[BUILD] sPvP - full damage condition (very effective)

[BUILD] sPvP - full damage condition (very effective)

in Ranger

Posted by: skream.3964


Hey Guys, what’s up? pOdo here!

come to show my build that is being very popular in gw2codex.com

can see all the information at the following link: http://en.gw2codex.com/build/16901-90-win-rate-guaranteed-pro-ranger-spvp-and-tourney

also my youtube channel: (ranger videos)

if you like my videos and build please rate, subscribe and comment

PD: my new pvp set http://i.imgur.com/o2LHl.jpg

new: september 17 

  • 1910 tougness (2974 armor)
  • 916 vitality (15,082HP)
  • 1860 presicion (49% critical chance)
  • 1015 power (2016 attack, 1502 condition damage)


with condition damage = bold
without condition damage = normal color


  • spike trap: bleeding 5 ½ 1754 damage / 863 damage
  • viper’s nest: poison per pulse 3½ 703 damage / 342 damage

short bow:

  • crossfire : bleeding 3½ 353 damage / 173 damage
  • poison volley: poison 2½ 2342 damage / 1140 damage
  • crippling Shot: bleeding 6½ 706 damage / 345 damage


  • splitblade: bleeding 6½ 3528 damage / 1725 damage


  • entangle: bleeding 8 ¾ 18.816 damage / 9200 damage

Lynx and jungle stalker:

  • rending pounce: bleeding 22s 5175 damage / 2530 damage
  • maul: bleeding 11s 5175 damage / 2530 damage

traits and sigil weapons:

  • skirimshing 10(II) : chance to cause bleed on critical hits. (not known)
  • sigil of superior earth: 60% chance on critical: bleeding (5 sec) (not known)
  • sigil of superior geomancy: inflict bleeding for 7s when you swap to this weapon in combat (not known)

ESCAPE and SLOW skills (very effective in 1v1):

  • frost trap (utility): -66% slow 5sec
  • winter’s bite (axe): 3½ -66% slow
  • call of the wild (horn): +33% movement speed
  • entangle (elite): immobilize
  • quick shot (short bow): 3s +33% movement speed and evasive retreat.
  • double-tap movement: dodge and evade attacks.

(edited by skream.3964)

[BUILD] sPvP - full damage condition (very effective)

in Ranger

Posted by: skream.3964


edit: september 17 (comparison of damage with / without damage condition)

remember to rate,subscribe and comment. your comments are my motivation to continue with builds, videos and more things

[BUILD] sPvP - full damage condition (very effective)

in Ranger

Posted by: skream.3964


edit: september 18 pets runes and sigils

[BUILD] sPvP - full damage condition (very effective)

in Ranger

Posted by: skream.3964


edit: september 19
changed: viper’s trap x flame trap
changed : marksmanship 10 to marksmanship 5/beasmastery 5
added: new video DPS COMBO test (damage condition)

[BUILD] sPvP - full damage condition (very effective)

in Ranger

Posted by: Mandar.9813


It is my understanding that pets do not benefit from our condition damage, so I haven’t been using any pets for their condition skills. I choose my pets to best supplement me, so I have been using brown bear (cure condition) and red moa (-33% damage). However, in the past I have also enjoyed the Hyena (for his call a friend skill) and the Ice Drake, because he looks kitten and has a helluva bite.

Right now GW2 is down for maintenance so I can’t get on and compare things, and I’m willing to bet you probably have me beat in gear. So far I’m just sitting on Rare (yellow) stuff.

Anywho, I just wanted to say that I have been playing a condition-based Ranger from the start, and I think it is just awesome. I have my traits set at +30 for Condition Damage and Toughness, using Superior Rune of Undead (again condition damage and toughness). I divided my other trait points between power and vitality (I forget the name of the traitlines). My gear is all Carrion, so Power, Vit, and Condition damage. Your crit rate is much much higher than mine, I’ve put precision waaaaay on the back burner. All of my SP traits are traps, so I actually rely on my traps to do at least half of my damage. I can melt a group of mobs easily, and if I am going to start setting traps I like to round up a few of them. In WvW (I have not done any PvP yet), traps are just awesome to drop on foes mid-skirmish, or drop around you and range them and they decide to come at me in melee range (always a fun surprise ).

