BUG: "Guard" bugs out pet commands

BUG: "Guard" bugs out pet commands

in Ranger

Posted by: lordhelmos.7623


As stated, Guard when used in conjunction with any other shout or F2 command is bugged.

Using any pet based skill (heel, attack, shout such as Sic Em, pet ability) while guard is active will cancel the “guard” status of the pet and force it to do nothing. The pet will take no action but will consume the CD of the used skill (If Sic Em is used, the pet will sit idle and will not attack a target, it will just sit there and do nothing until another command is used).

The only remedy I’ve found to this was to spam Heel or for the pet to attack the target 3 or more times to clear the guard status off the pet before issuing a command like Sic Em to the pet.

The failure of the pet to respond once put under “guard” is terminal to Nature’s Voice based builds, as “guard” is the only shout with a CD short enough to really take advantage of this new grandmaster trait.

Forcibly putting the pet in guard every 12 seconds causes the pet to become stuck in guard mode and forces the ranger to clear guard status manually using spam or risk having a skill like Sic Em or a F2 command become consumed without the pet actually initiating the attack.

This leads to very clunky ranger play. The pet should transition smoothly from Guard and into Sic Em, Protect Me, Seek and Rescue, or F2s

Using ANY shout or F2 skill while the pet is guarding will cancel guard, initiate the CD of the used skill, and force the pet to just sit there lobotomized without actually taking any action.

Hopefully this will be fixed, because it breaks Nature’s Voice builds.

(edited by lordhelmos.7623)

BUG: "Guard" bugs out pet commands

in Ranger

Posted by: Mardermann.7468


somehow I think that really funny (in a sad way)

BUG: "Guard" bugs out pet commands

in Ranger

Posted by: Taku.6352


Also don’t forget that due to the pet leash range being 2000 now you can put your Sic’em on full CD because it’s max range is 3000.

BUG: "Guard" bugs out pet commands

in Ranger

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


Target something and press F1. It will remove Guard. Then press F1 again.

If this doesn’t unstick your pet I have nothing else to say.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos