with time spent in the game then actual skill or class ability.
i know this from plenty of others games
top pvp players will faceroll with almost any class they focus on for a longer period of time. simply because they know their enemy a lot better then other players.
you know? sometimes you just gotta make that build that counters your enemy’s build to win……………………………….
Wow, can’t believe the garbage being spouted in here these days. Rangers are kittened, even ANet know that. They are especially a joke in dungeons, really broken. Now we have people saying that they shouldn’t be using bows if they want to play ranger. How broken is that?
Rangers regularly get kicked from parties because everyone knows how crap they are, and yet still we get people saying they are fine! Unbelievable.
I dont know why im going to even bother but here it is. We are all going to have to agree to disagree on this one. But here is the thing to be honest! The devs know what ranger can and cannot do, they have the numbers. They also know how many people play the class.So if only a few lets say 5,000 people go on the forums and complain they may look into the complaint. But if the other 15,000 rangers are not complaining they just blow it off like they have been. The minority are always the loudest, if all rangers started complaining they would fix the issues. I have never been kicked from any party,I have no issues in wvw. The ranger is always talked about as strong in Spvp thats why the pet nerf came, now its spirit builds. Believe what you want and complain and make threads all you want.They will not fix something that is the way they designed it. Personally i’m done with the ranger forums from now on,its really pathetic. I enjoy my ranger and will continue to play it, i love killing people in wvw and we rock pve. Many people have great success with the class. If its not working for you play another dont constantly complain. Good Luck
They are especially a joke in dungeons, really broken. Now we have people saying that they shouldn’t be using bows if they want to play ranger. How broken is that?
Rangers regularly get kicked from parties because everyone knows how crap they are, and yet still we get people saying they are fine! Unbelievable.
if you would pay attention then there are actually a lot of people that will tell you that LB + S/W is the way to go with a 30/25/0/15/0 spec or something similar…
lets see what a ranger brings to a group with that setup…
+ 25-35% damage increase for the whole party (vulnerability stacks + frost spirit)
+ 60%+ uptime on fury (warhorn+ red moa)
+ longlasting waterfield
+ blast finisher (finally)
that alone should be enough.. on top of that we bring dps thats a lot more then decent.
the only thing unbelieveable is taht you seem to think that that is all bad in a dungeon.
I’m just curious, do you have this post macro’d? I think I’ve seen this in every thread you post in.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
Wow, can’t believe the garbage being spouted in here these days. Rangers are kittened, even ANet know that. They are especially a joke in dungeons, really broken. Now we have people saying that they shouldn’t be using bows if they want to play ranger. How broken is that?
Rangers regularly get kicked from parties because everyone knows how crap they are, and yet still we get people saying they are fine! Unbelievable.
“Everyone” (not true) thinks they are “crap”; it’s just a misperception. Rangers are perfectly able to do great at Dungeons (be happy you are not in a group who would kick you for such silliness-good riddance.)
I have never heard anyone saying that Rangers shouldn’t use bows. If you have, ignore them. I wouldn’t recommend two bows, but if that’s your playstyle, I respect it. What is usually said-and it’s true-is that the game on the whole benefits melee damage over ranged damage, so you shouldn’t ignore your Ranger’s melee capabilities-especially since it’s part of the official description so often mentioned to “prove” that Rangers must do more damage with the bow than any other Profession.
RPG Rangers used to dominate both melee and ranged combat-it seems many MMOs-and even GW1, which isn’t one-forgot about that (though in all fairness, there were some melee Ranger builds too on GW1.) Not everyone thinks “Archer” (or “Hunter”)when the word Ranger is mentioned. Nothing wrong with bows (I like and use them, though not in tandem with each other), but I love engaging in melee as a Ranger as well.
Wow, can’t believe the garbage being spouted in here these days. Rangers are kittened, even ANet know that. They are especially a joke in dungeons, really broken. Now we have people saying that they shouldn’t be using bows if they want to play ranger. How broken is that?
