Aren't smokescales just a biiiit too tanky?

Aren't smokescales just a biiiit too tanky?

in Ranger

Posted by: ZeftheWicked.3076


As an avid pvper i can’t help to notice the difference between bristlebacks and smokescales with rangers i fight. Bristlebacks are fine -they hit like a truck but are killable in reasonable time frame.

But once the smokescale is up i feel like i’m hitting a wall. And that’s without any protection on them at all! Now call me crazy but isn’t smokescale an attacker pet? Where does all this tankyness come from and isn’t it high time it got nerfed?

Aren't smokescales just a biiiit too tanky?

in Ranger

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


Are you seriously coming to the ranger forums and asking for a pet to be nerfed? Also, just for the sake of asking, shouldn’t you be hitting the ranger instead in PvP?

Gone to Reddit.

Aren't smokescales just a biiiit too tanky?

in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356

Now call me crazy but isn’t smokescale an attacker pet? Where does all this tankyness come from and isn’t it high time it got nerfed?

I will call you crazy.
Smokescale is a tank pet. Therefore your argument is invalid.

It has less vitality in contrast to bears but they have a damaging ability in return.

“Observe, learn and counter.”

Aren't smokescales just a biiiit too tanky?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Now call me crazy but isn’t smokescale an attacker pet? Where does all this tankyness come from and isn’t it high time it got nerfed?

I will call you crazy.
Smokescale is a tank pet. Therefore your argument is invalid.

It has less vitality in contrast to bears but they have a damaging ability in return.

^ this +1, please qqers from pvp that come here to rant about meeting a good player, just go back to your subforums.

in my opinion all pets should be brought at the same level as the smokescale.
i still see bristleback too squishy, its true the range + damage make it difficult to balance, but with the low toughness it needs more hp to stop dying at one shot.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Aren't smokescales just a biiiit too tanky?

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


Smocscale has the same power level as the infamous brown bear. The end.

Aren't smokescales just a biiiit too tanky?

in Ranger

Posted by: ZeftheWicked.3076


funny thing is I don’t recall brown bears having smoke assault.

Aren't smokescales just a biiiit too tanky?

in Ranger

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


Please keep this kind of nonsense on the PvP forums where it belongs. Sorry you died to a pet in PvP, but the problem isn’t the pet.

Gone to Reddit.

Aren't smokescales just a biiiit too tanky?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Or more like… smokescale and bristle needs a nerf hammer to bring them in line with rest. Getting hit for 10k by a bristle f2 is not really what i consider balanced for 12/15 cd. On top of that the projectiles cannot be strafed and auto homing to target.. while druid runs in circle dazing and immo the kitten out of you. Autopilot really. No point discussing it futher with rangers so bye. And about that “pet can be killed” druid can go celestial and heal him without any problems. Theres a reason why druid is godtier 1v1.

So much wrong and ignorance in this comment i’m rolfing (yes i just invented that word).

Just one thing thought… Do you want our bristleback to have the same bugs as the open world ones? Shame on you. I think with that comment you already showed your true self. You have to be a really sore looser and bad player to think the ranger should have a buggier profession. And you should stop using Zerker if you have problems with one pet.

I will never get tired of repeating this: other pets need to became as useful as the smokescale. It’s not normal any player can just ignore the pet attacks while kittening the ranger.
Again the bristleback is too glassy for my taste. 16K hp pool is too low, were you see videos that a glass cannon reaper can do 8K crits with the basic attack.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

(edited by anduriell.6280)

Aren't smokescales just a biiiit too tanky?

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


Those 2 new pets are used because they are the only ones that work. Some of the old pets (and the wyverns) are effectively unable to kill a moving test golem…

I don’t mean to be snobby, but this is an insanely ignorant thread.

Someone who doesn’t understand why rangers have been a broken-code class for years complains when the devs gives players something that pretend-fixes the pet problems. Smokescale and bristleback don’t actually fix any pet problems, they just mask them via teleports and ranged attacks.

It’s also worth reiterating that ranger is a pet class, and pets are our profession mechanic. Just because we’ve been forcibly hamstrung for years and players got used to fighting only the ranger while ignoring the pet, that doesn’t mean rangers aren’t a pet profession.

(edited by Fluffball.8307)

Aren't smokescales just a biiiit too tanky?

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


I don’t know about the Rangers pet but in pve these foes are so annoying to kill.

Aren't smokescales just a biiiit too tanky?

in Ranger

Posted by: Aylpse.6280


Or more like… smokescale and bristle needs a nerf hammer to bring them in line with rest. Getting hit for 10k by a bristle f2 is not really what i consider balanced for 12/15 cd. On top of that the projectiles cannot be strafed and auto homing to target.. while druid runs in circle dazing and immo the kitten out of you. Autopilot really. No point discussing it futher with rangers so bye. And about that “pet can be killed” druid can go celestial and heal him without any problems. Theres a reason why druid is godtier 1v1.

