Beastmastery line dissection ..

Beastmastery line dissection ..

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


Every day I look at this line in particular and i think to myself how entirely luckluster it is . The utility it offers is not that high , and while i can swear on some of the minor and major traits, I feel as if the majority of them are just bad . Very bad .

I will keep it fairly simple , while also trying not to add new things but just tweak and re-position things that are already there .

Instinctual Bond – Honestly, this has got to be the worst trait in the whole game, it is absolutely useless and it has no value at all . Sure , in the off chance of maybe being downed while your cat is attacking the opponent you can maybe get a double KO, but anything that requires you to get downed, and then having a very niche chance of actually doing anything is a bad trait in my book .

My suggestion would be to remove this trait and put loud whistle as a replacement, as in move it down a tier *

This would , quite honestly , be a huge boon to non BM rangers, especially in PvE where actually losing your pet is a major threat . Due to low HP and steep punishment , most pets are not even used in dungeons… well they can be but u know what I mean .

It would also reintroduce the option to place 5 into BM and get something out of it

Move Natural Healing from the GM tier into master minor tier * – Would this be OP ?? nope . Other classes do get pretty good heals or regens for doing their thing …(Eles regens and heals , warrior adrenal health.. etc)

150 health every 3 seconds is not strong for the rangers, but the boon for the pet would be pretty solid if not forced to go really deep into BM to get a boost in pet survivability .

Take away the requirement of pet families from the master tier , change stability training into 3 seconds of stability on pet swap , change rending attacks 50% proc on hit , not proc on critical

This change would be HUGE in adding versatility in pet choice . Like HUUUUUGE . Bears with bleeding attacks ? Yes please . Cat swap granting stability ?? yes please . Etc…

Move back instinctual bond back to GM tier , change it considerably – Ranger pulls 2 conditions onto the pet on weapon swap * – everyone is saying how the ranger needs more active condition removals . Most classes can do some kind of condition removal with their class skils (cleansing ire, shatter removal , virtue activation… etc )

Considering the GM is supposed to be a build defining trait , i think this would be a pretty huge build diversification as you wont be forced into 30 WS for any hope of condition survivability .

Last but not least, something i would suggest that is not within the BM line but can be a pretty good addition for the usability of pets . WS master minor trait , protection on dodge…. change it… **dodging gives 2 seconds of protection to ranger and 10 second lasting aegis for the pet . Protection of 2 seconds on pets is useless , 1 block is not, especialy in dungeons . It would be longer lasting because you wouldnt be forced to burn dodges for your pet alone, but it would benefit it in a proper manner .

I hope this topic can pick up some heat , dont focus too much on my ideas please, they are just that, ideas , be creative , dont complain or derail . Let us do some proper brainstorming to dissect this trait line

ty in advance

Beastmastery line dissection ..

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


I like your idea for instinctual bond, but no beast master is going to hurt their pet for their gain, I’d say make it more along the lines “when you swap pets you cleanse X conditions from yourself”.

That or they make it back to the good old instinctual bond where there was a 10s ICD and your pet got 20s of quickness, hot kitten was downing a ranger that had that + enlargement the LAST mistake of your life.

EDIT: Natural Healing is going to be a Minor trait or a major? No way it should be a major trait on master.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

(edited by Durzlla.6295)

Beastmastery line dissection ..

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


Minor on master , where the loud whistle is now . Whistle goes to minor of adept

Beastmastery line dissection ..

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Minor on master , where the loud whistle is now . Whistle goes to minor of adept

Ah ok, that’s good, and I’d say keep stability training as is (Unless you mean the swap gives AoE stability or even for just you and your pet). Other than that though, I see no complaints, I’ve been preaching the same thing since kittening beta lol.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Beastmastery line dissection ..

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


My vision was it to be like Vigorous training, but instead of vigor you would get aoe stability . Also, i am pretty sure removing pet family requirements from the master traits is a massive boost to build diversity and pet choice

Beastmastery line dissection ..

in Ranger

Posted by: VitalSuit.1980


AoE Stability on pet swap would be a massive buff but honestly you and I both know that would be a grandmaster trait.

Beastmastery line dissection ..

in Ranger

Posted by: Scarletdawn.2750


This has to be the worst beastmaster tree I’ve ever seen in a game with a ranger/hunter. Half the really good pet related traits are NOT even on the BM line…not sure I really understand it…even the increased healing..really?! in the BM line?! That shoudl be in the nature magic line with vitality and boon duration should be in BM line, especially considering that many of the bonuses regarding you and your pet involve boons! With such a broken kitten BM tree, I will NEVER play a beastmaster in this game.

Beastmastery line dissection ..

in Ranger

Posted by: Scarletdawn.2750


oh yeah, almost forgot
where are the pets that ONLY a BM can use? This is something WoW incorporated…and it should totally be applied here, otherwise, whats the big deal with BM? Ooooo big deal, your pet does more damage and has more health…boring…make the BM unique!

Beastmastery line dissection ..

in Ranger

Posted by: Chopps.5047


I like stability training because it allows the ranger to get off the pet utility even while under massive CC—at least if you run bears or porcine. Many people think the pet utility is bugged and while ya, it’s quirky sometimes, really it’s usually your pet getting interrupted if you can’t get off your pet utility.

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

Beastmastery line dissection ..

in Ranger

Posted by: Keyce.8137


oh yeah, almost forgot
where are the pets that ONLY a BM can use? This is something WoW incorporated…and it should totally be applied here, otherwise, whats the big deal with BM? Ooooo big deal, your pet does more damage and has more health…boring…make the BM unique!

Well, depending on the encounter…. I would say cats and birds. They become soooo much more survivable with 30 points into BM over none. It’s ridiculous.

I am also… very disappointed by the pet quickness on downed minor. Seriously? Most other classes get their “X boost while downed” skill as an optional major trait. Why do we HAVE to take it as a 5 point minor? Give our pets 10 seconds of swiftness on swap or something.*

  • I say ten seconds because pets can sometimes be unresponsive (especially when at a range from the target), and 3-5 seconds just seems too short for that. Especially when using the longbow.

Beastmastery line dissection ..

in Ranger

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

I’m definitely in favor of aegis on dodge. I run that trait anyway, so the added bonus would be icing. Plus, in one trait fix most of the complaints of pets being unable to deal with bosses should be cleared up. Also by making it ten seconds you don’t have to be as concerned about “wasting” your dodge for your pet, as I’ve seen some people argue. It won’t help with placed AoEs, but that’s another thing anyway.

Most of the rest I don’t really care about. I’m not a huge fan of most of the Major Master traits, but they become completely worthless thanks to the family restrictions. I agree that removing that restriction would make them much more appealing. I want the traits to compliment how I play, I don’t want to have to compliment how my traits force me to play.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Beastmastery line dissection ..

in Ranger

Posted by: Razor.9872


Yes. Please. So much yes.
Marksmanship needs help too.

NSPride <3

Beastmastery line dissection ..

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I really wish they made those traits pet family traits able to be used with any pet. It would allow the use of any pet.