Any help with condition build? (WvW)
You aren’t far off on your assumption on what a WvW roaming condition ranger should be doing. All you need to do is find ways to optimize your role, rather than spread out and try to cover all choices. As rangers we get the luxury of variety, so work with that in terms of your strengths, rather than everything at the same time.
2/0/6/6/0 suggests a bunker – roamer – conditions build. Dire is one of the gears that’s a thumbs up by the general consensus. For grand master traits, you should adjust to your situation… roaming ok bark skin for the win, poison master is a fun choice, empathic bond if you consider problems will come due to condition damage (big zerg incoming!).
Circle of life < Nature’s protection when roaming, use Nature’s protection when roaming in groups and you know you will go down more often than you expect, I wouldn’t do it but it’s a generous choice for allies.
For runes of the krait, you’d want to go with 2/2/4/6/0, swap gears to Rabid for Sharpened Edges. Otherwise, the safest bet in terms of runes will be Undead.
If you want a change of pace, try a shout-condition-healing build 0/0/6/6/2, full apothecary gear… its my preferred WvW choice.
Axe? A lot of people like it, I like sword/torch – shortbow. Why sword? I am comfortable with it, it helps me in terms of turn-around-run-get-out-of-that-big-damage-here-it-comes! situations you find all the time in WvW, as well as it allows me to better control the play field in roaming fights. I also feel that axe goes well with dagger, at least you’d have 1 option to dodge out of death every 10 seconds.
Poison master looks more like this → sword/dagger – shortbow, spider – poison pet (drakes are not bad at this), superior sigil of doom on shortbow for the win (even without poison master) to help mitigate enemy heals. Also don’t forget to carry with you food to either boost your condition damage + duration or food to help reduce it!
More questions? Of course, Signet of the Hunt! use that whenever you are out of combat and swap it for a survival utility immediately (muddy terrain is very convenient in wvw).
Hit me in game I’m up for help anytime.
Ranger’s guide to PvP/WvW:
I guess I’ll try full dire with survival skills first. In my opinion the sharpened edges’ bleeding duration is way too short to make much difference to get rabid gear, although they’re easier to get than dire.
This is what I’ve been using with an across the board success:
Note that I play, very and I mean VERY offensive and I don’t stop pushing no matter what. 5 stacks of Applied Fortitude, 25 stacks of corruption and whatever Robust(?) health bonus + the BL stacks from the ruins will net you anywhere between 26700 (at the very least) and ~29k HP which makes even the “I win” specced thieves fair game. My rune choice is because a) it screws thieves so bad (every little TP, every stealth and more or less all their mobility perks punish for ~1k unless cleared instantly). I picked shortbow because it requires a lot less focus on weapon rotation and allows you to focus on offense and nothing but offense aaaand it’s that golden interrupt for the 5 stacks of confusion. The reason why I go with the River Drake (Wolf as off pet) is because the bouncing triple shot with fair range applies the bleed stacks from Crippling Shot almost instantly. When I started with the build at first I was running torch instead of dagger and I ended up switching them around for the sake of the experiment and I really loved the dodges and the extra cripple with 3 bleed stacks. I run axe/dagger and sword/torch on my regen spec and I find myself spending too much time aiming and watching for distances to keep my bleeds up. It’s all personal preference and the gear I picked is what I have now (yea I know, no almighty rainbow out of your kitten legendary weapons or full ascended gear, I don’t farm, I just roam and fight). I started with my Rabid sPvP build and I was faced with an option, be tougher or do faster condi bombs. Depending on what fits your place style better you can go either/or. For me Dire is better, especially against the 1 trick pony Thieves that pop all cooldowns and hope to 3 shot you down before you can return the favor. So uuum yea that’s it I guess.
i use this one i got from forums it still works he has a video of him in WvW
I’m not sure about your use of Dire here, at least not full Dire.
Firstly, the SB without precision really is very lackluster. Sure, you have the bleed on flanking, but alone that wont actually give you as much as you’d think. The really strength of the SB comes from its firing speed which allows you to proc bleed-on-crit very quickly and from longer range than our other condi-weapons. If I were you I’d swap half your dire gear for rabid and take 2 points into Skirmishing over MS, or drop the SB and take S/D instead.
Also you’re healing choice seems odd. You probably want the condition removal from HS, which is fair enough, but HS on its own with no Healing Power and no leap or blasts is a pretty poor skill. You’re going to have a lot of health and armour but no realistic way to replenish yourself in a drawn out fight (and as a bunker build you will have a lot of extended fights). So, again, really consider taking a sword to add in at least 1 leap to use with HS or try taking TU as your healing skill. Or alternatively you can add it some apothecary gear, because the Regen part of HS will scale very well with some healing power and making it much more worth it.
Gunnar’s Hold