I can tell just by looking at my damage on shortbow is about 100 higher (241) for 1st skill. I can’t recall what my condition damage is, but I really wish I could get it and compare it to yours.

Anyways, I’m happy to see I am not the only one enjoying this ranger build.

I guess I could also go ahead and mention that I swap between sword + torch. (sword with the major sigil of bloodlust, torch with, well I forget the name, but I get 2 stacks of might by switching to it, which is just perfect since I always start with a bow), and my bow tends to be a shortbow. When I wasn’t PvPing I really enjoyed the Sword+Torch, and Axe+Warhorn. I switched to a shortbow when I started doing a lot of WvW for the added range.

Anyways, if I remember this thread later, I will recomment with my specs on condition damage once I can get in and look at them, because I look at numbers alllll day at work, they start to blend together everywhere.

Ultimately, it seems that my focus has come down to Condition Damage, Power, Toughness, and Vitality. Due to my condition damage I can do some serious face melting if someone or something stumbles into my traps (I am usually setting them around me or dropping them mid skirmish, they insta-spring), and it seems that, at least in WvW, my toughness makes me pretty hard to kill. When things get hairy I love my sword skills for leaping around.

Your Resident Devil’s Advocate

(edited by Mandar.9813)

[BUILD] sPvP - full damage condition (very effective)

in Ranger

Posted by: skream.3964


Thanks for commenting I appreciate it

  1. for me is very imba that you use lynx and jungle stalker, because the goal of the build is to have the maximum dps in damage condition. (and stacks condition time)
  2. have passive skill of (normal hits), and F2 skills (+175 damage condition and another bleeding skill 5k damage )
  3. have passive slash (vulnerability 5s) >> nice for short bow and beasmastery trait (5)
  4. pet have 2111 presicion is amazing (you got perma bleed When They attack target)
  5. pet with damage condition 4704 condition damage
    pet without damage condition 2300 condition damage

[BUILD] sPvP - full damage condition (very effective)

in Ranger

Posted by: trammer.2847


Love the idea and thinking behind this build. going to try it tonight. i mostly do pve and WvWvW. i am an asura so my racial i have access to is Radiation Field.

15s duration is a combo field. would replace frost trap. poison combo get more bleeds out as stuff passes through.

still like ice trap for WvWvW

Thoughts on that?

[BUILD] sPvP - full damage condition (very effective)

in Ranger

Posted by: skream.3964


thx for comment
this build is for structured PvP and tourney, actually frost trap is imba utility when you are in trouble. in WvWvW maybe in tight quarters or caves can be very important when it comes to 10v10 fight

[BUILD] sPvP - full damage condition (very effective)

in Ranger

Posted by: ZannX.4058


I personally like fire trap as burning does 6x the dps of bleed and 3x the dps of poison. Axe + Torch is also incredibly heavy on conditions (especially burning). For kicks, just read the tooltip on the Torch “4” skill to see the burning dmg when you have 1502 condition dmg

[BUILD] sPvP - full damage condition (very effective)

in Ranger

Posted by: skream.3964


actually. I’m looking every day to improve this build with all my items enough to try to make the best build of spvp / tourney for ranger.

thanks for the tips and comments.

[BUILD] sPvP - full damage condition (very effective)

in Ranger

Posted by: Quack.3705


Some (hopefully) constructive criticism:

1. I’m almost certain that your pet does NOT gain from your condition damage, condition duration or any other of your stats (afaik it’s just a tooltip bug) so your pet’s damage numbers are wrong.

2. I don’t quite get why you would use Sigil of Geomacy when you have NO meele abilities. You should be trying to keep meele opponents at range and ranged enemies won’t want to get close to you anyway (of course enemies will get up close now and then but in order to really make use of it you would have to wait to swap weapons until this happens which would be really ineffective). Why not go with an on swap sigil that actually has some use at range like Sigil of battle or leeching.