Rangers regularly get kicked from parties because everyone knows how crap they are, and yet still we get people saying they are fine! Unbelievable.
The people saying “Ranger is fine!” and complaining about people complaining are just typical fanboy trolls. Every game forum is infested with them. Ignore them. when i watch something like that i die a little inside
Just the WvW
Wow, can’t believe the garbage being spouted in here these days. Rangers are kittened, even ANet know that. They are especially a joke in dungeons, really broken. Now we have people saying that they shouldn’t be using bows if they want to play ranger. How broken is that?
Rangers regularly get kicked from parties because everyone knows how crap they are, and yet still we get people saying they are fine! Unbelievable.
The people saying “Ranger is fine!” and complaining about people complaining are just typical fanboy trolls. Every game forum is infested with them. Ignore them.
Your post is actually a trolling post. “Anyone who disagrees with me must be a fanboi”. Read yourself again and see. There’ is also no counter to it, because you can always claim that people who are positive about Rangers MUST be fanboi trolls, just because they disagree with how you see the current Ranger. Therefore, either you were angry while writing and genuine about your bitter feelings, or trolling the supposed “fanbois.”
As far as Rangers being kicked, that’s a community problem. ANet should make videos themselves to counter the idea that certain Professions must always be better for Dungeon content than Ranger. Many won’t care for sure, but at least there will be “official evidence” of how useful they can be. Sadly, I feel the community that only follows mob logic will never be open-minded enough to feel they are “useful”, no matter how buffed the Rangers may get in the future-too much “Zerk Warrior” brainwashing for almost a year now, and people not daring enough to play their way, rather than meta-way.
If you were honest in your comments above, take no offense, but not everybody who enjoys current Ranger must be a “fanboi.” They may just genuinely think differently than you do, and actually enjoy playing their character-it’s only fair to allow them the right, no?
(edited by Star Ace.5207)
Wow, can’t believe the garbage being spouted in here these days. Rangers are kittened, even ANet know that. They are especially a joke in dungeons, really broken. Now we have people saying that they shouldn’t be using bows if they want to play ranger. How broken is that?
Rangers regularly get kicked from parties because everyone knows how crap they are, and yet still we get people saying they are fine! Unbelievable.
The people saying “Ranger is fine!” and complaining about people complaining are just typical fanboy trolls. Every game forum is infested with them. Ignore them.
Your post is actually a trolling post.
“Anyone who disagrees with me must be a fanboi”. Read yourself again and see. There’ is also no counter to it, because you can always claim that people who are positive about Rangers MUST be fanboi trolls, just because they disagree with how you see the current Ranger. Therefore, either you were angry while writing and genuine about your bitter feelings, or trolling the supposed “fanbois.”
If you were honest in your comments above, take no offense, but not everybody who enjoys current Ranger must be a “fanboi.” They may just genuinely think differently than you do, and actually enjoy playing their character-it’s only fair to allow them the right, no?
That would all make sense if it wasn’t a complete strawman. I never said everyone who is “positive” about the game is a fanboy troll. I never said people who disagree with me are fanboys. I disagree with your false dichotomy between “positive” players (those who side with everything Anet does) and “negative” players (those who are complaining about broken mechanics in an effort to get them fixed).
My opinion is that people who deny the obvious fact that there are aspects of the game that are broken are fanboys. “Ranger is fine” is an all-inclusive denial that anything is wrong, which no matter how positive or comfortable you are with the class is a blatant lie. The refusal to acknowledge that a game is deficient or broken in some areas coupled with personal attacks is the defining characteristic of the fanboy. See the definition.
People who constantly accuse people of “whining,” telling them they need to L2P or launch into personal attacks for addressing the class’s deficiencies are trolls. They see people who are upset about something and immediately try to get a rise out of those people by making them more upset and angry. People who complain about broken mechanics are complaining about something substantial. People who complain about complaining are trying to attack the person’s character for making a criticism about the game. One is legit, the other is trolling.
People are free to disagree with anything anyone writes here and be “positive” about the game (if you think thwarting efforts by others to get the game fixed is “positive”). Launching endless, repetitive, rubberstamp ad hominem attacks, denying that things are broken and making it harder for those of us who like the game to get the game fixed is not being positive. It’s being a fanboy jerk.
That would all make sense if it wasn’t a complete strawman. I never said everyone who is “positive” about the game is a fanboy troll. I never said people who disagree with me are fanboys. I disagree with your false dichotomy between “positive” players (those who side with everything Anet does) and “negative” players (those who are complaining about broken mechanics in an effort to get them fixed).
My opinion is that people who deny the obvious fact that there are aspects of the game that are broken are fanboys. “Ranger is fine” is an all-inclusive denial that anything is wrong, which no matter how positive or comfortable you are with the class is a blatant lie. The refusal to acknowledge that a game is deficient or broken in some areas coupled with personal attacks is the defining characteristic of the fanboy. See the definition.
People who constantly accuse people of “whining,” telling them they need to L2P or launch into personal attacks for addressing the class’s deficiencies are trolls. They see people who are upset about something and immediately try to get a rise out of those people by making them more upset and angry. People who complain about broken mechanics are complaining about something substantial. People who complain about complaining are trying to attack the person’s character for making a criticism about the game. One is legit, the other is trolling.
People are free to disagree with anything anyone writes here and be “positive” about the game (if you think thwarting efforts by others to get the game fixed is “positive”). Launching endless, repetitive, rubberstamp ad hominem attacks, denying that things are broken and making it harder for those of us who like the game to get the game fixed is not being positive. It’s being a fanboy jerk.
Well, you see, you give people NO CHOICE but deem them “fanboys” if they disagree with your opinion that the game is “broken.” By your definition I am also a fanboi. So we’ll never agree, because you are not allowing people to believe as they wish (“if you don’t think the game/Ranger is broken, you are fanboi.”) Call it a Strawman, but you just did it on your post above-it is precisely what you are doing, you are denying people the right to believe that Rangers are fine for them, because they are “broken” for you.
And if by your posts you are interested in them “fixing” the game, your tone does nothing to that effect. Think about it if you were the developer. They probably know what problems are real, which are perceived, and what they won’t be ever able to change because it’s just part of the Profession. I wouldn’t take you seriously myself (nothing personal, I don’t know the real you) with the negative way you express yourself, even if you had something to add that would be of value to change the way the Ranger works and plays right now.
My opinion is that despite the apparent problems, the game is a work in progress, and Rangers are actually better now than in the past (meaning during launch.) I can’t agree with the “broken Ranger” opinion because even back then it was wholly playable and enjoyable for many (you just can’t prove otherwise.) The pets could be improved? Of course. Some traits and weapon skills could be reworked? Truly. But is the Ranger “broken”? Absolutely not, whether you deem me a fanboi or not, and in any case, it will keep getting changed over time, for better or worse (given history so far, probably for the better.)
Nothing personal; I have the feeling you will attack me for being honest, but I have no reason to attack you, so if you want to insult me as a “fanboi jerk”, this will be my last word on the issue anyway. It’s OK to think differently anyway.
Ranger was put together with bit and pieces from the marksman and warden professions before beta so they were just in a hurry to slap the ranger together since they needed to release the game before Pandaria. Hence the lack of direction, vision , useless mess of a traitlines/traits , overall bugfest and a pet ai from the morning cereal box.
But that doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun with it. Just try not to think about what the profession could have been with some competent development or you will continue to be a sad panda :P
You can’t really avoid a ranger’s sustained damage, but you can mitigate nearly all of a thief’s burst with really fast reaction and smart play.
