Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: CaptainShrimps.9143


1. It hits through evade. If you are evading and in range of a Beastly Warden taunt proc, the taunt will INTERRUPT YOUR EVADE. The only way to prevent being taunted is with invulnerability, which only mesmers, d/f eles, and guardians have access to on 50s, 50s, and 90s cooldowns respectively.

Edit: and stability, which adds warrior to that list.

2. It activates on f2 cast start, not on cast completion. This means that, combined with point 1, the ranger can taunt you at his convenience since there is no opportunity to even move out of range.

3. Why is fear a condition that can be cleansed, but taunt is a hard cc? Especially since the taunt lasts 2 full seconds with only a 15s ICD.

If nerfing this trait will cause ranger to be underpowered, then Anet should buff other areas of ranger as well instead of leaving this trait in it’s current form. An instant aoe 2 second hard cc with a 15 second ICD that cannot be evaded is blatantly unbalanced.

I suggest making it not hit through evade and making it activate on f2 cast completion instead of on cast start.
If the trait would be too underpowered without being instant cast, then make taunt into a condition instead of a hard cc.

(edited by CaptainShrimps.9143)

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Making it cast on F2 completion will ruin it’s combo potential. Just fixing the undodgeability and possibly increasing the cooldown would be fine. Taunt doesn’t go through stab so, stab is also an option for defending against it.

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Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Just wait until the other classes get access to it.

I hardly see how this is a game changer when you have stealth shatter bomb mesmers running around, and forest fire guardians.

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Just wait until the other classes get access to it.

I hardly see how this is a game changer when you have stealth shatter bomb mesmers running around, and forest fire guardians.

Doesn’t need to be a game changer in order to need a fix. Small things that are unbalanced are still unbalanced.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: CaptainShrimps.9143


Right, stability. Forgot about that. However, attacks (especially cc) hitting through evade is unacceptable.

I still think that taunt should be a condition, as it is so similar to fear.

I agree that increasing the cooldown would be a good approach that doesn’t involve removing the instant-cast. A cooldown somewhere between 20 and 30 seconds should be sufficient.

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: Frigoris.7853


Haven’t been on much lately…
But you can’t cleanse it? That’s stupid.
The CD is timed with pet swaps which is nice since we know that when we swap there is a taunt ready.
So leave that as is but it should act like any other condition.

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: Ehecatl.9172


Hitting through evade should be changed, but making it trigger at the end of the cast would ruin the trait and make it borderline useless.

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: mistsim.2748


taunt should be a punishing mechanic only broken with a stunbreaker.

it should work through blocks and invulns, but not through evades imo.

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: Aomine.5012


1. It hits through evade. If you are evading and in range of a Beastly Warden taunt proc, the taunt will INTERRUPT YOUR EVADE. The only way to prevent being taunted is with invulnerability, which only mesmers, d/f eles, and guardians have access to on 50s, 50s, and 90s cooldowns respectively.

Edit: and stability, which adds warrior to that list.

2. It activates on f2 cast start, not on cast completion. This means that, combined with point 1, the ranger can taunt you at his convenience since there is no opportunity to even move out of range.

3. Why is fear a condition that can be cleansed, but taunt is a hard cc? Especially since the taunt lasts 2 full seconds with only a 15s ICD.

If nerfing this trait will cause ranger to be underpowered, then Anet should buff other areas of ranger as well instead of leaving this trait in it’s current form. An instant aoe 2 second hard cc with a 15 second ICD that cannot be evaded is blatantly unbalanced.

I suggest making it not hit through evade and making it activate on f2 cast completion instead of on cast start.
If the trait would be too underpowered without being instant cast, then make taunt into a condition instead of a hard cc.

1 is legit.

2 3 is just plain bias and you just want the trait to be worthless zzz…

2 is a feature of taunt. Since it has such a small radius, it shouldn’t just land when F2 hits. Also this trait is designed for all types of pets (Anet said so himself too). If you change f2 that only triggers on hit, pet’s f2 that does not cause damage will be useless. (For example, brown bear).

3. Fear has MANY MANY more ways to apply it than taunt ever could have been! Fear also can be chained in duration and enhanced by condition duration traits, as oppose to taunt is ALWAYS ONLY 2 secs. Fear is also mostly range or auto-proc, unlike taunt which only has a pitiful 240 radius (melee range) that requires your pet to be alive and near your opponent. It is reasonable that it’s a hard CC!

Your comparison is a total joke. If you want to make Taunt like fear, then ok, let’s give Ranger way more access to taunt other than stupid pets! Our pet should cause taunt on auto attack on a 10 sec CD. We should have lots of utilities that cause AOE taunt in an area. We also should have access to way longer duration of taunt because it’s a condition now. (maybe we should be able to chain it to 8 seconds like what Necro does here, and cause 700 damage per second like fear does)
Are you happy now?

Seriously, stop destroying an underpower class already! Ranger’s selling point is never damage or burst, but rather numerous access to soft and hard CC! If you take away that, ranger will be worthless once again.

