Beastmaster Survival Vigor Build
This is exactly what I use point allocation anywho. Didn’t actually look at build. One of the things I’ve discovered that have helped my pets tremendously is the 2 secs of protection on dodge roll. I use it all the time to keep my pets from being splattered by AoE. The two seconds for the ranger isn’t much as most of it is spent in dodge animation. But for the pet it is a huge buff to survival with 33% damage mitigation, on top of the improved stats from the BM line.
For all the nay sayers who complain about the pets blowing up in AoE, for now this is it for mitigation. Most people I’ve talked too trait around 20 into the line anyway so I know you have it. Use it.
If you want to use the utility skill " Protect Me " take pets with high HP / Toughness, bears are good.;9-0K;3T9T;457A2;029BK;07W;1X7X7X7X72Vy
The idea is high condition damage while maintaining a good amount of regeneration and a high amount of vigor up time.
Any input is appreciated.
Replace Warhorn with Torch, Throw Torch is a lot of damage… You might wanna consider the axe for Sword as well, Evade is nice, but Axe isn’t to bad for the weakness.
If you’re using Healing Power gear, replace Protect me with Signet of the Wild.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies
This is exactly what I use point allocation anywho. Didn’t actually look at build. One of the things I’ve discovered that have helped my pets tremendously is the 2 secs of protection on dodge roll. I use it all the time to keep my pets from being splattered by AoE. The two seconds for the ranger isn’t much as most of it is spent in dodge animation. But for the pet it is a huge buff to survival with 33% damage mitigation, on top of the improved stats from the BM line.
For all the nay sayers who complain about the pets blowing up in AoE, for now this is it for mitigation. Most people I’ve talked too trait around 20 into the line anyway so I know you have it. Use it.
With fortifying bond, the 2 seconds buff becomes 4seconds… Yeah, it’s THAT good.