3. If your going with felines for pets for their damage (as they are the most damage oriented pets) I wouldn’t go with a jungle stalker. It’s active ability is one of those clunky ones with 3+ seconds casting time. I would prefer a Snow Leopard.

4. Quickness/Haste is really awesome imo. Which is why I prefer to go 15 points in beastmastery. The 4 second cooldown reduction on pet swapping lets you get quickness more often but it also means your pet won’t have to survive as long before you swap it out and it also means you can cast your pets’ active abilities more often. Getting 3 stacks of might on your pet for 10 seconds every 16 seconds is pretty nice too (only useful tier 1 trait in beastmastery).

5. Though it is just my personal opinion, I prefer to use spiders. These are the reasons:
Pets in general fill these purposes: Deal damage, Survive until it can be swapped out, Provide support with buffs and cc (depending on what pet).
Felines are good at dealing damage but thats it.
Spiders have more vitality so they are more likely to survive until you can swap them and furthermore they are ranged which makes them less likely to take damage.
The fact that they are ranged also helps them in dealing damage since they don’t have to run around as much before getting into attack range (especially when against thieves that shadow step and stealth all over the place).
They also have 0 cast time active abilities which means casting them won’t interrupt your pet’s dps (their effects aren’t too shaby either).
And finally they have poison. If theres one condition I wanna leave for my pet to deal it would be poison as it’s the least damaging condition, so the fact that it’s damage won’t increase by you stacking condition damage doesn’t matter that much. The important thing is that together with poison volley it will help you keep poison on your enemy permanently decreasing the value of their heals. This makes viper’s nest less important making me more secure swapping it out for fire trap which offers a lot more dps than viper’s nest.

[BUILD] sPvP - full damage condition (very effective)

in Ranger

Posted by: Grizz.7045


Your build is very low on vitality/survivability and you don’t take a stun break or traited signet of stone. I’ve found that trap builds work exceptionally well in group fights on points, but only if people don’t focus me since you will die almost instantly. There are a lot of thieves and warriors who will just instantly burst you down in this type of build. I prefer frost trap/burning trap + 30pt marksmanship for the 30% condition duration and traited signet of the stone for utility. I use spider with deadly venom for long durations of poison, while I dish out most of the bleeding with shortbow and frost/burn/spike traps depending on the match. Don’t underestimate condition duration increase it actually gives more overall damage to condition builds than 300 condition damage from wilderness survival, not to mention it lengthens chill/immo/cripple ect.

[BUILD] sPvP - full damage condition (very effective)

in Ranger

Posted by: Quack.3705


Increased condition duration doesn’t help much if your enemy cleanses your conditions though.
You raise some good points though.
Really agree on the survivability issue. I’ve been trying Lightning reflexes and signet of renewal to help cover it but they don’t seem to help against immobilize (don’t know if your supposed to not be able to break immobilize or if that’s just a bug) so a lot of the time they don’t help when I really need it.
I’ve mostly avoided going into marksmanship because of the lengthy cooldowns on the signets, but I think I’ll try it to see how it feels.

[BUILD] sPvP - full damage condition (very effective)

in Ranger

Posted by: skream.3964


remember this build based full condition damage with good tougness and presicion

[BUILD] sPvP - full damage condition (very effective)

in Ranger

Posted by: Quack.3705


@skream: So? (also toughness won’t help you at all against condition damage).

[BUILD] sPvP - full damage condition (very effective)

in Ranger

Posted by: skream.3964


I prefer to have more toughness because the class that kills me the most, are power and critical damage. vs damage condition class i have heal cooldown 20s for 6.2k hp if it were 1v1

[BUILD] sPvP - full damage condition (very effective)

in Ranger

Posted by: Schixeno.8596


Yes, your condition damage does not effect your pet’s.

