born to Isle Of Janthir
(edited by Robyn Yew.6072)
Is anyone interested in seeing Arah Dungeon run with Ranger?
If so I’ll post but it wont be full footage as it would take to long and I like to kinda keep my vids short. NOT SOLO
Path 3 Part 1 WATCH IN HD
Play your own Music and Enjoy!
I will only post this one up on forums, If you are interested in seeing the rest I will be uploading soon so check on my channel. Also i will add it to a playlist so you can watch all at once later.
EDIT: All vids up Full path 3 and half of 2.
(edited by Robyn Yew.6072)
Yes please. Link right meow! :-p
You can speed it up and make it shorter. Maybe i should do one too.
ok i will post p3 and half of p2 as I did not record the rest of it.
Edit: there wont be any music so play your own alright xD.
You can speed it up and make it shorter. Maybe i should do one too.
Yes you should make one to, mine wont be the best but i just wanted to show that rangers can do the dungeon np. Send me a link if you end up making one.
You can speed it up and make it shorter. Maybe i should do one too.
Yes you should make one to, mine wont be the best but i just wanted to show that rangers can do the dungeon np. Send me a link if you end up making one.
Sure, will do.
Oh heck yes. Nice vids! You gotta love Arah. I personally think it’s the most fun dungeon I’ve run so far. It’s a shame most people don’t realize how facepalm easy almost every boss is aside from Lupicus. And the lupicus fight is just so fun once you’ve figured out his attacks and phases.
A couple little things. On the Crusher and Hunter fight. Posting 2 people on the lamp post to the left of the crusher is really helpful. They can hold aggro while the other 3 stay on the ledge and range. I use signet of renewal and healing spring when I’m standing up there and have enough condition removal to stay alive the whole fight.
A note on the lupicus fight. From phase 1 to phase 2 lupicus will always try to spawn an extra grub. He often tries to spawn it on your pet. If he does, an instant pet swap negates the grub spawn. Wait a second though and the grub will still spawn on your other pet.
Lets get more rangers in to Arah!
(edited by jewishjoyride.4693)
Can you please post the links to the other videos for the lazy people (like myself). Thank you.
What I see:
Do you have video of yourself fighting some of the harder Arah bosses?
Do you have video of your ranger in 30+ fractals?
Summary: Nothing impressive but nothing bad either. Solid ranger play.
Can you please post the links to the other videos for the lazy people (like myself). Thank you.
What I see:
- Your damage is very respectable.
- You’re smart enough to change pets, utilities, etc. to match the content
- Both your pets die, leaving you with the “long cooldown”, even when using a ranged spider and devourer … the devourer being the pet with the highest toughness in the game
- You glitch a boss using terrain … easy content, I’d prefer to see harder
Do you have video of yourself fighting some of the harder Arah bosses?
Do you have video of your ranger in 30+ fractals?
Summary: Nothing impressive but nothing bad either. Solid ranger play.
I COULD make videos of me doing ALL the dungeon paths although I will only make em if many more people are interested in seeing them. Like I said I only uploaded the vids to show that rangers are able to do it and yes you adapt to each boss using diff pets and utils.
To answer your last two questions
1. No I don’t have video of fighting harder bosses, if enough are interested I will make one.
2. No I do not have a video of my ranger 30+ fractals. As I said I am rocking MASTERWORK jewlery.
Another thing to point out, you dont need to be fully geared to do those dungeons…. I been wearing masterwork for awhile and did almost all dungeons beside CoF(elitist dungeon)
I spend 90 percent or more of my time in WvW unless I’m trying to find some skins for my ranger. I do plan on doing fractals soon though as someone offered to help me get through it.
As for linking all the videos here, i wont be doing that. Just click that video and click on my name the Uploader under the video.
Thanks for feedback, although my goal wasn’t to show my impressive skills, it was just for the rangers that had doubts they could do arah. In my channel I even say I’m an average gamer.
I’d be interested in any and all ranger dungeon videos you could put out there. I like seeing what other people are doing. It helps get the creative juices flowing.
Do please realize that going through a dungeon as a class doesn’t really make much of a statement unless you were obviously carrying the group. There are people who are doing dungeons in groups of 3 nowadays because dungeons are not that difficult (except high level fractals).
Oh heck yes. Nice vids! You gotta love Arah. I personally think it’s the most fun dungeon I’ve run so far. It’s a shame most people don’t realize how facepalm easy almost every boss is aside from Lupicus. And the lupicus fight is just so fun once you’ve figured out his attacks and phases.
