Any video of Druid in Fractal?
At the moment there isn’t a need for it. Once Fractals levels are increase there many be a need for healing, but I also suspect this role may be better served by Rev/heralds.
everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.
Escort low agony players in Fractals. That can be fun
I haven’t made a video but played Druid in Dungeons and low level fractals a bit so I’ll share my impressions. (couldn’t enter high level ones, since I lacked agony resistance and didn’t put my ascended gear in the bank before that. The raid gear provided also had no infusions slots).
Anyways. I actually thought druid was pretty effective in 5 man content. Mind you I didn’t play as a dedicated healer or anything, I was basically playing the normal “meta” zerker build while swapping Beastmastery for Druid and put Glyph of Empowerment into your utility slots. You lose a bit personal DPS, but help the rest of your group through very decent damage increases through Frost Spirit, Spotter and your Glyph. With the HoT release Druid will also get a new trait allowing him to increase group DPS even further, again at the cost of personal DPS (in that case through going into CA and using healing skills instead of doing your damage rotation). Additionally I had a sizeable amount of healing just passively through traits, although the lingering light trait now got changed a lot. I think if you get into a bad pug group, this is generally a build that could carry a group and not only because of the healing.
At the moment I was testing it I think Druid was a rather solid pick, even for a group that only cares about DPS. You don’t lose much on personal DPS compared to normal ranger and more than make up for it through active offensive and passive defensive group support. With some of the changes announced I think Druid could actually become a searched after class for their general party damage increase (similar to how warrior is always searched after thanks to their banners). Now I’m not sure about that to be honest, but I think HoT will generally greatly increase the amount of viable searched after classes for dungeons and widen the spectrum of the group composition. I think druid will be pretty good.
Abaddons Mouth
I haven’t made a video but played Druid in Dungeons and low level fractals a bit so I’ll share my impressions. (couldn’t enter high level ones, since I lacked agony resistance and didn’t put my ascended gear in the bank before that. The raid gear provided also had no infusions slots).
Anyways. I actually thought druid was pretty effective in 5 man content. Mind you I didn’t play as a dedicated healer or anything, I was basically playing the normal “meta” zerker build while swapping Beastmastery for Druid and put Glyph of Empowerment into your utility slots. You lose a bit personal DPS, but help the rest of your group through very decent damage increases through Frost Spirit, Spotter and your Glyph. With the HoT release Druid will also get a new trait allowing him to increase group DPS even further, again at the cost of personal DPS (in that case through going into CA and using healing skills instead of doing your damage rotation). Additionally I had a sizeable amount of healing just passively through traits, although the lingering light trait now got changed a lot. I think if you get into a bad pug group, this is generally a build that could carry a group and not only because of the healing.
At the moment I was testing it I think Druid was a rather solid pick, even for a group that only cares about DPS. You don’t lose much on personal DPS compared to normal ranger and more than make up for it through active offensive and passive defensive group support. With some of the changes announced I think Druid could actually become a searched after class for their general party damage increase (similar to how warrior is always searched after thanks to their banners). Now I’m not sure about that to be honest, but I think HoT will generally greatly increase the amount of viable searched after classes for dungeons and widen the spectrum of the group composition. I think druid will be pretty good.
This was basically my impression, I banked my AR gear and ran fractals up to 50. I was still running berserker’s gear and while the damage was definitely lower with 50 pugs I had a lot less wipes and the runs went far more smoothly that they normally do pugging 50’s.
That being said I did notice a loss in personal dps. staff is certainly lower than LB but during the last BWE that charged CA much faster than anything else. LB damage was lower but not incredibly so. I was running MM/NM/Druid to keep most of my damage modifiers and buff my pet. With the incoming changes I don’t think zerker will still be an option, the healing will most likely be too low to help but the dps upgrades will be incredible. I also think that rangers will be one of the sought after classes with all the flat damage modifiers they bring.
It took me 5 seconds to find this on youtube:
It took me 5 seconds to find this on youtube:
It took me a split of second to see this is not a fractal.
That being said I did notice a loss in personal dps. staff is certainly lower than LB but during the last BWE that charged CA much faster than anything else. LB damage was lower but not incredibly so. I was running MM/NM/Druid to keep most of my damage modifiers and buff my pet. With the incoming changes I don’t think zerker will still be an option, the healing will most likely be too low to help but the dps upgrades will be incredible. I also think that rangers will be one of the sought after classes with all the flat damage modifiers they bring.
That’s why I specified that I was basically playing the current meta dungeon build with Druid instead of Beastmastery. Staff? You don’t need it, just run LB S/A. NM? Skirmishing is higher personal DPS AND spotter. Healing to low? Who needs group healing in Fractals? Just go full DPS and with all the awesome support options you have and you will help much more than if you’d put on clerics gear and try to heal your party in an environment where enemies can one-shot them. With the announced changes you will be able to go in celestial avatar to boost your team damage in 2 seconds and then leave and continue your DPS rotation (if done right you might actually boost it a bit afterwards, thanks to quickdraw when leaving celestial avatar).
Abaddons Mouth
It took me 5 seconds to find this on youtube:
It took me a split of second to see this is not a fractal.
It’s as close as he’s going to get given the brevity of bwe3, not sure what difference you’d expect
It took me 5 seconds to find this on youtube:
It took me a split of second to see this is not a fractal.
It’s as close as he’s going to get given the brevity of bwe3, not sure what difference you’d expect
To see whether it’s viable even for the current meta as a healer. The only difference that a person could probably ask for since we already know it’s needed for HoT.