However, I’m not 100% sure about this (didn’t test it by myself), but I’ve read from multiple people that when it comes to bleeding, the tics come from whoever has the HIGHEST condition damage. So say if your pet would do 10 damage per tick per stack, and your bleed does 50 damage per tick per stack, your pet’s bleed would stack on top of yours, and each stack your pet places on the bleed would add 50 damage (as long as you apply bleeds consistently)

[BUILD] sPvP - full damage condition (very effective)

in Ranger

Posted by: Quack.3705


No, each bleed stack is tracked separately. It has an indivual timer, ticks independently of all other bleed stacks and deals damage based on the condition damage of the person that applied that stack.
So in your scenario where you stack your 50 dps bleeds on an enemy and then the pets 10 dps bleed, the bleed stacks from your pet would still deal 10 damage while yours tick for 50.

[BUILD] sPvP - full damage condition (very effective)

in Ranger

Posted by: Schixeno.8596


No, each bleed stack is tracked separately. It has an indivual timer, ticks independently of all other bleed stacks and deals damage based on the condition damage of the person that applied that stack.
So in your scenario where you stack your 50 dps bleeds on an enemy and then the pets 10 dps bleed, the bleed stacks from your pet would still deal 10 damage while yours tick for 50.

Is this tested? Because when you look at the conditions on the enemy, there is only one bleed condition

[BUILD] sPvP - full damage condition (very effective)

in Ranger

Posted by: Jordo.5913


so if conditions can’t crit…..why so much precision?

i would much rather be putting that into more vitality or toughness….

[BUILD] sPvP - full damage condition (very effective)

in Ranger

Posted by: Odie.5142


I’m fairly confident, that each stack of bleed registers independently as its own damage . This remains true until the 25 stack limit is reached, then any new stacks applied will essentially override the current weakest bleed damage.

Now after cap is reached, it seems that “weaker” bleeds add to the stacks duration, but where that damage goes or how it is calculated? I have no clue.

My best guess is that the 25 strongest bleeds are always present, and anything applied after simply maintains stacks. I want to test it by taking heavy cond. DMG gear to an event, then checking to see if I get bleed ticks, and if so, leaving, taking gear off/changing it and see if I still get bleed DMG ticks @ 25 stacks.

And OP when I get home I’ll link up my build and help contribute more, I think you’ll find some synergies and it might help you expand a little bit.

[BUILD] sPvP - full damage condition (very effective)

in Ranger

Posted by: Pimpslapper.2047


I have been using the OPs build today and like it quite a bit. I really like the traps. I look forward to more input from you Odie on this though.

One thing I do not like about this build is the 15.5k life and the squishyness of it. Pistol whippers vs this build is for me at least a 100% guaranteed loss.
Also the pet is just freaking dumb. Even on guard he does not attack unless I press F1. The lynx also dies really quickly and a lot. Anything I could do differently for that?
Thanks for the tips, I really appreciate it and like the build, so keep it up!

[BUILD] sPvP - full damage condition (very effective)

in Ranger

Posted by: skream.3964


Thanks for commenting.

If you like, you can try to modify the build and together work on it.

About 49% accuracy, is for bleeding with trait stack (skirmishing, II) and sigil of earth 60% chance to critical bleeding on enemy)
for this reason I have a 49% chance of critical

remember to follow my youtube channel youtube/elfota

[BUILD] sPvP - full damage condition (very effective)

in Ranger

Posted by: Voltar.8574


torch is awesome… the ‘4’ move is like 8 seconds of burn with 30 in marksmanship…spike trap helps keep people in other traps…ranger is definitely one of the stronger condition classes.

[BUILD] sPvP - full damage condition (very effective)

in Ranger

Posted by: skream.3964


now I’m editing and rendering 2 new videos, the first is only 1v1 fights vs all class, the second video is with my last updated sPvP build

probably in 5 or 6 hours will have the 2 new videos.

[BUILD] sPvP - full damage condition (very effective)

in Ranger

Posted by: Aelix.1506


Hey Skream!
Im using your Build and i love it man. One thing that i have change is that i switch between Jungle stalker and Jungle Spider..because of the Hold and the poison..I like the range that the spider actually have..Sometimes it’s very messy on the battlefield and the Stalker is dieing very fast :s..

GJ what i have see so far from you..
Really enjoy it!