(edited by Aomine.5012)

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: CaptainShrimps.9143



Like I said in the OP, if ranger is underpowered then buff areas other than this trait. This specific trait is one that is indisputably overpowered and deserves a nerf.

If you have suggestions for how to buff ranger in other areas, I suggest you create a thread about it.

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: mistsim.2748


taunt is pretty much perfect the way it is. id just make sure it doesnt work through evades.

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


Right now taunt applies through everything then CCs the target. The only way to deal with it is stability. It’s a simple fix. Allow it be blockable, invulned, and dodgeable. Although, for rangers it should be unblockable. That way we can have something usefull…

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: EthanLightheart.9168


I really don’t see a problem here. It lasts only 2 seconds and is a master trait…
Even a warriors hammer attack disabel speople longer, not to talk about all the mesmer interrupting.

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: Aomine.5012



Like I said in the OP, if ranger is underpowered then buff areas other than this trait. This specific trait is one that is indisputably overpowered and deserves a nerf.

If you have suggestions for how to buff ranger in other areas, I suggest you create a thread about it.

2s HARD CC, 7 sec CD (when traited), 5 targets, 600 range, 240 radius, blast finisher, high damage, cleanse 3 conditions (when traited)

How come I didn’t see you complain about this, a way stronger and more spammable CC than ranger’s taunt?

Oh, I know the reason, because it is ranger! You guys expect ranger to be trash tier and should never be able to be competitive.

Seriously, you are the one who should come up with the ideas of compensation for nerfing taunt. Otherwise it’s just plain nerf and no compensation on an already under-powered class.

To Euro:
I agree taunt should be unblockable too since Fear is unblockable as well.

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: Kraljevo.2801


I really don’t see a problem here. It lasts only 2 seconds and is a master trait…
Even a warriors hammer attack disabel speople longer, not to talk about all the mesmer interrupting.

It’s BUGGED. Reading comprehension so hard?

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


I really don’t see a problem here. It lasts only 2 seconds and is a master trait…
Even a warriors hammer attack disabel speople longer, not to talk about all the mesmer interrupting.

It’s BUGGED. Reading comprehension so hard?

So is binding blades. That hasn’t been fixed. Maybe it is intended.

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: Sol.4310


The trait is working as intended you need stab and stun breakers to counter it.

Who knew, now pets are useful people would QQ so much, have you tried killing the pet first, isn’t hard in this meta. Pro’s and Con’s to everything just everyone complains rather then thinking oh wait if I do this I’ll have no problem.

Evades, now lets talk about this. Question is how do you evade something that is instant cast and you have no idea when it will hit? Does this mean your Random Dodging and getting punished for it?

Ranger is weakest class atm if you take away Taunt and we are completely useless. We will have nothing left to bring to team comps.

Today I was doing some training with my friend, he killed my pet off really fast and then killed me while decapping the point, who knew using your brain would help.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


I like how you’ve incorrectly stated that taunt was a hard CC, when it’s actually a condition that can not only be cleansed, but can also be 100% negated through resistance and zerker stance.

EDIT: I’m going to double check that it’s a condi, the wiki claims it’s a hard CC but i’m almost positive zerker stance stopped it from being applied.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

(edited by Durzlla.6295)

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: Elorna.5329


Originally they compared it to a “reverse fear” in that 4 hour long stream, or even before during the revenant reveal. Plus, it had and still has a red icon, so I also thought it’s a cond. But it’s currently a CC effect that obeys the same rules like a stun or knockback.

The greatest freedom is the freedom not to get involved.

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: Shadelang.3012


Honestly. its pretty much the only effective weapon rangers have against Evade spam builds unless we go condi bunker…. Which is just as bad in a completely less counterable way.

Taunt is already incredibly short range.

Making it cast on completion would kill the trait. Sorry but the quickness on pet swap would win out almost guaranteed.

I feel it should still go through evades/blocks giving rangers a method of counterplay against builds that spam these. However I feel it should NOT go through invulns. (invuln should be invuln. period)

MAYBE it should be cleanse-able. You’d have to convince me on that.

Its short range and its predictable timing are already decent shortcomings once players learn how it works. While I agree it could use SOME changes. A too heavy nerf right now could pretty much ruin it. Making one more grandmaster that simply doesn’t add up.

Ghost Yak

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: Archon.6480


Sorry, but I like Taunt the way it is. Everyone has been bashing Rangers and “their useless pets” for years. Can you perma stow that please!? Guess what? Now that useless pet can eviscerate you. Poetic justice. Love it. The counter play is to not let it get close to you at the wrong time.

Jade Quarry – Esparie
Illustrious Exhausted Primordial Legendary Druid, and Mesmer for fun
PvE | PvP (1500)| WvW | Fractals | Dungeons

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356

People who want Taunt nerfed are people who can’t suck up the fact that Rangers can be now useful.
… And still less useful than insta 8 stack burning guardian or ele.

