Barrage is not allowing a target

Barrage is not allowing a target

in Ranger

Posted by: avimage.4507


So this is the only skill that is not working on my longbow bar, and I’m kinda curious as to why, since others are not having this issue. I’m pretty sure I’ve disabled every option available that may be causing the problem, but any other suggestions would be welcome.

Barrage is not allowing a target

in Ranger

Posted by: WatchTheShow.7203


Barrage is the only skill for bows that you need your mouse to use. Press 5, then move your mouse around the screen. You will notice a large red (or green) circle underneath of it. Make sure the giant circle under your mouse cursor is green – red means that you are aiming too far away and the skill won’t trigger. Once you have the circle in the spot where you want it, press 5 again to set off the skill.

If this doesn’t answer your question I’m sorry, but your question was very vague.

Barrage is not allowing a target

in Ranger

Posted by: avimage.4507


I understand how it works. I have my ele at 80 already and use the targeting constantly. The problem is is I will hit 5 and nothing will happen. No targeting at all. Essentially, its almost as if the skill isn’t activating.

Barrage is not allowing a target

in Ranger

Posted by: Robert Andrews.7168

Robert Andrews.7168

Did you maybe accidentally turn on the Quick Ground Targeting option, where your current mouse pointer location is where the AoE effect is launch, which may be pointing at a spot that is too far away to successfully fire the skill?

I’ve done that a few times on some characters.

Oh for the love of little green tomatoes…

Barrage is not allowing a target

in Ranger

Posted by: avimage.4507


That was selected initially, but on an initial search of the forums I’ve found others had changed that option and it helped them, and yet with me I still am unable to activate the skill. I’ve even tested my cursor just now with it very close to my character (ie in range) and hit 5 and the skill still will not activate.

Barrage is not allowing a target

in Ranger

Posted by: SciChronic.3846


are you sure you’re not activating it then canceling out of the channel?

Barrage is not allowing a target

in Ranger

Posted by: Cosmo.8176


Did you make sure to keep 5 as a keybind for that skill? :p

Does it work if you click the actual onscreen button?

Grandmaster Cartographer. Scraping walls like no other.

Barrage is not allowing a target

in Ranger

Posted by: Regallion.8653


I had exactly the same problem with Warhorn and Call Of The Wild. I’d hit it and nothing would happen.

Turned out I hadn’t fully unlocked it. The icon looked like it was fully unlocked but it had about 2 kills left to activate it.

Try killing a couple more things.