[BUILD] sPvP - full damage condition (very effective)

in Ranger

Posted by: skream.3964


new mini vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v35tQ-pnapY

isnt the best, but I try to upload daily videos

[BUILD] sPvP - full damage condition (very effective)

in Ranger

Posted by: Jenosavel.1756



No, each bleed stack is tracked separately. It has an indivual timer, ticks independently of all other bleed stacks and deals damage based on the condition damage of the person that applied that stack.

So in your scenario where you stack your 50 dps bleeds on an enemy and then the pets 10 dps bleed, the bleed stacks from your pet would still deal 10 damage while yours tick for 50.

Is this tested? Because when you look at the conditions on the enemy, there is only one bleed condition

I’ve tested it personally, and it’s true that each copy of bleed does its own damage tracked from its own source. It would seem the combination into a single stack is just for UI cleanliness and player readability, rather than having any bearing on the mechanics.

You can stand behind a target dummy and fire off a few shots of the shortbow then send your eagle/lynx/arctodus in for 1 swipe of the F2. Cease all attacks and watch the bleed damage pop-ups have two distinctly different numbers. One is your bleed damage, one is your pet’s.

Furthermore, and this is unfortunate, you have absolutely no way to influence the condition duration or damage of your pets. The beastmastery trait line does not affect it, nor does your own condition damage and duration stats. All pets I’ve tested so far have identical condition damage output.

I personally stay far away from conditions dealt by the pet.

Leaves and Embers - a fan written GW2 novel (complete!)
Servants of Fortuna [SoF] - We serve fortuna; may she grant us a smile.

[BUILD] sPvP - full damage condition (very effective)

in Ranger

Posted by: Pimpslapper.2047


Played this for a few more hours last night and changed my short bow to long bow, and used the black widow spider. This is a very good build. In Spvp very very useful, I was usually topping the charts with it.
I also tried the torch, but the cooldowns seemed too long to me. May try it again, but the buff from the horn is just great.

[BUILD] sPvP - full damage condition (very effective)

in Ranger

Posted by: Zabija.7289


What armor set are you using with this build? Is it all carrion or is it a mix?

[BUILD] sPvP - full damage condition (very effective)

in Ranger

Posted by: faytte.1057


Why warhorn and not torch?

I think there is an internal cooldown on our crit bleed trait isnt there? So flock of death from warhorn isnt going to proc more than a single bleed…

[BUILD] sPvP - full damage condition (very effective)

in Ranger

Posted by: faytte.1057


Tested against Golem:

Hunters Call definitely is procing Sharpened Edges. Through the duration it was maintaining about 3-4 stacks. Without a parser its hard to know just how much damage that is, but Throw Torch by comparison is doing (with my gear) 4,221 damage over 6 seconds. If someone gets into melee with me, Bonfire is dealing 5628 damage over 8 (realistically, lets say half that) and applying a 1 second burn on ranged attacks through it (for circa 703 damage). Being an 8 second bonfire, its easy to get a few combo procs out of it.

Burns for me are 704 a tick.
Bleeds are 118 a tick per stack
The damage of call vs a big golem with a condition build and my crits seems to do about 1K or so total physical damage (this is with the warhorn up mind you) and about 2-3 stacks id say on it through its duration of bleed. So thats about 300 or so damage a second for its duration (which seems to be about 5 seconds) and another 1K. Quite a bit short of our throw torch.

Secondly there is no bonfire, which is great to throw down in big melees and provides you a number of fire procs. Both have shorter cooldowns.

Warhorn gives you more crits sure, but sharpened edges procs 60% off crits for a 1 second bleed. So thats 118 more damage (might does not give enough condition to effect bleed damage ticks). So 60% of 20% is 12%. That means your attacks have a 12% higher chance to proc for 118 damage, or in other words over the duration of the warhorn buff your attacks are hitting for 14 more damage on average.

Now that ignores the fact your also critting more, but because your not a power build, you dont crit for that much anways. That isnt to dismiss it, double is always double and its always good. It be much harder to abstract your total damage during that period with 20% more double damage, and I’m sure over the course of 15 seconds your power based damage being increased by 20% would likely overtake it, however its hard to say. Bonefire is pretty amazing in a team fight