I once got my jaguar to hit a warrior using a rifle for a super awesome crit around 12k on a single attack when all roided up from signet and shout, and getting a lucky crit. There’s potential, but it involves luck I can’t depend on, whereas a D/D thief can depend on his skill.Also, despite my best efforts, I could not write a post that didn’t come across as defensive lol. I’m still a ranger through and through
I’m more upset that nobody said anything whatsoever about my “swooping” into the thread… I thought that was golden.
we are good in spvp because thats a very special thing. we need to protect very little points where pets have a chance to catch somebody and we fight mostly in 1v1 or 2v2. this cause short sword is an imba weapon with torch or dagger. 2-3 evade, condi, and you root yourself to an opponent. but this root thing makes it totally useless in nearly any other situation. once try it in a large scale combat. if u select a target u will die because soon you will find yourself in the middle of the enemy alone (your pet died long time ago) but if u not select target just slash as everybody else… thats fun. once i leaped that much i got out of combat. longbow is useless out of wvw. in pvp and most of the dungeons no space. but if there is space to reach maximum damage range u wont get buffs from your mates. axe: same as most of the ranged weapons. u must to select somebody, but need minimum 2-3 targets to stay close to each other but out of melee range where GS is better. too much if and but. SB is good second weapon in pvp and dungeon but nothing special. GS is our best weapon ATM i think but still not good in pvp and it need a blast finisher on maul because warhorn is less than nothing and only good in one specific setup in a specific team in a specific dungeon. in wvw/pvp useless.
and on a rifle warrior is not a big deal to deal that much dammage. they are often try to kill shot somebody so they run zerk. not killing an aiming warrior is shame. not moving target with low armor. once i saved my dude from a fatal hit by using serpents strike around the warrior and i was in the line of shot but the serpent gave me dodge so he wasted his chance
Just the WvW
R3200+ when i watch something like that i die a little inside
Can you imagine how swift and hard the ANet nerf bat would swing if a ranger ever posted a video like that?
But a thief, that’s not a problem at all is it ANet?
Like I’ve said. I play ranger have since release. I like the Ranger but the pet mechanic is a forced play style. And it is the only mechanic in the game that will cut a players damage output by thirty percent for a significant amount of time.
How would a thief feel if you took his pistol for a couple minutes? Or a Warrior his sword? And these classes do enough burst damage that loosing 30% would not be crippling short term.
Seriously the I think the only rangers that aren’t looking at the class and seeing an imbalance are those who believe the their doing 23k Rapid fires when they see all those numbers on the screen.
Once again you are resorting to a strawman argument to make some kind of moral equivalence between fanboys who troll and those who identify certain behaviors as fanboy trolling. I usually don’t respond to strawman arguments because it just bogs you down in refuting an argument that isn’t yours, but my language was pretty clear. I didn’t say “anyone who doesn’t agree that the game is broken is a fanboy” I said “My opinion is that people who deny the obvious fact that there are aspects of the game that are broken are fanboys”
The difference between these two statements is unmistakable to anyone being honest. The “game is broken” is an opinion. You are free to differ with that opinion. That there are aspects of the game that are dysfunctional is not an opinion, it is proven fact. Even the developers acknowledge this. Fanboys by definition are those people who get extremely defensive about games and often refuse to acknowledge aspects of the game that are broken even when they are obvious, proven, and admitted to by developers. Do you fall into this definition? I don’t know, but I never called you a fanboy jerk. That’s what you chose to read into my comments.
As for the “tone” of criticisms in these forums, I have spoken before about tone trolling, or ignoring the substance of people’s arguments to attack them for the manner in which they express them. This is the internet, and comments here are a helluva lot more moderate in tone than most forums I’ve been on.
Most of us assume that Anet developers are mature adults who, if they are sincere about fixing the game, will welcome feedback in whatever form it takes. If their customers are angry about something that’s something a legitimate company wants to know about so they can address it. You apparently think they cannot handle anything but mindless adulation, and will reject any complaint that isn’t wrapped up in a nice package with a pink fluffy bunny ribbon on top.
When developers lie to us, or come in here to troll or blow smoke up our kitten, anger is the appropriate and correct response, not sycophantic fawning and demands to respond to them only in hushed and reverent tones. It’s been a year now and there are still major issues with this class that haven’t been fixed. Instead we got some heavy-handed and gratuitous nerfs. There is no longer any excuse for this neglect and people are right to complain about it.