“Observe, learn and counter.”

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: Rym.1469


1. It shouldn’t interrupt Evade, though it should be Unblockable.

2. It’s needed. Your telegraph is pet within 300 range from you every 15 seconds. Ranger needs instant-CC.

3. Because it’s hard CC, it isn’t increased it duration via Condition Duration stat. Make it condi and I’ll make your 2 second Taunt 3-4s one. I don’t think you want that.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


Don’t worry qq-ppl, rangers aren’t allowed good things. It will be nerfed soonish, trust me.

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: blitzkrieg.2451


There’s way too much QQ about the skill, it will definitely get nerfed ON TOP of fixing the obvious broken aspects of it like going through blocks/invulns. The problem is, they’ll do both which will make it completely useless.

It shouldn’t go through evades , blocks or invulns but what they’ll probably do is make it a condition , put a 30sec icd on the skill so it’s not as “spammable” (lol?) and make it to where it actually occurs on the pet’s f2 attack not before it.

This will kill the skill and make it useless, so pretty much enjoy it while it lasts rangers.

And to the OP, we’ve been requesting buffs in many aspects of the ranger for 2+ years now. Do you HONESTLY think we’ll get ANY Compensation for the nerf to taunt simply by asking devs in the forums? Please…

Tanbin – Ranger / Thief / Ele

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


fix the bugs and it working through evades and then remove the ICD or place the ICD per pet and not globally.

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: Lévis.5489



Like I said in the OP, if ranger is underpowered then buff areas other than this trait. This specific trait is one that is indisputably overpowered and deserves a nerf.

If you have suggestions for how to buff ranger in other areas, I suggest you create a thread about it.

2s HARD CC, 7 sec CD (when traited), 5 targets, 600 range, 240 radius, blast finisher, high damage, cleanse 3 conditions (when traited)

How come I didn’t see you complain about this, a way stronger and more spammable CC than ranger’s taunt?

Oh, I know the reason, because it is ranger! You guys expect ranger to be trash tier and should never be able to be competitive.

Seriously, you are the one who should come up with the ideas of compensation for nerfing taunt. Otherwise it’s just plain nerf and no compensation on an already under-powered class.

To Euro:
I agree taunt should be unblockable too since Fear is unblockable as well.

Don’t you know? Rangers cannot have nice things.

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: Frigoris.7853


But I want nice things

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: Elorna.5329


It should be unblockable, but not undodgeable or going thru immunities.

The greatest freedom is the freedom not to get involved.

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356

It should be unblockable, but not undodgeable or going thru immunities.

I was actually thinking a mechanic to counter immunity would be exactly what I’d think that a Ranger could be wanted into competitive play.

Because there is nothing else a Ranger has to be better than Burst mesmer/thief or almighty d/d Ele that has been dominating PvP scene for … almost a year now?

“Observe, learn and counter.”

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: Aomine.5012


It should be unblockable, but not undodgeable or going thru immunities.

I was actually thinking a mechanic to counter immunity would be exactly what I’d think that a Ranger could be wanted into competitive play.

Because there is nothing else a Ranger has to be better than Burst mesmer/thief or almighty d/d Ele that has been dominating PvP scene for … almost a year now?

Not to mention a Ranger can never touch a Mesmer when he traits for PU and reflect on dodge. All they need to do is stealth for 6 secs -> burst from stealth -> dodge reflect -> stealth -> burst from stealth -> dodge reflect. Basically there’s no counter-play whatsoever. It does not matter how good you play, but rather how bad the mesmer play. If the Mesmer does his rotation properly there’s 0 chance you’re going to hurt him as a ranger. Same goes to D/D Ele, doesn’t matter how good you play, but rather how bad the d/d ele plays that you get the win or not.

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: Elorna.5329


What Aomine is describing are probably the two biggest problems after the patch (together with burning stacks). The entire earth traitline is too strong on an already crazy good D/D or D/F combination and mesmer burst is too easy to set up without almost any warning. Those should be fixed and probably will be, but undodgeable taunt will definitely fall with them. The only hope I have is that Anet doesn’t go overboard in nerfing all those.

The greatest freedom is the freedom not to get involved.

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: mistsim.2748


I like how you’ve incorrectly stated that taunt was a hard CC, when it’s actually a condition that can not only be cleansed, but can also be 100% negated through resistance and zerker stance.

it’s a status effect, like stun.

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: blitzkrieg.2451


It’s already confirmed this trait as a bug and there’s a tracked fix for it according to Grouch , I just hope they dont nerf anything on this trait and only fix it working even if evaded/blocked/invuln’d

Tanbin – Ranger / Thief / Ele

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: nacario.9417


At least Ill have my memories <3

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: Redemer.2601


fun fact for you guys that compare it to fear fear makes you run away and it also make you UNABLE to attack while teaunt MAKES you attack an specifik target which acually used to be useless in pvp if a person didnt run in a straightline (LOL) and and last i checked Necro acually has 2 fears…