A couple little things. On the Crusher and Hunter fight. Posting 2 people on the lamp post to the left of the crusher is really helpful. They can hold aggro while the other 3 stay on the ledge and range. I use signet of renewal and healing spring when I’m standing up there and have enough condition removal to stay alive the whole fight.
A note on the lupicus fight. From phase 1 to phase 2 lupicus will always try to spawn an extra grub. He often tries to spawn it on your pet. If he does, an instant pet swap negates the grub spawn. Wait a second though and the grub will still spawn on your other pet.
Lets get more rangers in to Arah!
Haha thanks for the feedback, Although I probably wont try to do it better, im lazy, I mainly WvW for most of my time and only do dungeons once in awhile, rare. I’m working on my gear atm i think i almost have the perfect set for me. I really hate to play the tanky , regen, evade builds it is so boring =p. Basically I got crit damage as my main priority so when i finish ill share a video of it in wvw maybe some duels or zerg fights.
Not sure why you say CoF is elitist. I’ve found it to be the easiest dungeon to pug. Just stand outside and put your hand up.
As far as content in arah the only boss I can think of that offers any real challenge aside from Lupicus is Simin. Every other boss essentially just has lots of health and easy mechanics.
The trickiest sections in Arah are often the running sections as the trash mobs tend to hit much harder than in other dungeons. Some of them can even outrun you at times.
Again, nice vids Robyn!
And get full exotic gear for crying out loud ;P
Not sure why you say CoF is elitist. I’ve found it to be the easiest dungeon to pug. Just stand outside and put your hand up.
As far as content in arah the only boss I can think of that offers any real challenge aside from Lupicus is Simin. Every other boss essentially just has lots of health and easy mechanics.
The trickiest sections in Arah are often the running sections as the trash mobs tend to hit much harder than in other dungeons. Some of them can even outrun you at times.
Again, nice vids Robyn!
And get full exotic gear for crying out loud ;P
It’s what i hear from most of the people that do and have experience with CoF, I have never done it and I don’t think I will unless someone drags me in. I have fun in WvW and do fine without MAXED gear lmao. Got my necro to 80 recently and I also wear masterwork jewelry and do fine zerg vs zerg. I think you only really need exotic if it’s a duel than you will want every advantage you can get if you were the same skill level. ATM i just dont feel like grinding for endgame gear but I WILL get it eventually, GL to all the wvwers out there when i do lol xD.
Not sure why you say CoF is elitist. I’ve found it to be the easiest dungeon to pug. Just stand outside and put your hand up.
As far as content in arah the only boss I can think of that offers any real challenge aside from Lupicus is Simin. Every other boss essentially just has lots of health and easy mechanics.
The trickiest sections in Arah are often the running sections as the trash mobs tend to hit much harder than in other dungeons. Some of them can even outrun you at times.
Again, nice vids Robyn!
And get full exotic gear for crying out loud ;P
You are one of the lucky ones that dont have many kittenheads on the server. There are servers out there that are very elitest and will only accept warriors in the party.
Those groups are simply maximizing their time. A full group of warriors can do it in under 7 minutes. I, personally, like 10 minute runs because it’s still fast and I don’t go below 20 badges per completion. I can accept another 3 minutes for 15 more badges than those people … but hey, they are getting more direct cash per hour than me. To each their own.
I WAS interested until I saw it wasn’t solo. When you solo the dungeon leme know and I’ll watch it.
I WAS interested until I saw it wasn’t solo. When you solo the dungeon leme know and I’ll watch it.
I would love to see Ranger videos soloing dungeons. Particularly hard ones. Recently even a Mesmer released one in Arah.
I WAS interested until I saw it wasn’t solo. When you solo the dungeon leme know and I’ll watch it.
I’m not spending my time to solo a dungeon just to say yea we can do it, now go try it all you rangers. Like I said in my previous posts, i spend a good 90 percent of my time wvw, ill leave the big “achievement” of solo dungeon ranger to someone else.
I WAS interested until I saw it wasn’t solo. When you solo the dungeon leme know and I’ll watch it.
I would love to see Ranger videos soloing dungeons. Particularly hard ones. Recently even a Mesmer released one in Arah.
I’d glad you would like to see that kind of stuff, but I won’t be the one providing that. I’m sure there are other rangers out there that would, so just wait and it will eventually happen.
No worries. Just voicing what I’d like to see :-)
Maybe see you in WvW.
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