Lo and behold! The Rev preaches balance to us!

Taking the higher moral ground since 1993.

Aren't smokescales just a biiiit too tanky?

in Ranger

Posted by: Serraphin Storm.2369

Serraphin Storm.2369

I don’t know about the Rangers pet but in pve these foes are so annoying to kill.

In pve all you need to do is step back making it move out of its smoke field. Then you can kill it with ease.

In order to properly understand the big picture,
everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.

Aren't smokescales just a biiiit too tanky?

in Ranger

Posted by: Yelloweyedemon.2860


I don’t know about the Rangers pet but in pve these foes are so annoying to kill.

I was farming smokescales on my reaper for collection, and every now and then a braindead player would appear, charge in, 100b (or insert burst skill here) the smokescale in the face (while being inside the smokefield), continue dpsing until the second smoke assault where he would drop dead.

Are you one of those players?

Aren't smokescales just a biiiit too tanky?

in Ranger

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


funny thing is I don’t recall brown bears having smoke assault.

And we don’t recall you complaining about it in your original post. You complained about tankiness. Not damage. Again, please don’t bring that noise here.

One pet that’s actually effective, and it’s nonstop complaints from PvPers when they die. In other words, the other pets aren’t kitten and can be completely ignored.

Sorry, but if you want sympathy, you definitely came to the wrong forum.

Gone to Reddit.

Aren't smokescales just a biiiit too tanky?

in Ranger

Posted by: Rap Tiger.1257

Rap Tiger.1257

It’s okay to pet Smokescale? They need to nerf both attack Assault smoke as well as the f2 of Bristleback.

Look at the damage I received from Smoke Scale, one was 10k and one 12k.

there’s no way to dodge because they cool quickly and can then reuse this Assault attack.

Although it uses all resources for pet cause this damage, it is also too strong as the pet teleport and other pets from causing this damage would be different because you have to get close.


Aren't smokescales just a biiiit too tanky?

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


Oh noes, you took damage from the profession mechanic. If only other professions could do that infinitely better.

It’s also hysterical how little of the incompetent AI damage you managed to avoid. How exactly do you deal with real revenants?

(edited by Fluffball.8307)

Aren't smokescales just a biiiit too tanky?

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


I don’t know about the Rangers pet but in pve these foes are so annoying to kill.

I was farming smokescales on my reaper for collection, and every now and then a braindead player would appear, charge in, 100b (or insert burst skill here) the smokescale in the face (while being inside the smokefield), continue dpsing until the second smoke assault where he would drop dead.

Are you one of those players?

Yes I’m a 5signet 100b warrior. Really it’s just out of balanced that ranger pets can do more dmg than the ranger cause we all know how garbage ranger dps is and is why they are autokick in any group I make.

Aren't smokescales just a biiiit too tanky?

in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356

It’s okay to pet Smokescale? They need to nerf both attack Assault smoke as well as the f2 of Bristleback.

Look at the damage I received from Smoke Scale, one was 10k and one 12k.

there’s no way to dodge because they cool quickly and can then reuse this Assault attack.

Although it uses all resources for pet cause this damage, it is also too strong as the pet teleport and other pets from causing this damage would be different because you have to get close.

You lost to a BM ranger (probably building everything around pets like Enlargement or Sick’Em) because you lack awareness.
As a Berserker Guardian.
Well… That’s one way how to confess.

Nope, the pet has already been nerfed. You are quite late. This is not a matter of pets. If not the pets, there’s only one place where the fault can be.

“Observe, learn and counter.”

Aren't smokescales just a biiiit too tanky?

in Ranger

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


Let me understand this new line of logic: Ranger DPS sucks in PvE, so you kick them from your group, but the ranger pet does too much damage to you in PvP . . . therefore the ranger, indirectly through the pet, does too much damage and needs a nerf?

. . .

Can we please have this thread locked or deleted before the kitten gets any deeper in here?

Gone to Reddit.

(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)

Aren't smokescales just a biiiit too tanky?

in Ranger

Posted by: Ghostwind.4380


No No No – please do not nerf the smoke scale. I do mainly pve, and generally solo. The smoke scale is the pet I can rely on to help me handle most content and take out some of the more difficult HoT mobs. Without it I would have had a much harder time getting 100% map complete on all the HoT maps and finishing the story. Do not nerf this excellent pet and deny it’s usefulness to new rangers out there wanting to do the same thing.

Aren't smokescales just a biiiit too tanky?

in Ranger

Posted by: Tamianth.4153


I just wish I could find s frelling Smokescale to tame – sorry, charm. Is there some special condition I have to meet? Ive read up but nothing Ive read has been particularily clear on the matter of where or how.

Aren't smokescales just a biiiit too tanky?

in Ranger

Posted by: Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

This thread is heading in a bad direction. We’ll do a little cleanup and lock it to prevent further mud slinging.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events