Axe off-hand

Axe off-hand

in Ranger

Posted by: Nimrud.5642


for the bunker build

Axe #5 is quite meh, but #4 with a 15sec cooldown seems nice. I dont really feel like I’m missing that extra dodge…

What do you guys think?

enthusiastic noob

Axe off-hand

in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356

Kinda unreliable.
I tried to use it in some builds but… You know. I always ended up ditching it.

If you wanted to use it you’d have to make a whole build work around 1 attack which feels way too wrong. It rarely hits without any pre-setting.
But can work against so many DHs playing around, I guess.

“Observe, learn and counter.”